Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9082: 717 The strange origin of reincarnation

"What are your plans after entering?" Wuliang Taoist asked through a message. This guy is very cautious. There are people around him now, beware of "walls have ears", and has been communicating with Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said, "I plan to find a few to deal with the wild demons. Are you interested in joining forces with me?" Wuliang Taoist said, "Are you crazy? You dare to provoke the Desolate Demon with such a powerful cultivation level? You don't want your life, but I want my life. I advise you to give up this idea as soon as possible. Don't deal with the Desolate Demon. Give yourself a ride

Go in".

After hearing Wuliang Taoist's answer, Lin Feng knew that Wuliang Taoist was not going to help. This guy came here just to find some opportunities, so Lin Feng would not be too disappointed.

After all, Lin Feng concluded a long time ago that it is better to believe that the infinite Taoist priest will help than to believe that the old sow can climb the tree.

This **** Taoist priest has always been unwilling to do anything early without any benefit.

Lin Feng said, "Just watch. This time I have to subdue this guy, Huang Mo. It's best if I can suppress him. If I can't suppress him, I'll kill him!".

"Infinite Heavenly Lord! Master Tao, I will cheer for you and encourage you!". Wuliang Taoist said.

Lin Feng couldn't help but curl his lips.

I am too lazy to take a dig at Wuliang Taoist priest.

Soon, these monks all flew into the world where the Sacred Tree of Samsara appeared. Coming here, Lin Feng took a closer look. He found that the area of ​​this world was large enough and the laws were powerful enough. It was somewhat similar to the place they went to before, but in terms of the power of the laws, it was similar to the place they went to before.

It should be incomparable to the space where the reincarnation tree spirit resides.

The place where they are now is somewhat similar to an underground world.

As you can see, there is a dense forest surrounding it.

But at a higher position above, there is also a rock wall layer blocking the void.

This was the main reason why Lin Feng judged that this place was an underground world. As for why he was transported to the underground world, Lin Feng actually had some considerations, because the underground world is a relatively complicated place for any created world, even for

The same is true for the big world outside and so on.

It is this complexity of composition that gives the underground world many naturally dangerous terrains.

These are all places that can be exploited.

When setting up a trap, you can completely cover these places. These places can even form a natural killing array, which can greatly enhance the power of the trap.

After everyone came here, they all locked in a direction.

Because there is golden light rising into the sky in that direction.

I don’t know what it is, but some people wonder if it is an amazing opportunity in the world of reincarnation. This makes many people extremely happy.

Soon everyone rushed to the area.

Then everyone saw it.

There is a golden ball of light floating in the void. This golden ball of light is somewhat similar to the ball of light outside the previous Samsara Divine Tree Spirit, but it is very different.

Mainly the energy system, there is a huge difference.

Inside this golden ball of light, there are more than thirty purple-green light beams sealed inside.

"This is...the origin of reincarnation?".

Someone's eyes suddenly widened.

"Fuck, good stuff!". Wuliang Taoist couldn't help but screamed.

The origin of reincarnation is divided into many categories, mainly based on the purity of the power of reincarnation. Obviously, the source of reincarnation that appears inside the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation must be the highest level of source of reincarnation. The role of one source of reincarnation here can be equaled by dozens or hundreds of sources of reincarnation outside.

less effective. Although Lin Feng and Wuliang Taoist priests had reached an agreement with the spirit of the Samsara Sacred Tree before, to be honest, no one knew what was going on inside Wushuang City. Whether they could get the cosmic crystal from Wushuang City, Lin Feng and Wuliang

The Taoist priest also didn't know. If he couldn't get the cosmic crystal, then the rewards such as the origin of reincarnation that the spirit of the tree of reincarnation promised to Lin Feng and the others would all become a dream.

but now.

The origin of reincarnation here is real. If you grab it, you will make money.

You would be a fool not to grab it.


A monk said in a deep voice.

Whoosh whoosh!

One by one, strong men quickly flew towards the light group. Even the most top-notch strong men, such as Qiankun Ghost Mother and others, also took action.

These people are well-informed.

I have long discovered that the origins of these reincarnations are different, and they can also be of great help to high-level beings like them. If you are not strong, you would be a fool.

But at this time, the golden light group quickly separated, and the sources of reincarnation fled in different directions.

The origins of these reincarnations are very strange, as if they are intelligent.

They all jumped into the void, trying to escape by traveling through the void.

Lin Feng actually captured something like the origin.

But it was the first time for Lin Feng to see such strange origins as the reincarnation origins in front of him. With so many top powerhouses taking action, it was not easy for these origins to escape through the void.

These origins hidden in the void were shaken out.

Many people grabbed those origins, and something shocking happened. Some strong men caught those origins, but the origins immediately penetrated their palms and fled further away.

This origin has a very powerful penetrating ability, which is really weird, so some strong people thought about whether this origin could be suppressed or sealed.

The strong ones took action.

They tried to seal or suppress the origin of reincarnation. The mana or runes they produced were quite powerful, but something shocking happened again.

Facing various powerful suppression or sealing methods from those strong people.

Those sources of reincarnation once again easily defeated the methods of these top powerhouses.

This situation is really weird.

Lin Feng was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the origin of these reincarnations was much weirder than imagined.

And this time.

A source of reincarnation quickly flew towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng knew that it was difficult to truly control these sources of reincarnation, regardless of whether it was a sealing technique or a direct capture technique, so Lin Feng thought of another method, which was to use a sky-swallowing jar to swallow the sources of reincarnation.

The Sky-Swallowing Jar is a treasure that can swallow all kinds of treasures, including the original power. After being swallowed by Lin Feng's Sky-Swallowing Jar, these things were immediately tamed.

Therefore, Lin Feng still relies heavily on the treasure of the Sky-Swallowing Jar.


With a flash of light, the sky-swallowing jar flew out.

Inside the sky-swallowing jar, powerful devouring power surged out.

That terrifying devouring force enveloped the source of reincarnation that was flying towards him quickly.

The source of reincarnation cannot resist the swallowing of the sky-swallowing jar. Directly swallowed by the Sky Swallowing Jar.

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