Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 701: Flower Fairy Appears

Because that woman Lin Feng was so familiar. She was the woman who was sealed in the crystal coffin in the Ant King's lair.

Originally, Lin Feng thought that this woman was going to be sacrificed by the Ant King, so he brought her out.

Later, the woman woke up. She was very mysterious. There was a mysterious door of darkness in her mind. Behind the door of darkness, there seemed to be a huge secret hidden. Unfortunately, Lin Feng was not able to pry into the secret behind the door of darkness. .

This woman is quite capable of provoking some terrifying beings. Of course she didn't provoke them on her own initiative. She is like Tang Monk's meat. Some terrifying beings like to eat her to increase their strength. They caused a lot of trouble for Lin Feng back then. Lin Feng let She stayed in the Nine Provinces Monk Army, but this woman didn't listen, and later ran out, and then Lin Feng lost contact with her.

But who would have thought that when they saw this woman again, the three young men following her would be more terrifying than the other. It was incredible.

Lin Feng clearly remembered that he had explored this woman's strength at that time. Although this woman's strength was not bad, she was really not a very powerful monk.

But now everything has changed, and earth-shaking changes have taken place.

This is really puzzling.

Obviously, anyone can see that this woman is not a sacrifice at all. She has an extremely high status. When she appears in the ant king's lair, it is actually the ant king who leads the ant colony to protect her.

Instead of treating her as a sacrifice.

It was Lin Feng who made a mistake before and brought this woman out.

Now this woman is reunited with several subordinates.

As for Lin Feng's previous exploration of this woman's strength, he found that she was not very strong. There were only two reasons. The first reason was that this woman's method of hiding her own strength was so powerful that Lin Feng was unable to find out how deep this woman was. .

The second reason may be that the woman was not in the right state at the time, which led to some problems with her strength. It was naturally difficult to detect, so Lin Feng was not able to detect her true state.

"Sir, what's wrong?". Seeing the woman turning her head to look at a certain location, the Corpse Emperor also looked at the same location, but found nothing, so he asked.

The woman shook her head slightly, turned around and continued on her way.

Lin Feng appeared after they left. Lin Feng couldn't help but frown slightly. The woman's perception was too sharp, and she didn't know if she really discovered him.

Lin Feng suddenly remembered what the four powerful men on the island said.

The old stone man, Gengzi Demon Lord, Qiankun Ghost Mother, and the Flower Fairy.

Among these four people, the old stone man, the Gengzi Demon Lord, and the Qiankun Ghost Mother had all appeared before, but only the Flower Fairy did not appear.

That woman is really pretty.

She has a good figure and temperament, and she does have a bit of a flower fairy temperament.

Could it be that she is the flower fairy?

Lin Feng couldn't help but think about it. He felt that this possibility was quite high, but to be honest, although Lin Feng had some contact with her before, Lin Feng actually couldn't figure out what that woman's attitude towards him was. She had a friendly attitude, but she did not stop the God-killing Ant King and others below from dealing with her.

If it was a hostile attitude, Hua Xianzi was so powerful that she did not personally deal with him.


It's better to stay away from this woman.

This is safer.

Lin Feng continued on his way.

Two days later.

He finally arrived at the area where the Sacred Tree of Samsara was located. In that area, there were mountains.

The powerful power of reincarnation was everywhere, and Lin Feng even saw some spiritual beasts condensed from the power of reincarnation running around in the mountains and forests.

Many monks have already arrived here. Lin Feng found that some monks occupied some of the mountains. Their auras were transmitted from those mountains. This was a warning to others that those mountains had been occupied by them.

Newcomers should not think about going to those peaks.

Of course, there may be some hard-nosed people who are not afraid of offending others and snatching away the hills occupied by others.

But to be honest, there are far fewer such stubborn people now.

When Lin Feng came here, he found that more than one breath locked him.

Some have strong murderous intent and hostility.

Some are full of fun.

Others have good intentions.

Lin Feng did not notice the aura of the Dragon King on the back of the spine. It seemed that the Dragon King on the back of the spine was still recovering from his injuries elsewhere. After all, his injuries were not serious before, and it was not easy to recover so quickly.

Lin Feng did notice the aura of Poison Ancestor.

Poison Ancestor is with Bai Qiu and others from the Demon Clan.

Lin Feng flew towards the area where they were.

In addition, the auras of powerful people such as Qiankun Ghost Mother, Gengzi Demon Lord, Old Stone Man, Flower Demon Fairy, etc. are also looming, and they have also come here.

It's just that they never showed up.

If Lin Feng wasn't powerful enough, he wouldn't be able to sense any of their auras.

These elder-level existences will definitely wait until the Sacred Tree of Samsara appears before taking action. As for now...

Lin Feng looked into the depths.

He could only see the darkness in the center of the deep mountains. In the darkness, there was the outline of a huge ancient tree.

That ancient tree is the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation. We don’t know what is going on with the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation now, but everyone is waiting for it anyway.

Lin Feng just went and waited.

Lin Feng arrived at the place where Duzu and the others were, and they also occupied a mountain peak.

After seeing Lin Feng, Du Zu and others were very happy.

The three girls from the demon clan, Bai Qingcheng, Su Wanning, and Nangong Yao, looked at Lin Feng with secretly emotional expressions.

In addition to them, Lin Feng discovered that there were several people whom he did not recognize. These people were also demon monks.

The leader was a middle-aged man. Judging from his extraordinary popularity, he should have a very important status in the Kingdom of Monsters. What surprised Lin Feng was that this man turned out to be a monk from the Golden-winged Dapeng Clan.

Over the years, Lin Feng has seen relatively few Golden-winged Dapeng monks.

This clan itself is relatively small in number.

Bai Qiu made a recommendation for both parties. This monk from the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan is called Jin Hai. In the Kingdom of Demons, he is one of the four great protectors, and his status is extremely respected.

It can be regarded as the highest level in the Demon Kingdom.

His strength is also quite impressive, and he is the top expert in the sixth heaven of the Creator.

Many powerful people arrived one after another, such as the Jiao Emperor and others from the sea area, who also came here one after another.

At this time, Lin Feng saw a familiar figure.

Came here sneakily.

"Damn it, Immeasurable Taoist priest...". After seeing that figure, Lin Feng couldn't help but curse.

He really didn't expect to see Wuliang Taoist priest in this place.

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