Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 703: Is this thing reliable?

Wuliang Taoist said, "I just made a joke to you. I didn't expect you to take it seriously. Fortunately, we have known each other for so many years, but you actually gave me the truth. However, I, the Taoist Master, and the Prime Minister can hold a boat in their belly. Don't forget it." If you are a villain, I will forgive you. I said three, let’s take back the magic weapon together!”

Lin Feng was quite speechless. This dead Taoist priest was really stubborn. Even if the two sides made peace, they would still be harming themselves.

So Lin Feng said before that if this **** Taoist priest was really killed by someone one day, it was probably because he had such a bad mouth.

However, Lin Feng was too lazy to argue so much with Wuliang Taoist Priest. He said, "Okay, just follow what you said!".

Wuliang Taoist priest began to shout:




The two people who hurt each other took away the magic weapons after Wuliang Taoist counted to three.

The two quickly sat cross-legged and adjusted their bodies. After Lin Feng recovered, he glanced at Wuliang Taoist Priest.

This guy was still recovering, but Lin Feng did not continue to tease Wuliang Taoist.

This guy definitely has some means of defense.

Let's wait until he wakes up.

An hour later.

Wuliang Taoist priest also woke up.

Wuliang Taoist priest looked at Lin Feng who was resting on a big rock not far away, his eyes rolled slightly, he coughed dryly, and then said, "Wuliang Tianzun! I really didn't expect that Benefactor Lin would appear here, so I just said Are we destined to be together? See how accurate I am!"

"Yuan, your sister, when the reincarnation enchantment was opened before, you were not the one who was qualified to enter the reincarnation enchantment. How did you get in? Or did you come in earlier than our group?" Lin Feng squinted his eyes and looked at Wuliang Taoist Priest.

He felt that it was necessary to figure out some things, and Wuliang Taoist always had some weird methods. If he could figure out some things about Wuliang Taoist, he might be able to get a lot of opportunities by following Wuliang Taoist.

Wuliang Taoist said, "It doesn't matter how you come in, nor when you come in, it's what you get that matters!".

Having said this, Wuliang Taoist priest rolled his eyes slightly and said, "Are you interested in doing something big with me?"

Lin Feng couldn't help but raise his brows slightly. He originally thought that he would have to spend a lot of time to get Wuliang Taoist to agree to go with him, but who would have thought that Wuliang Taoist would be so easy to talk to, and he even took the initiative to invite himself to join him. action.

There are only two reasons why Wuliang Taoist can do this. The first reason is that Wuliang Taoist might want to plot against Lin Feng, but Lin Feng has basically ruled out this possibility. After all, they fight and fight again and again. , but they have been friends for many years.

Even Wuliang Taoist priests would not do such things as calculations.

The second reason is probably that the place is too dangerous. Wuliang Taoist priest has no bottom, so he has to take Lin Feng with him.

So Wuliang Taoist invited Lin Feng to explore that place together.

This is more likely.

Lin Feng looked at Wuliang Taoist and said, "I don't know what the specific situation is now. You can tell me first."

Wuliang Taoist priest said, "That's it. I had some opportunities before. It was said that if I dig according to the route map indicated by the opportunity, I can directly enter the interior of the Sacred Tree of Samsara!".

"Inside the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation?". Lin Feng couldn't help but frown slightly.

The reincarnation barrier they are currently in can, in a broad sense, be regarded as the external world created by the divine tree of reincarnation. Of course, it is not entirely related to the divine tree of reincarnation.

However, the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation did play a role in it.

There is no doubt about this.

Therefore, the inside of the Sacred Tree of Samsara is definitely much more complicated and dangerous than the outside world. Furthermore, the Sacred Tree of Samsara may have given birth to its own spirit.

This is extremely scary.

If Lin Feng and Wuliang Taoist priests really entered it, the probability of not being discovered by the spirits was almost zero.

So, under this situation.

There was no way to guarantee the safety of Lin Feng and Wuliang Taoist Priest after they entered the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation. How to solve this problem was something Lin Feng was more concerned about, so Lin Feng communicated with Wuliang Taoist Priest on this matter.

Wuliang Taoist said, "The matter you are worried about is indeed a headache, but there is another possibility, and the probability is not low!".

"Huh? What's possible?". Lin Feng looked at Wuliang Taoist in confusion.

Wuliang Taoist priest said, "According to the gossip I got, it is said that the sacred tree of reincarnation did give birth to its own spirit, but in fact the current spirit was injured by the huge changes that occurred during the change of reincarnation. The situation is extremely bad, and it is just surviving. With the existence of such a nature, the threat that such an existence can pose is actually quite small. With the means we have, if we encounter the spirit of the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation, there is actually no need to be afraid!"

Lin Feng said, "Is the spiritual condition of the Sacred Tree of Samsara so bad? Is this reliable? If it is reliable, then that's it. If it's not, we will be in trouble!"

Wuliang Taoist said, "I think this is very reliable. Think about it, the existence of the Divine Tree of Samsara is so incredible that it is not something that people outside can peep at. Even the pioneers of the Divine Tree of Samsara at its peak are not capable of it." Refining, but in this reincarnation, for a long time, how many people have been staring at the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation. If the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation was normal, how could those strong men be staring at the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation? Isn't this looking for death, and Qian Don’t underestimate those top experts, they definitely have first-hand information that we don’t know, so based on the information obtained from various aspects and some deduced situations, the situation of the spirit of the Samsara Sacred Tree is indeed not good!” .

"Now that we have reached the end of reincarnation, the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation must find a new owner. Otherwise, at the end of reincarnation, the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation will inevitably be destroyed. So this is the reason why the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation appears and waits for the destined person. reason!".

Lin Feng said, "But there is also a saying that this is a trap set by the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation!".

Wuliang Taoist priest said, "There is indeed a possibility, but I think it is unlikely. With the appearance of the Samsara Divine Tree now, I am afraid that it does not have the ability or even the trap to trap so many top powerhouses. I am more inclined, The current spirit of the Sacred Tree of Samsara probably needs to find someone he thinks is okay and sign some treaties. The person chosen by the Sacred Tree of Samsara is probably the new owner of the Sacred Tree of Samsara. There are so many powerful people, what do you think? Will it be our turn?"

Lin Feng said, "The probability is indeed not very high!".

Wuliang Taoist priest said slowly and seductively, "But now, there are no new changes in the Sacred Tree of Samsara. Everyone is waiting. And if we enter the world inside the Sacred Tree of Samsara at this time, then we can advance everything People come into contact with the spirit of the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation. Anyway, the situation of the spirit of the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation is not very good. If that guy cooperates with us, everything will be easy. If it doesn't cooperate with us, we will make it cooperate with us."

Lin Feng said, "Then if everything goes well, who among us will refine the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation?".

Wuliang Taoist priest chuckled and said, "Whoever has a destiny with the Sacred Tree of Samsara will refine the Sacred Tree of Samsara. What do you think?"

"good!". Lin Feng nodded.

"Without further delay, let's take action now, follow me!". Wuliang Taoist waved his hand and quickly moved towards the depths in one direction.

Lin Feng followed closely behind and quickly walked towards the depths.

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