Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 697: Jinghongshangxian

"Little girl, is she that woman?". Lin Feng couldn't help but mutter to himself.

He felt that there should be no problem with his guess.

The little girl is that woman.

However, Lin Feng didn't know what the specific situation was back then.

Unfortunately, the scene ends abruptly, and what happened next remains a mystery.

Lin Feng couldn't help but ponder slightly. It seemed that Qi Qin was a person who had a great influence on the woman. Otherwise, it would be impossible for these scenes to be imprinted in the woman's memory.

Although the woman looked like a child when she was being chased, Lin Feng always felt that she might not actually be a child at that time.

Of course, this is just Lin Feng's conjecture. Lin Feng doesn't know whether this is the case.

But Lin Feng always felt that he might try to explore the woman's memory a second time.

Because Lin Feng felt that the memories he explored seemed incomplete, because some more important things were not explained in these memories.

Lin Feng felt that theoretically, there should be some important things hidden in these memories.


Lin Feng tried to sense the woman's memory for the second time. After watching the scene Lin Feng saw before, Lin Feng sighed slightly. That Qi Qin family was really miserable. This is what people living at the bottom Be sad.

There are too many people in this world who are as miserable as Qi Qin.

So Lin Feng wants to build an ideal country where everyone is equal.

But Lin Feng also knew how difficult this matter was.

But this time, what Lin Feng saw really changed. Last time, what Lin Feng could see was that the little girl woke up from the arms of the dead woman.

It ended abruptly here.

But this time, there is new content.

After the little girl woke up, she obviously knew that this woman had saved her. She sighed and got dressed for the woman.

Then he found a shabby mat and covered the woman's body.

The little girl immediately entered the mountains and hid for ten days and nights. During these ten days and nights, she had been healing her wounds.

When she came out of seclusion, although she had not fully recovered from her injuries, she was still around 50 to 60% fit.

She seemed a little dissatisfied with this recovery speed, so she wrinkled her face slightly, but she also knew that it would not be easy to recover quickly if she continued to retreat here. She had to find some special elixirs to assist recovery.

After leaving seclusion, she came to the Temple of the Broken Mountain.

The body of the dead woman was still lying in the dilapidated mountain temple. Because it was the cold winter season, with temperatures exceeding minus ten degrees Celsius, the weather was extremely cold, so the woman's body did not rot, but was completely frozen.

The little girl took the woman's body away and found a mountain forest, which was a place where dragons were born, which was the dragon vein that many emperors in the secular world dreamed of finding.

The little girl built a tomb here for the dead woman.

And a monument was erected.

After doing all this, she stood in front of the tomb and bowed three times to the owner of the tomb.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded, "I really didn't expect that the immortal Jinghong, who has always been as cold as ice, would actually bow to the crazy woman who died in the secular world. Who would believe such a thing if you tell me about it, but today we in the Yellow River The Five Saints have seen such incredible things, which really opened our eyes!"

"Five Ghosts of the Yellow River, I didn't kill you, but you actually came to me to die, but you didn't bother me to go find you myself!" the little girl spoke. Although she still looked like a little girl, her words were Her tone didn't sound like that of a little girl at all, but rather that of an adult.

One of the Five Ghosts of the Yellow River sneered and said, "It's so ridiculous. You were no match for us when you were at your peak before. What's more, you are still injured now. You even brazenly said that you can kill us. Who will give it to you?" Do you have the courage to say this?"

The little girl sneered and said, "If I hadn't turned out like a little girl because of my cultivation, do you think you could compete with me? The most fearful thing in this world is not that you are not strong enough, but that you are not good enough. Don’t know yet!”.

The Five Ghosts of the Yellow River also sneered after hearing the little girl's words, and one of them said, "Who doesn't know that your skills are so weird that you will turn into a child every few years, but this will not affect your strength, so, Is it so difficult to admit that you are not as good as me? But we, the Five Saints of the Yellow River, for the sake of God’s good will, can let you live. But you know what we need, please hand it over obediently, it will be a win-win situation for us. situation!".

The little girl sneered. Naturally, she would not believe the nonsense of the Five Ghosts of the Yellow River. These people coaxed her to hand over the things. To put it bluntly, they were worried that the two sides would really fight each other, and she would destroy the things ruthlessly.

By the time! They will also be beaten here.

Nothing is gained.

But if they coax her into handing over her things, after they get those things, they can turn around and kill her.

The little girl said coldly, "You can save these words. No one believes your five-headed ghosts anyway. You can try it and see if I can kill you!".

"It's true that if you don't eat the toast, you'll have to drink the wine as a penalty. Since you want to die, I'll make it happen for you!" One of the five ghosts said coldly.

Another ghost shouted sternly, "We have formed a joint attack and killing formation of the Five Saints. This time, we must completely kill the Immortal Jinghong!".

'good! ’.

The other four ghosts responded one after another, so the five ghosts of the Yellow River formed an attack and killing formation and began to besiege the little girl transformed by Jinghong Shangxian.

"Since you are looking for death, then I will help you! Reincarnation is ever-changing!".

Jinghong Shangxian stepped forward, and something shocking happened. She changed from a little girl to her original appearance at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Obviously, this should be an extremely powerful secret method.

Generally speaking, this secret method is extremely harmful to the body, and there are probably many restrictions on how to use this secret method. But as the Five Ghosts of the Yellow River said before, Jinghong Shangxian used the little girl's The Five Ghosts of the Yellow River cannot be defeated in any form, so Master Jinghong must use this secret method to defeat the five terrifying existences of the Five Ghosts of the Yellow River.

"Everyone, please be careful. Immortal Jinghong used a secret method to restore her original appearance when she came up. It can be seen that her current situation is definitely worse than we imagined. Let's stabilize the defense now and wait for Immortal Jinghong to change. After the physical state disappears, we can crush her to death however we want!"

One of the five ghosts laughed and looked at Jinghong Shangxian as if looking at a dead person. Obviously, in his opinion, they, the Five Ghosts of the Yellow River, were sure to defeat Jinghong Shangxian today.

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