Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 708: The spirit of the sacred tree of reincarnation

This statue exists, is powerful, and is mysterious.

Some of the methods are truly shocking, and the aura now being exuded is already unbearable.

If he really wakes up, who knows how terrible things will happen.

This is something that we must be more vigilant about.

Lin Feng quickly released a domineering magnetic field to resist the aura emanating from the body of this mysterious Taoist. It is unknown whether this mysterious Taoist will finally wake up, but regardless of whether the other party wakes up, Lin Feng and the others must leave here quickly, otherwise, the consequences will be dire. Measurement.

Lin Feng's domineering magnetic field was really powerful, and he successfully withstood the powerful oppression emanating from the body of the mysterious Taoist. Wuliang Taoist was also enveloped in it. He also felt that his body had relaxed a lot in vain, which made Wuliang Taoist grow a new look. tone.

Wuliang Taoist did not dare to hesitate, and quickly got up from the ground, and then ran quickly outside. While patting back, Wuliang Taoist patted his chest, and shouted with a heartfelt look, "Wuliang, you are a celestial being, It scared me to death!"

Lin Feng quickly put away the domineering magnetic field and ran outside with the Wuliang Taoist priest. There was really no way to stay in this place. He had to leave here quickly to be safer. Lin Feng hoped that the Taoist priest would not really wake up, otherwise he would still be there. Don't cause trouble with him and Wuliang Taoist priests.

After running out, Lin Feng found that the fluctuation behind him disappeared.

It seemed that everything was silent, and the Taoist priest did not wake up in the end. This made Lin Feng let out a sigh of relief, and then Lin Feng said angrily, "I shouldn't believe the nonsense of you, a dead Taoist priest!".

Wuliang Taoist priest quibbled, "I really don't blame Master Tao for this matter. You have to believe that Master Tao, my judgment is not wrong, and my perception is not wrong, but that Taoist priest is really weird. I’m quite helpless too!”

"Come on, you'll make excuses!".

Lin Feng said speechlessly, but he was too lazy to argue with Wuliang Taoist about this matter. Anyway, Wuliang Taoist's promises should be treated with caution. Who knows whether this guy's guarantees are reliable? Lin Feng doesn't want to continue to be deceived. .

Wuliang Taoist priest said, "Brother! Don't be afraid, follow me, I will definitely take you into the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation!".

Before, Lin Feng asked Wuliang Taoist Priest to re-deduce the route. At that time, Wuliang Taoist Priest also looked confident, saying that there was no problem with the route, but in the end they dug out the place where the mysterious Taoist slept.

There is no problem with this route. There is a big problem.

Lin Feng said, "The previous road map has been invalidated. We need to find a new road map, but this time I will deduce it. I think my deduction is more reliable than yours! But you have to use what you know Give me clues!”.

Wuliang Taoist priest stared and said, "Damn, it's because you don't believe in my ability!".

This dead Taoist priest also had some self-awareness. Although he shouted loudly, he still told Lin Feng some clues.

After knowing these clues and the deduction method used by Wuliang Taoist, Lin Feng pondered for a moment. ...Lin Feng did not use the deduction method like Wuliang Taoist. He felt that that kind of deduction method was flawed, otherwise, it would not have led them to deviate from their position.

Lin Feng planned to use Jiugong arithmetic, Bagua techniques and other methods to combine the most precious treasure of the heart disk.

Maybe a correct path can be deduced.

Lin Feng adjusted it and then started to deduce it carefully.

In the end, Lin Feng deduced three paths.

Lin Feng didn't know which of these three paths was the right one, but Lin Feng and Wuliang Taoist studied it carefully. After studying it, they chose one of the paths.

It's not that there's anything special about that road. In fact, compared to the other two roads, there's nothing special about it.

But both Lin Feng and Wuliang Taoist priests have a very special feeling, that is, they feel that the path is most likely to be correct.

This is the intuition of top experts.

Some top experts have extremely special intuitions, which need no introduction.

People like Lin Feng and Wuliang Taoist priests have profound knowledge in formations.

The intuition in this regard will also be stronger.

Follow your inner instinct and make your choice.

So, Lin Feng and Wuliang Taoist priests continued to dig.

An hour.

Two hours.

I kept digging for six hours.

"There is a wave coming!". Lin Feng said.

Wuliang Taoist priest stared and said, "You won't dig out some sleeping existence again, right?"

Lin Feng said, "This is a lot to bear. Can you meet two such beings in one place?".

Wuliang Taoist said, "Drinking cold water when someone is carrying it is difficult for their teeth! Maybe we can dig out the place where the Taoist sleeps from another direction?"

"You have a crow's mouth, right?"

Lin Feng said somewhat speechlessly.

But then Lin Feng and Wuliang Taoist did become a lot more cautious, mainly because the mysterious Taoist really scared the two of them. Lin Feng had guessed the origin of the mysterious Taoist. In his impression, there was really no such thing. Such a person.

Lin Feng asked Wuliang Taoist Priest if there was such a strong man in his impression.

Wuliang Taoist also shook his head. Although they were both inherited from Taoism, Wuliang Taoist and the mysterious Taoist were not from the same sect.

Therefore, this place is indeed more complicated than imagined. Lin Feng prayed not to dig back, nor to encounter a being similar to that Taoist again.

Lin Feng and the others seemed to be quite lucky. The thing that caused the energy fluctuation was not a monk, but a piece of residual wood.

Contains the powerful power of reincarnation.

"Is it a broken tree on a branch of the Sacred Tree of Samsara?" Wuliang Taoist said.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Maybe our path is the right one!".

"Keep going!". Wuliang Taoist priest said excitedly.

An hour later.

Lin Feng and Wuliang Taoist finally dug through the dark area.


The two flew out quickly.

After they stabilized their bodies, they immediately discovered that they had arrived in a huge mysterious space.

That mysterious space was very empty.

But deep in that mysterious space, there is a ball of golden energy.

The eyes of Lin Feng and Wuliang Taoist were immediately attracted by the golden energy.

The infinite Taoist priest pointed at the golden energy shield and said in surprise, "Look, there is a person in the golden energy, a woman? She must be the spirit of the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation...". .

Wangzai Lao Mantou reminds you: remember to collect it after reading it

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