Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 707: "Is he... going to wake up?".

"Help, someone come and save us! I don't want to die!". The boundless Taoist priest shouted in a rather miserable tone. In fact, this guy was trying to save himself, trying to see if there was a way to break the black hole's swallowing.

Lin Feng was also looking for a way to save himself.

He was unwilling to be swallowed up by the black hole just like that.

But it's a pity.

Lin Feng used all kinds of methods, but he couldn't stop his body from flying towards the black hole. The situation was really not good.

The most important thing is that Lin Feng and Wuliang Taoist priests don't even know what kind of existence this existence is.

I don’t even know what kind of black hole that black hole is.

You said it was an ordinary black hole. How could an ordinary black hole be so powerful? You said it was a cosmic black hole, but how could a cosmic black hole appear in the human body?

But then again, that Taoist himself has some quirks.

If the body is connected to the black hole of the universe, it is not impossible. Lin Feng has seen this kind of thing in a Taoist scripture. The Taoist scripture once introduced that there is a body of a giant beast from the outer space, connected with the universe. The black holes merged together to dominate the extraterrestrial starry sky world, shocking the nine heavens and ten earth.

Since the starry sky beast can do this kind of thing, it doesn't seem unbelievable that human monks or monks of other races can do this kind of thing.

But in the past, Lin Feng somewhat regarded this kind of thing as a story.

But now, I have come into contact with such a weird and terrifying existence.

Lin Feng felt that this kind of thing might actually exist.

How terrible. It's scary.

The key now is how to resolve the crisis at hand, everything else is secondary, especially now that both feet of the infinite Taoist priest have been swallowed by the black hole.

Next are his legs, body, arms, and head.

Then it was Lin Feng's turn.

Wuliang Taoist Priest's fat face was distorted, and he wailed, "I never thought that I, Taoist, would hunt geese all day long, and that one day I would be pecked out by wild geese. I won't let it go, Taoist!"


Lin Feng did not feel sorry for himself like the dead Taoist priest. Instead, he thought of a method, gritted his teeth and decided to try it.

Lin Feng's method is extremely simple.

That is to use the diamond circle to attack the vortex like a black hole in the universe.

The Diamond Circle itself is powerful enough, and the power it explodes is quite terrifying. Coupled with Lin Feng's strength bonus, when the treasure of the Diamond Circle is thrown by Lin Feng, the power that the treasure instantly bursts out will be unimaginably powerful. To a certain extent, Lin Feng had used the precious treasure of the Diamond Circle to knock away several powerful enemies before, so Lin Feng felt that the Diamond Circle could definitely have a considerable impact on this black hole. When this black hole was affected by Lin Feng's Diamond Circle, Then, he and Wuliang Taoist might be able to take advantage of this opportunity to escape.

Of course, it is also possible to wake up the sleeping Taoist.

However, the situation of Lin Feng and Wuliang Taoist Priest was already so bad.

One can even describe their situation as dangerous. ....So, Lin Feng has nothing to worry about now.

So what if the Taoist is awakened? His life may be lost. Just wake him up. If he really wakes up, you can face him again when the time comes.


After thinking this, Lin Feng mobilized his strongest power and threw the diamond circle.

With the blessing of Lin Feng's power, the diamond circle roared forward with a fierce sound of breaking wind.

It has the potential to destroy everything.

It hit the black hole hard.

At this time, half of Wuliang Taoist's body was swallowed by the black hole. Wuliang Taoist thought to himself that he might really be swallowed now. It's hard to say what his fate will be next.

The countless Taoist priests almost burst into tears.

Who would have thought that when the diamond circle bombarded the black hole, Wuliang Taoist immediately felt that the black hole's restraint on him became much lighter.

This made Wuliang Taoist priest's eyes suddenly light up.

Wuliang Taoist priest quickly struggled out.

Lin Feng also got rid of the shackles of the black hole. After collecting the diamond circle, he and Wuliang Taoist quickly flew away into the distance, flying hundreds of meters away. The black hole that appeared in the Taoist's abdomen slowly disappeared.

Lin Feng and Wuliang Taoist let out a sigh of relief.

Immediately, Lin Feng kicked Wuliang Taoist and cursed, "Damn it, **** Taoist! I told you a long time ago not to take advantage of that Taoist's evil ideas, but you didn't listen! I was almost killed by you just now!"

Wuliang Taoist knew that he was wrong and could not refute Lin Feng.

The guy rolled his eyes and said, "But one thing I said is right. This man's situation is indeed a bit strange. You see, such a big movement did not wake him up. And the black hole just now, will Wouldn't it be a body protection type of method? This method might be able to be activated once, so I think we can try it again!"

After hearing what Wuliang Taoist said, Lin Feng said speechlessly, "Can we stop catching him to death?"

Wuliang Taoist looked at Lin Feng with a solemn expression and said, "Brother, you must believe me. This time, there will definitely be no problem. I have a strong feeling that we will get a huge opportunity this time. This kind of Premonitions rarely appear in my life, but whenever such premonitions occur, my wishes often come true!"

Seeing Wuliang Taoist Priest's serious expression, Lin Feng hesitated slightly. This dead Taoist priest was rarely serious.

Now that he has become so serious, maybe he is really sure.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng said, "Okay, let's try again!".

Lin Feng, who was persuaded by the confident Taoist Wuliang, and the Taoist Wuliang who looked confident and excited, walked towards the Taoist again.

Wuliang Taoist said, "In order to prevent accidents, you hold the line for me from behind!".

Lin Feng nodded.

When he was more than thirty meters away from the Taoist, Lin Feng stopped.

Wuliang Taoist continued to walk towards the Taoist. Last time, when he came to a position ten meters away from the Taoist, the black hole appeared. This time, when he came to a place about twenty meters away from the Taoist, a new hole appeared. After a sudden change, an extremely terrifying aura emitted from the Taoist's body. That aura was simply suffocating.

Even Lin Feng, after feeling that aura, felt as if he was stunned.

He felt as if he had returned to his boyhood, and in front of him was a giant dragon as towering as a mountain.

And he is just an ant.

It's hard to imagine who this being is, who can exude such a terrifying aura.

The reason why Wuliang Taoist priests may be relatively close.

The pressure he endured was much greater than that of Lin Feng.

He was frightened and paralyzed on the ground. He shouted in horror, "Is he... going to wake up?". .

Wangzai Lao Mantou reminds you: remember to collect it after reading it

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