Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 696: Little girl and Qi Qinshi

However, I am uneducated and can travel the world with just one word.

Lin Feng's mood now is probably that he wants to spit out fragrance and scream a few times.

Mainly because, after discovering the reality of this divine thought.

Lin Feng was indeed shocked by the true nature of this divine thought, and it frightened Lin Feng.

This divine thought is even more extraordinary than Lin Feng imagined.

Mainly reflected in two points.

First, this divine thought does contain the origin of the woman, but it is not only the origin of the soul, but also contains part of the origin of Tao. This is something that Lin Feng did not expect at all. Originally, Lin Feng felt that this part of the divine thought was It is already quite a remarkable thing that a part of a woman's soul is contained in her body, but this world really brings unexpected surprises to people everywhere.

Second, there are still some memories imprinted in this divine thought. Yes, they belong to that woman's memory. In fact, it is normal for some memories to be imprinted in the divine thought. I don't know if the woman knows it. There is such a memory imprinted in this spiritual thought. In many cases, the master may not be aware of this kind of thing.

Lin Feng tried to let his mind enter that memory.

Before Lin Feng saw "the specific content of that memory," he heard countless noisy voices coming from all directions.

next moment.

Lin Feng found himself on a dock next to a huge river. This dock was extremely simple.

There was a dense crowd of people gathered around, no one knew how many people there were, there were just too many people.

But these seem to be just ordinary people.

"My child, my child!". The screams of crying came from a distance. Lin Feng looked and saw a man in official uniform carrying a child.

The child was two or three years old, pink and jade-like, and very good-looking.

A woman who looked to be in her twenties ran towards the child while crying. The child also started crying loudly, crying and shouting things like asking for his mother.

But the woman was stopped by someone.

"Sir, please return my child to me. Please, the child's father died fighting the river monster, leaving us orphans and widowed mothers to depend on each other. Please return the child to me!" The woman kowtowed and begged to a middle-aged man in official uniform. Her head was broken after a few blows, and blood flowed out. The blood and tears seemed to be intertwined, making people unable to bear to look at it.

The official said, "Ms. Qi Qin, I can't bear to see your child being eaten as a sacrifice by the river demon, but I can't do anything about it. It's your unlucky one who drew lots, so I don't care. Whether you want to or not, you have to hand over your child. If you don’t want to hand over your child, that’s fine. You can go find your neighbors and see if anyone is willing to donate their child! Then your child won’t have to hand it over. died!".

"Isn't there preferential treatment for military dependents? Isn't there preferential treatment? The child's father is from Jinjiangwei. He also died tragically at the hands of the river demon to protect the safety of one party. We orphans and widowed mothers obviously don't have to draw lots! Sir, please Let my child go! For the sake of the child’s dead father, let my child go!”. The woman continued to plead.

The official suddenly flicked his sleeves and said with a sneer, "If you continue to mess around here, I will order someone to beat you out with a stick!".

How could the woman give up her child because of the official's threat? She kept begging the official and crawled towards him on her knees, hoping that the official would show mercy. The official winked at his subordinate.

The subordinate knew what he was doing and knocked the woman to the ground with a stick.

The woman's child was placed in a basin on the dock.

The basin carried the child and floated towards the middle of the river.

The woman was beaten half to death, and she cried sadly, but they seemed to be abandoned by God, and no one helped them.


She saw a huge tongue sticking out of the river. It was the tongue of a river demon. It wrapped around the crying child and instantly ate it.

"my child!".

The woman cried miserably, coupled with the severe beating and the pain caused by the child being eaten by the river demon, the woman fainted on the spot.

After the sacrifice was completed, many people dispersed one after another.

Some people looked at the woman who fainted on the dock and shook their heads slightly.

Someone raised some doubts, "Well, what Qi Qin said is right. Their family is a military descendant. Logically speaking, even if they offer sacrifices to the river demon, it would not be their family's turn. Why is it that Qi Qin's child became the deceased?" What if he became a sacrifice to the river demon?"

"He's not the eighth generation of his family. He has no family power and the man is dead. Who else would he bully if she doesn't bully her?" Some people shook their heads and sighed.

The man's words immediately made many people sigh.

The world is so cruel. Just because you are weak does not mean that others will sympathize with you and treat you well.

The opposite of.

If you are weak, others may bully you.

How realistic and cruel.

Let people!

It’s hard to accept, but living in this world, you have to accept these cruel realities.

Mrs. Qi Qin woke up.

But she's crazy.

She goes crazy every day, running around everywhere, and when she meets people, she will say, "My husband is going home soon to visit the bride...".

Sometimes I ask others, "Have you seen my child? Where is my child?".

Some kind-hearted neighbors gave some food to the crazy Qi Qin, and she was able to survive.

That winter was very cold.

Qi Qin is ill.

And that day, it was snowing heavily, and the crazy Qi Qin was running on the street, as if she wanted to greet her husband who was about to come home, and she seemed to want to find her lost child.

She had no shoes and her clothes were in tatters.

She walked for a long time, and when she felt like she was about to die, she saw a little girl lying in the snow, covered in blood.

"My child is my child!".

Qi Qin ran over and picked up the unconscious little girl.

She took the little girl away and hid in the mountain temple. Since the little girl was frozen, Qi Qin took off her clothes, put the little girl's body together with her own, and then The little girl was held in his arms, as if he wanted to use his own body temperature to revive the frozen little girl.

Not long after Qi Qin left, several men in black came here. They were searching for the whereabouts of a little girl.

It snowed heavily for three days and three nights.

The snow stopped.

The little girl woke up.

She found herself being held in the arms of a woman, who was using her body temperature to warm her body.

But that woman.

But he froze to death at a certain time when the snow was falling.

But there was a smile on her lips, and when she died, she seemed to see herself reunited with her children and husband.

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