Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 700: Practice the Midas Touch

The most urgent task now is to learn the secret skill of the Golden Touch. As for the complete golden page, it should still be in the hands of Jinghong. It is not easy to get the complete golden page, especially if you destroy it yourself. After receiving a special divine thought from Master Jinghong, I don’t know if this woman, Master Jinghong, will hate me, but even if she hates me, Lin Feng doesn’t care. Anyway, from Lin Feng’s point of view, the two sides have already broken their heads. Now, it doesn’t matter whether we have more hatred or less hatred.

Lin Feng carefully studied the method of practicing the Golden Touch, but there were actually very few formulas.

But when practicing the Midas Touch, you obviously can’t just look at the contents of the formula. It’s like the six-character mantra passed down by Buddhism only has six words. If you are given six words to practice, and there is no formula, it is logically impossible to succeed in cultivation. Yes, but some people can practice successfully. This is because every word of the six-character mantra contains Tao.

The method of cultivation is contained in the Tao. It depends on your ability to understand the deeper content through the literal meaning.

Therefore, the more advanced things are, the more like this. If you only practice according to the superficial words and formulas, sometimes you may be able to practice successfully, but that is just the most basic magical power. If you want to cultivate more powerful magical powers, , you need to understand the deeper content.

In addition to testing the monk's talent and understanding.

In fact, there is some element of luck in it.

Therefore, even the most top-notch experts and the most talented monks may not be able to succeed in practicing certain magical powers, probably because they lack some luck.

Lin Feng was immersed in these words. As time passed, Lin Feng seemed to have entered a mysterious and mysterious state.

time space.

After one month.

Where Lin Feng practiced, there was a Taoist sound bird, and the sacred light shot straight into the sky from Lin Feng's body.

Lin Feng was shrouded in divine light.

He looked so otherworldly.

It was like a banished immortal descending from the Nine Heavens.

Obviously, Lin Feng's gains from practicing this time were extremely huge, otherwise he would not have caused such a big commotion.

Suddenly, Lin Feng opened his eyes, and two rays of light burst out from his eyes.

Deep in his eyes, there was unconcealable joy.

Lin Feng raised his hand and pointed towards a thousand-meter-high mountain peak not far away.

A golden light shone on the mountain peak.

Then something amazing happened. The mountain peak instantly turned into a golden mountain peak.

The golden peak reflects a golden luster, almost no different from that made of gold. It is so majestic. If this peak appeared in the secular world, it would be a golden mountain, enough for countries in the secular world to mobilize a large number of people for this golden mountain. armies fight for it.

Wealth is touching.

In the world of cultivators, this golden mountain is nothing. After all, gold is not currency in the secular world, but fairy stones are currency.

Only currency is valuable.

Apart from assisting monks who have practiced the Way of Gold in their cultivation, gold basically has no role. This is also an important reason why gold is not precious in the world of practitioners.

Lin Feng came to the mountain peak.

He nodded gently towards the golden mountain peak again.

There was a crash.

The golden mountain peak collapsed in an instant.

Turned into countless gold fragments.

"This is?". Seeing this scene, Lin Feng once again looked shocked. Originally, Lin Feng thought that after turning the target into gold with the Midas Touch, the target was just "golden" and lost the ability to move.

This is very similar to petrification. Of course, the difference is the most advanced petrification technique. For example, the petrification technique mastered by the empress should be regarded as the most advanced petrification technique. The petrification strength is not as good as that of her own monks or monks with similar strength. , the probability is still quite high, but if the petrification ability is a bit stronger than that of a monk, the probability of successful petrification will be greatly reduced, the highest probability is about 30%.

Of course, after all, the opponent is too powerful, with a probability of up to 30%. From a probability perspective, it is actually quite high, but compared with the Midas Touch, it is far behind.


With the unique skill of the Golden Touch, even if you face a monk who is much stronger than yourself, there is still a maximum 60% chance of turning the opponent into gold. What a terrifying probability. Lin Feng trembles with fear when he hears this probability. .

Therefore, the role that such a unique skill can play is absolutely beyond imagination.

Of course, although Lin Feng had mastered this secret skill, it was only a small success. The time was so short, and it was impossible for the pioneers to practice this secret skill to a perfect level.

Anyone who practices certain powerful magical powers cannot push this magical power to the top level in a short period of time. It will take time to accumulate.

After getting familiar with this magical power.

Lin Feng decided to leave seclusion.

After being delayed for some time on the road, he didn't know what was going on at the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation. However, Lin Feng believed that no one could get the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation. Since the Sacred Tree gave birth to its own consciousness, it was absolutely impossible for him to do so. Easy to get.

Lin Feng's strength has improved a lot now.

He felt that the probability of winning the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation had increased a lot.

After leaving customs.

Lin Feng went all the way deep.

After that, Lin Feng did not encounter any danger again.

And three days later.

Lin Feng saw a scene that made him feel incredible.

He saw four monks, the leader of whom was a woman.

Behind the woman were three monks, and those three monks had a lot of history.

The first person was none other than the Ant King guy.

That guy, a terrifying being who could mobilize a colony of God-killing ants, has now become someone else's follower, which really makes Lin Feng feel incredible.

Lin Feng actually knew the second person. He was none other than the Corpse Emperor. He was also a very perverted existence.

He is ridiculously strong and is good at using corpse poison.

The third person is shrouded in darkness.

I can’t see clearly what he looks like or who he is.

These three people were all first-class people, and now they have become followers, which shows how extraordinary the woman's identity is. But the more Lin Feng looked at the woman, the more familiar she felt from her back.

The woman seemed to be aware of it and looked towards where Lin Feng was standing behind her, but she saw nothing because Lin Feng hid herself.

However, Lin Feng saw the woman's face clearly. After seeing the woman's appearance, Lin Feng had an expression full of disbelief.

Maybe it was because I was too shocked.

It was like he had seen a ghost.

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