Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 709: Samsara War Spirit

Lin Feng and Wuliang Taoist Priest walked cautiously towards the golden ball of light. They had been paying careful attention to the surrounding situation, for fear of being attacked by powerful attacks from the outside world. However, what made them breathe a sigh of relief was that they were not attacked. to attack.

They successfully arrived at a place thirty meters away from the golden ball of light. They did not continue to approach the golden ball of light, mainly because they were worried that if they continued to approach the golden ball of light, they might be attacked by the golden ball of light. If so, That would be bad.

"It's no different from a real person. It doesn't look like a spirit, but like a human monk!" Lin Feng observed it and said.

Wuliang Taoist priest said, "That's true. However, some particularly powerful spirits, especially such ancient tree spirits, are very different from weapon spirits. They look more like human beings, which is not the case." It's normal, but if you feel her breath, there seems to be something wrong with her breath!".

Lin Feng nodded. In fact, he also discovered this. The reason why Wuliang Taoist said that there was something wrong with this woman's aura was because if this woman was really the spirit of the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation, then this woman's aura must be extremely ancient. After all, The spirit of the Samsara Sacred Tree is an existence that transcends reincarnation.

But this woman's aura seems to be quite young, as if she was born in this era, and has not even crossed the era. Naturally, this woman's spirit is not powerful, which is really surprising.

Lin Feng said, "Perhaps she is the spirit of Nirvana and rebirth?".

Wuliang Taoist priest touched his chin and said, "This possibility cannot be ruled out, but no matter what spirit it is, this woman is the key to our next negotiations, and her current state is not a bad thing for us. !".

Lin Feng naturally knew what Wuliang Taoist was thinking. Lin Feng and Wuliang Taoist were not afraid of the young woman, but that she was old, powerful and unable to deal with her.

Since it was born in this era, regardless of whether it was reborn from Nirvana or not, it should be lacking in strength. This situation is for Lin Feng and the others. Of course this is a better situation.

Lin Feng said, "What do you think about waking her up now?"

Wuliang Taoist said, "Okay, but you do it!".

Lin Feng asked, ‘Why? ’.

Wuliang Taoist priest said, "Who knows if this woman has the character of a tigress? If such a character is suddenly awakened, she may become very irritable. But you are handsome. Seeing your handsome face, my mother will Maybe the tiger will be able to calm down the fire!".

Although I knew that Wuliang Taoist priest didn't want to contribute, he made an excuse.

But regardless of whether it was an excuse or not, Lin Feng still felt quite comfortable being bragged about.

He said, "Okay, let me wake her up!".

Lin Feng looked at the woman with her eyes closed in the golden ball of light and said, "This fairy, wake up!


There was no movement from the other party.

"Fairy, I am here and want to talk to the fairy. I wonder if the fairy can wake up?".

Lin Feng continued.

He used the method of sound transmission to enter the room and directly conveyed the sound to the woman's soul, so the woman could definitely hear Lin Feng exchanging her, but the woman still did not wake up.

There may be two reasons.

The first reason is,

This woman's physical condition is relatively bad. She is sitting at the gate of life and death at this time. Even if she hears others swapping her, she will not wake up easily at such a critical moment.

The second reason is,

This woman didn't want to talk to Lin Feng and Wuliang Taoist Priest at all.

If it's the first reason, then that's it.

If it is the second reason, then things will not be so simple.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng quickly said, "Damn Taoist priest, be careful!".

Lin Feng just finished speaking.


A black shadow appeared behind Lin Feng and Wuliang Taoist. The black shadow was holding a cold knife, which was a treasure similar to Tang Dao. It was quite powerful. The two black shadows slashed directly at the necks of Lin Feng and Wuliang Taoist. Go, seeming to want to chop off their heads from behind.

Lin Feng had already paid more attention to the surrounding situation when he realized something was wrong, so the situation behind him was not hidden from Lin Feng.

Lin Feng turned around quickly and flicked his finger.


His finger flicked onto Han Dao.

Lin Feng's body quickly retreated dozens of meters with the help of this counter-shock force.

As for Wuliang Taoist Priest, after receiving Lin Feng's reminder, he quickly activated a defensive magic weapon, and four energy shields appeared around his body.

On the left is the green dragon shield and on the right is the white tiger shield.

There is a Vermilion Shield in the front and a Black Tortoise Shield in the back.

The defensive power of these four shields is quite strong, and the cold knife in the hand of Zun Dao Heiying slashed on the Xuanwu shield, but it was not able to destroy the Xuanwu shield. The defensive power of the Xuanwu shield was still quite terrifying.

All the Taoist priests were knocked away.

However, Wuliang Taoist Priest was not seriously injured.

"Wuliang, you and your whole family are all gods, what the **** is this?". Wuliang Taoist looked at the two black figures that attacked him and Lin Feng with an ugly expression. He said that they were monks. Their auras did not seem to be similar, but they were indeed extremely powerful. They did not seem to be much different from monks. It seemed that they were really It looks like a monk, which is really weird and scary.

Especially in a place like this, encountering such a weird and terrifying existence, Wuliang Taoist priests' hearts were naturally filled with chills.

Fortunately, he was not alone here, and Lin Feng was with him, which made him feel a little more relaxed.

Lin Feng said, "These existences are very special and strange. They feel like some extremely special spirits!".

Wuliang Taoist priest said, "It can't be a war spirit created by the Samsara Divine Tree, right? The Samsara Divine Tree is so weird, it is really possible to create these things!".

Lin Feng nodded and said, "It's very possible. Apparently that woman mobilized the fighting spirit and wanted to use the fighting spirit to kill us!".

"Hehe, luckily you discovered it in time, otherwise we would be in trouble. However, no matter how powerful the two war spirits are, they can't defeat us. Let's do it. Kill these two war spirits first and then deal with the woman!" . Wuliang Taoist said.

Lin Feng nodded.

But just when Lin Feng and Wuliang Taoist were about to kill the two war spirits, something terrible happened.

I saw the power of darkness pouring out from all around.

In the darkness, one war spirit after another came out.

These war spirits can be blessed by the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation, and their fighting power is extremely strange and terrifying. If there are only a few, or a dozen, it would be fine, but in the blink of an eye, hundreds of extremely terrifying war spirits appear. spirit.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Lin Feng's and Wuliang Taoist's mouths twitched violently. It was too cheating that there were hundreds of such terrifying war spirits. They might be in trouble now.

The next moment, hundreds of war spirits, holding cold knives that cut iron like mud, quickly moved towards Lin Feng and Wuliang Taoist priests to surround them.

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