Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 704: Five Classics arithmetic

Lin Feng followed Wuliang Taoist Priest to the depths of the mountain forest. Wuliang Taoist Priest looked around and said, 'There shouldn't be anyone there, right? ’.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "I looked, there was no one around, and no one was following us."

After a pause, Lin Feng continued, "This is a wonderful place. Do you want to start operations here?".

Wuliang Taoist priest nodded, and then said, "This is the place where horizontal and vertical intersect. It is also where the three stars Sirius, Big Dipper, and Little Bear converge. It is also where the tops of the thirty-six surrounding peaks converge at inclination angles. It is also the position of one-third and two-fifths of the reflection of the hazy Sacred Tree of Samsara!"

Lin Feng was slightly stunned. Some of Wuliang Taoist's words were understood by Lin Feng and were similar to what he thought. Some of them made Lin Feng feel a little surprised.

In the early years, Lin Feng had learned a lot of gold-finding and acupuncture techniques from Wuliang Taoist priests. In addition, the inheritance of the Tianshi lineage also included methods involving terrain. Therefore, Lin Feng's observation of the terrain was quite detailed. When he came here, At that time, Lin Feng did see that this place was not simple, so Lin Feng said that this was a wonderful place, and asked Wuliang Taoist Priest if he planned to act here, but there were some things that Lin Feng did not see, such as reincarnation. Lin Feng didn't know what was so mysterious about the position of the reflection of the sacred tree at 3:125, and had never heard of this statement. As for the place where mountains meet, stars gather, and the tilt angles of mountain peaks converge, Lin Feng could see it. .

Lin Feng said, "The reflection of the Sacred Tree of Samsara is one-third and two-fifths. What does this mean? Is there anything special about it?".

Wuliang Taoist priest chuckled and said, "What? Want to learn?".

Lin Feng said speechlessly, "When we communicated before, I even told you some of the most core contents of the Tianshi lineage. I taught you everything I have to teach you. Now it seems that you, a dead Taoist priest, have something for me. reserve!".

Wuliang Taoist priest said, "O conscience of heaven and earth, I didn't hide it from you before. This is the method recorded in a secret volume that I later obtained."

"Where's the secret book? Show it to me!". Lin Feng said.

Wuliang Taoist said, "What are you going to give me in exchange?".

Lin Feng said, "It depends on what you want! If I can accept it, we can make an exchange. It will be a good thing for you and me!"

Generally speaking, Lin Feng rarely exchanges Taoist, magical or secret techniques, because Lin Feng will try his best to avoid being involved in too much karma with other people.

But for Wuliang Taoist priests, it doesn't matter.

He has known Wuliang Taoist priest since his youth.

After so many years, the fate of the two people has been intertwined countless times.

Cause and effect have long been intertwined.

The exchange of magical passages and other things has little impact on the two of them.

Wuliang Taoist said, "There is a lack of cultivation resources recently. You should not be short of super-level immortal stones here. Okay, for five thousand super-level immortal stones, I will pass on the secret scroll to you!".

I heard the number five thousand.

The corner of Lin Feng's mouth twitched slightly, and he said, "Do you know how valuable the super-level immortal stone is? Even if you dig out hundreds of top-level immortal stone veins, you may not be able to find 5,000 super-level immortal stones. How can you have the nerve to repay me?" Come up with such a number?". .... Wuliang Taoist priest said, "Damn, Wuliang, you heavenly master, don't say you don't have it, you can't be so picky as a human being."

Lin Feng said speechlessly, "Did Immeasurable Heavenly Lord tell you that you can't be so greedy?"

Wuliang Taoist said, "Then tell me a number!".

Lin Feng said, "If it's a high-level immortal stone, I'll have as much as you want. But I don't have many super-level immortal stones here. If you want so many, I definitely don't have them. That's good, I'll give you a hundred super-level immortal stones." Immortal Stone, plus one million high-level Immortal Stones!".

Wuliang Taoist rolled his eyes and said, "You stupid Tianzun, are you just asking for food? And why do I need a high-level immortal stone? I don't lack that stuff. What I lack is the top-notch super Step Immortal Stone!".

High-level immortal stones are difficult to obtain, but in fact they can be obtained as long as there are channels. However, there is really no channel to obtain ultra-level immortal stones.

Therefore, it is normal for Wuliang Taoist priest to be short of super-level immortal stones. Wuliang Taoist priest continued, "Okay, I will take a step back and exchange four thousand super-level immortal stones with you!".

Lin Feng said, "Brother, we have known each other for so many years. It's not like you don't know me. If I really had so many super-level immortal stones, would I not give them to you? The key is that I don't have them. I'll raise the price a little, how about two hundred?" ".

Wuliang Taoist shook his big head repeatedly and said, "Two hundred won't work. Two hundred is too little. This is good. I will take a step back. Three thousand cannot be less. If it is less than three thousand, we will have no way to talk." !".

After some bargaining between the two parties.

In the end, the price was settled on five hundred super-level immortal stones.

In fact, Lin Feng thinks that the price of three hundred super-level immortal stones is about the same. After all, super-level immortal stones are too precious. There are basically no super-level immortal stones in circulation on the market. Such a precious thing is no longer as simple as a simple immortal stone. It is already equivalent to a strange stone. It’s at the rare treasure level.

The price of five hundred is considered a high price. As for the five thousand proposed by Wuliang Taoist Priest, it is nonsense.

Wuliang Taoist also knew that it was impossible to make a deal at that price, so he raised the price as much as possible so that there would be room for counter-offering.

So judging from Wuliang Taoist priest's unconcealable expression of joy.

He made an offer of five thousand.

I am extremely satisfied after receiving five hundred immortal stones.

This guy definitely has the temperament of a profiteer. Anyone who doesn't know how to bargain will be tricked to death by this **** Taoist priest. Wasn't that what he did when he bought the Sky-Swallowing Jar from Wuliang Taoist Priest? This guy has done something wrong. He piled up junk to sell, and many people were deceived by him. But Lin Feng was lucky and bought the sky-swallowing jar that Wuliang Taoist had mistakenly looked at. At that time, the dead Taoist priest almost got angry to death. Every scene in the past seemed like it happened yesterday. .

Lin Feng handed the Immortal Stone to Wuliang Taoist Priest.

Wuliang Taoist priest also took out a jade tube and said, "The contents are all imprinted in the jade tube!".

Lin Feng took the jade tube, and his spiritual thoughts invaded the jade tube.

"The Five Classics count!".

After seeing the name of this secret method, Lin Feng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly. He thought of Jiugong Arithmetic, but obviously although the names of these two inheritances are slightly similar, in fact, they are completely different, inheritances in two directions. .

Lin Feng continued to read. He was very curious about what was so magical about the calculation of the Five Classics...

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