Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9083: 718 Unlucky Lin Feng

"Haha, my sky-swallowing jar is really powerful! Now the source of reincarnation belongs to me!". Lin Feng laughed.

In fact, it is not just Lin Feng who has collected the source of reincarnation, there are also some strong people with quite powerful methods who have also collected some of the source.

About ten sources of reincarnation were collected.

But there was still a lot of reincarnation origin left, and he escaped.

"Wuliang, you Tianzun Banban, why did my little baby run away!" Not far away, Wuliang Taoist priest wailed. It turned out that he had also locked on the source of reincarnation.

He even suppressed the origin of reincarnation.

But the source of reincarnation broke free from the suppression of Wuliang Taoist and quickly escaped. This made Wuliang Taoist very angry. Wuliang Taoist waved his fly whisk and shouted, "Let me see where you are running!" .

Then he quickly chased towards the escaping source of reincarnation. As for Lin Feng, he also locked onto a source of reincarnation and quickly chased after it. No one would have too much of this thing, including the Qiankun Ghost Mother and others, who also chased after the origin of reincarnation that escaped. This shows that they have no regard for the origin of reincarnation.

Planting something, but also extremely eager to get more.

While Lin Feng was chasing the source of reincarnation, suddenly, Lin Feng's heart skipped a beat, and his blood began to flow rapidly. The ability to act on a whim was passively activated at this time, which meant that something extremely dangerous was about to happen, enough to threaten his life. Lin Feng knew that there must be a powerful monk hiding in the dark.

He launched a sneak attack. Lin Feng didn't know who it was, but it was obviously because the other party saw that he had obtained the source of reincarnation.

Plus, he seems to be an easier person to deal with.

That's why he took action. Lin Feng reacted quickly enough. Before the opponent's attack could kill him, he cast the Illusion Spell in time. Lin Feng's body quickly became illusory. The next moment, a being shrouded in darkness, holding a cold weapon, appeared.

The sword stepped out from the void and struck Lin Feng with one strike.

The power of that knife was really terrifying, making Lin Feng break into a cold sweat.

Lin Feng had actually noticed this existence before. It was very mysterious and had a cold aura, but Lin Feng did not pay much attention to this person. After all, he had no interaction with this person.

but. This person wanted to kill him, and the relationship between the two parties completely changed. Lin Feng was not a person who liked to provoke others, but this did not mean that Lin Feng would be very generous if others provoked Lin Feng.

Forgive each other.

No, Lin Feng can't do it.

What Lin Feng prefers is a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye.

If you have a grudge, you will be repaid tenfold. Since Lin Feng's body became illusory, the man in black's attack directly hit Lin Feng's illusory body and did not cause any harm to Lin Feng. This man in black probably did not expect to appear.

In such a situation, his pupils couldn't help but shrink suddenly, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Lin Feng had an indifferent expression, and Lin Feng took action, punching towards the body of the man in black.

Lin Feng's punch was fast and powerful.

Want to hide.

It’s as difficult as climbing to heaven.

The man in black had no time to dodge Lin Feng's violent punch, so he could only raise his hand to block it, hoping to remove Lin Feng's power.

boom. Along with a dull sound of collision, the next moment, Lin Feng's extremely powerful punch hit the man in black's arm hard, followed by a clicking sound, and the man in black's The arm was broken by Lin Feng, and then Lin Feng's punch hit the sternum of the man in black. The man in black's sternum was shattered by Lin Feng's punch, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood. Lin Feng endured it at close range. The injuries sustained by the man in black from this punch

It was quite serious. He looked horrified. He didn't expect Lin Feng to be so powerful.

The man in black wants to escape.

But it's too late.

Lin Feng clapped it with his other hand.

His shot was powerful and heavy.

Lin Feng slapped the head of the man in black into his body with a palm.

The man in black died tragically on the spot.

Lin Feng took away the storage ring of the man in black, and then burned the body of the man in black to ashes with sky fire, and then Lin Feng continued to chase the source of reincarnation in the direction of escape.

In fact, Lin Feng and the man in black fought very quickly.

From the time Lin Feng was attacked by a sneak attack to the time Lin Feng killed the man in black, it only took a dozen breaths.

Originally there were some monks around who wanted to deal with Lin Feng. The main reason is that those people are greedy for the source of reincarnation that Lin Feng has obtained. They dare not provoke the other top powerhouses, but Lin Feng and the others are not afraid. Although some people also know that Lin Feng controls an army, but that army

He stayed outside and did not come in, and Lin Feng himself was so young.

It shouldn't be that difficult to deal with.

But after seeing the whole process of Lin Feng killing the man in black, the monks who originally wanted to deal with Lin Feng also stopped trying, because Lin Feng didn't seem to be as easy to deal with as they imagined. Lin Feng quickly left the area. There were still several monks chasing the origin. A demon monk with eight pairs of wings was extremely fast and took the lead to catch up with the origin, but before he could wait, He takes action

, that origin actually attracted a large amount of the power of reincarnation between heaven and earth. Those powers of reincarnation condensed into a ball of light, which instantly exploded next to the eight-winged demon monk, blowing the eight-winged demon monk away. go out.

The eight-winged demon monk spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Damn it, this source of reincarnation is so evil!". Several other monks were shocked when they saw this scene. Lin Feng was also shocked. The source of reincarnation in front of him seemed to be even more extraordinary than the one he collected. It was indeed the source of reincarnation born from within the sacred tree of reincarnation. This source of reincarnation can be reversed.

Tianlai described it. After refining, it can definitely have a huge effect on the cultivation of monks. Lin Feng even felt that after refining, monks would have a deeper understanding of the way of reincarnation. This is more important than improving your cultivation. After all, the Tao of Reincarnation is one of the most top-level Tao. The more profound you master the Tao of Reincarnation, the more you will understand reincarnation, life and death, etc.

This is profound, which is of far-reaching significance to any monk, and cannot be compared with rising one or two levels. Lin Feng was the second to chase after him. What made Lin Feng depressed was that the source of reincarnation actually condensed a dozen orbs of reincarnation. Those dozen orbs of reincarnation exploded around Lin Feng and blew Lin Feng away. Lin Feng vomited blood. I had the urge to blow up the eight-winged demon monk and only used one samsara light ball, but to blow him up, I actually used more than a dozen samsara light balls. I wanted to kill him. He was too unlucky.

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