Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 702: hurt each other

If he calculated the time carefully, Lin Feng had indeed not seen Wuliang Taoist for some years, and he didn't know where he had gone.

However, Wuliang Taoist priests have been digging various ancient tombs over the years, looking for some important lost memories.

And as far as Lin Feng knows, Wuliang Taoist priests have some past lives, such as the Jiutian Taoist, who is also a famous and powerful person. He has competed with the goddess Ji Yao before, and his strength is a bit ridiculous, much stronger than the Spine Bei Dragon King. The existence is simply a thin version of the infinite Taoist priest.

At that time, Lin Feng wondered whether Jiutian Taoist was one of Wuliang Taoist's previous incarnations. After all, if he was not one of Wuliang Taoist's previous incarnations, how could he look so similar to Wuliang Taoist? Of course, suspicion is suspicion after all. It's hard to say whether this is true, because the world is so big, it is possible to find some people who look similar, but from the depths of Lin Feng's heart, Lin Feng hopes that Jiutian Taoist is the previous incarnation of Wuliang Taoist priest, Wuliang Taoist priest. It would be best to deal with Taoist Jiutian, so that Lin Feng would have one less powerful enemy.

Lin Feng stood up and said to Du Zu and others, "You guys wait here, I'm going to see someone!".

Du Zu and others responded with a "Hello".

Lin Feng then left quickly.

Wuliang Taoist is quite low-key, as if he is invisible. Except for Lin Feng, who is familiar with Wuliang Taoist, basically no one pays attention to Wuliang Taoist. What makes Lin Feng puzzled is that among the thousands of people who were qualified to enter the reincarnation barrier before, , Lin Feng did not see Wuliang Taoist, but Wuliang Taoist appeared in this place now. It was really strange. Lin Feng suddenly thought of a possibility. Could it be that Wuliang Taoist had some special means that could Ignore everything here and enter this place.

To be honest, this kind of situation is very difficult to achieve. If it were anyone else, even an extremely powerful being, Lin Feng would feel that the other person might not be able to do such a thing, but only for Wuliang Taoist, he needs to look at it differently, because Wuliang Taoist is such a This guy's methods are really extraordinary. Some of the methods he masters can be described as unpredictable. It is really possible for Wuliang Taoist to do things that others cannot do. This is not deliberately to expand Wuliang Taoist. Some of the abilities of Wuliang Taoist indeed have such abilities. Lin Feng has known Wuliang Taoist for so many years, and he knows very well some of Wuliang Taoist's methods.

No one seemed to notice that Wuliang Taoist was following him. He came to a deserted mountain forest. It was quiet here. Wuliang Taoist lay down on a large smooth stone to rest. Lin Feng planned to tease Wuliang Taoist. Continuing to hide in the void, he slowly approached Wuliang Taoist. When Lin Feng was still about one meter away from Wuliang Taoist, Wuliang Taoist who was sleeping suddenly rose up and directly threw out a big net. The big net quickly It shrouded towards the place where Lin Feng was.

"Damn it, this **** Taoist priest has been pretending all the time!"

Lin Feng couldn't help but swore. Originally, he thought that Wuliang Taoist really didn't notice him, but now it seems that he was deceived by Wuliang Taoist. This dead Taoist is indeed the leader in the entertainment industry. He doesn't want to sing in big dramas. What a waste of talent. Lin Feng wanted to quickly avoid the big net, but he discovered something strange. He found that no matter how he evaded, there was no way to avoid the big net. When the big net shrouded him, At that time, Lin Feng had the illusion that the sky net was vast and sparse. Lin Feng appeared and shouted loudly, "Dead Taoist priest, stop it quickly, it's me!".

Wuliang Taoist priest sneered, "I don't know you, I only know that no matter who follows me, I will catch him and then rob him."

It's been so many years, but Wuliang Taoist's desire to rob Lin Feng's heart is still alive. It's just that the dead Taoist before didn't have that ability. After so many years, Lin Feng knew that Wuliang Taoist's ability was also constantly strengthening. As his own abilities continued to improve, he became more and more courageous. Lin Feng said, "You forced me, so don't blame me for being ruthless!".

Lin Feng directly sacrificed the diamond circle.

Before the big net enveloped it, the diamond circle flew out quickly.

After Wuliang Taoist saw the diamond circle, he felt that this treasure was extraordinary and did not dare to resist, so he quickly evaded it.

But there is no way to avoid the attack of the King Kong Circle.

When Lin Feng was entangled in the net of Wuliang Taoist priests.

The diamond circle also knocked Wuliang Taoist priest away.

It has to be said that Wuliang Taoist's defense is really strong. The powerful force of the diamond circle blasted Wuliang Taoist's body. Apart from two screams, Wuliang Taoist actually did not suffer much injuries. His arms and legs were all injured. It's quite normal.

So this guy looked miserable, but actually nothing happened. Wuliang Taoist priest yelled, "Lin Feng, you bastard, where did you get this crap? It's so powerful, it hurts me to death. I I’ll give you a fairy banban!”

But the Vajra Circle's attack was not over yet. The Vajra Circle quickly flew above Wuliang Taoist Priest and covered Wuliang Taoist Priest's body.

The whisk in Wuliang Taoist's hand suddenly swung.

He wanted to knock the Vajra Circle away, but instead of being knocked away, the Vajra Circle suddenly grew in size and quickly landed. After trapping the Wuliang Taoist priest in it, it suddenly shrank and became smaller. The Wuliang Taoist priest was immediately restrained by the Vajra Circle. Living.

Lin Feng likes the treasure of the Diamond Circle very much. It can attack and trap others by binding their bodies. It can play a huge role in many cases.

That's the case now.

The diamond circle really played a huge role.

The dragnet that entangled Lin Feng was tightening. Lin Feng tried to burn the net with sky fire, but he didn't know what material the net was made of. Lin Feng's sky fire didn't have much effect on the net. , which also surprised Lin Feng.

The other side.

Wuliang Taoist Priest also wanted to struggle to break free from the restraints of Lin Feng's Diamond Circle, but it was still of no use. The Diamond Circle was also terrifying enough, and Wuliang Taoist Priest could not struggle to break away at all.

The magic weapons of both sides are constantly tightening, causing both sides considerable pain.

Lin Feng cursed, "Damn Taoist priest, let's stop hurting each other. How about we take back the magic weapon quickly?".

Wuliang Taoist priest said somewhat depressedly, "Wuliang, you Tianzun Banban, Taoist Master finally found such a good opportunity and failed like this. Taoist Master is not willing to accept it!".

Although he is unwilling to do so, there is really no way to continue hurting each other, and the Taoist Priest Wuliang knows how perverted Lin Feng is. If they continue to hurt each other, he will definitely be killed by Lin Feng, the big pervert, and Lin Feng will probably be able to escape, so , it’s better to take a step back, wait until next time to find an opportunity to suppress Lin Feng, and then loot him.

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