Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9081: 716 Rushing into the world inside the Sacred Tree of Samsara

"Look, there is dragon energy over there, there is definitely a chance to appear!" On the road, Wuliang Taoist priest pointed in a direction. Lin Feng looked in that direction, and sure enough he saw steaming dragon energy, breathing out auspicious clouds. Some monks were already flying in that direction. In Lin Feng's view, these people were actually the smarter monks.

Looking for opportunities outside is a safer way to avoid putting yourself in danger.

Of course, some people may think that these people don't even have the courage to go to the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation, and such people will never achieve much.

In fact, it would be a big mistake to think this way.

It is good to be adventurous, but it is not necessary to be adventurous all the time.

And more often than not, knowing yourself is even more important than being adventurous. Maybe sometimes people who are adventurous will seize one or two opportunities and improve quickly. However, those who are not as adventurous as them but are more steady will actually not progress too slowly, although they may not be as good as

They, but at least they are safe and secure.

And the most crucial point is.

The monks who came here are all long-established strong men and are quite powerful.

There is a saying called "Be arrogant when you are young, be steady when you are old", which is actually very applicable in this place.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the monks here are older, but that they have become stronger.

At this time, stability is the top priority.

Steady as an old dog is not a sarcastic comment, but a compliment.

But Lin Feng did not go to that place of opportunity. Because Lin Feng feels that the opportunities there should not be very attractive to him. This is the intuition of top experts. Although this intuition cannot be accurate every time, overall, the accuracy rate is still relatively high.


Wuliang Taoist priest probably had a similar sentiment, so he had no intention of checking it out. Next, along the way, Lin Feng and Wuliang Taoist saw many opportunities that appeared due to the changes in the Samsara Sacred Tree. Some places of opportunity gave Lin Feng and Wuliang Taoist a general feeling. They might not have much opportunity, but

Some places of opportunity made them feel a little excited, but they still didn't go there.

Their goal is to reach the sacred tree of reincarnation.

One hundred thousand miles is nothing to Lin Feng and Wuliang Taoist priests. Not long after, they arrived at the Sacred Tree of Samsara. When Lin Feng and the others rushed over, many monks had already rushed over.

In fact, those are the top experts. Lin Feng and the others know them, and those they don't know add up to about a dozen people.

There are outsiders and there are indigenous monks.

The outsiders are Jiutian Taoist and others.

Lin Feng told Goddess Ji Yao about the situation here before, but Goddess Ji Yao still came.

Goddess Ji Yao is a cosmic boss-level existence. She is strong enough. She probably felt that even if there were traps here, she would not be able to do anything, so she came here. The Nine-Female Emperor didn't come over. It seemed that she was still worried. After all, although she was powerful, she was still far behind the existences at the level of these universe bosses. In addition, there were many opportunities outside.

So he chose to focus on stability.

Some of the powerful people Lin Feng knew well had basically arrived.

Like the four powerful men in the sea, the Dragon King, the Sea King and others, the Desolate Demon, the Corpse King, the Ant King and others also came here.

In addition, some strong indigenous people whom Lin Feng didn't know, although they had restrained their aura as much as possible, their presence still made Lin Feng feel very frightened. Their realm was absolutely unimaginable.

The spirit of the Reincarnation Sacred Tree has said before that this place is not only an ancient battlefield, but also a place that breeds new vitality. If it were just an ancient battlefield, it would be absolutely impossible for so many powerful people to be born. Even if it was the most important ancient battlefield in the last reincarnation and one of the ancient battlefields where the most top experts fell, there would be no way to support so many powerful people in future generations.

Existence returns from catastrophe.

But because it is a place of hope that contains endless vitality, everything has changed dramatically. As for the reason that turned an ancient battlefield that was originally a place of death into a place of hope containing endless vitality, it is unknown. Anyway, Lin Feng does not know. It is possible that the spirit of the Reincarnation Tree Know

However, the spirit of the Samsara Sacred Tree did not tell Lin Feng about this matter.

Now these powerful men are suspended in various locations, waiting for the Divine Tree of Samsara to open the world of the Divine Tree of Samsara.

And the world of the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation has actually appeared, hazy and unclear.

Wuliang Taoist priest sent a message to Lin Feng and said, "It's different from the place they went to before!". Lin Feng said, "Last time our luck should be considered extremely good. We intuitively reached the core area of ​​the world of reincarnation, and saw the spirit of the sacred tree of reincarnation there! As for the world that is now revealed,

It is probably the world outside the core place." In fact, Lin Feng felt that the Samsara Divine Tree was so extraordinary. The worlds created by the Samsara Divine Tree were definitely not just a simple one. What were the functions of these worlds? What was their internal structure? Opportunity, only

There is a sacred tree of reincarnation that you know about.

But since the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation is so ancient, the chance is absolutely unimaginable.

now. The hazy world is becoming more and more clear. Everyone is anxiously waiting for the world to completely solidify before entering it. In fact, when he came here, Lin Feng had already felt more than one thing.

The aura locked onto him, and more than one spiritual thought was observing him.

This person is simply full of malice and has a very serious murderous intention towards him. Not only the Desolate Demon, but also the Gengzi Demon Lord, whose murderous intention is no less than that of the Desolate Demon.

This made Lin Feng frown slightly.

Gengzi Demon Lord is much more powerful than the Desolate Demon.

But Lin Feng wasn't particularly worried. Lin Feng's plan was extremely simple. After finding an opportunity to kill the wild demon, he quickly left here. At that time, Gengzi Demon Lord probably didn't have time to take care of him. After all, Gengzi Demon Lord's main energy was still looking for someone.

Above the matter of finding the refining Sacred Tree of Reincarnation and becoming the master of the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation, other matters were secondary to him.

Including dealing with Lin Feng.

An hour later.

The originally hazy world has become extremely clear.


That hazy world takes shape.

"Quick, go in and see what's going on?".

A strong man said excitedly, rising directly into the sky and quickly rushing towards the world where the Samsara Divine Tree appeared. The remaining strong men, totaling three to four hundred people, also rose into the sky and flew towards the mysterious world where the Samsara Divine Tree appeared.

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