Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9084: 719 Collect the second source of reincarnation

Lin Feng thought to himself that this source of reincarnation seemed to want to kill him from the very beginning. Could it be because he knew that he had surrendered a source of reincarnation before, so this source of reincarnation released such a powerful attack against him?


The more Lin Feng thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was very realistic.

What a terrible situation.

The source of reincarnation has become a spirit.

Too difficult to deal with. The power of the explosion of more than a dozen samsara light **** is indeed terrifying. The most important thing is that when these samsara light **** explode, there is an extremely powerful linkage effect between these samsara light balls. This linkage action

By using it, the power of these reincarnation light **** was greatly increased. This made Lin Feng miserable. If Lin Feng's defense was lower, he would have been killed by these reincarnation light balls.

But even though his defense was quite astonishing, he was still extremely uncomfortable now. Lin Feng could only feel his energy and blood boiling, and the blood in his throat was rising, and he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Look, that guy's defense is really abnormal. He wasn't even killed by the bomb. It's incredible!"

"Yeah, I don't know what that guy ate to grow up. This defense doesn't look like the defense that humans should have at all!".

Several monks around him began to murmur.

They are powerful, so they know very well how abnormal the power of the Samsara Light Ball is.

The demon monk just now was also quite powerful. He was blown to pieces by a reincarnation light ball. He vomited blood and was seriously injured.

To know! Demons have always been known for their physical strength. The powerful body of the demons cannot withstand the powerful force of the explosion of one samsara light ball, let alone the explosion of more than a dozen samsara light balls. Lin Feng must not be blown to pieces, but Lin Feng is far affected.

It's not as big as they imagined, which makes them feel incredible.

The source of reincarnation, after releasing a dozen light **** to attack Lin Feng, saw that Lin Feng was not killed.

Then he quickly flew away into the distance.

"Where to go?". Lin Feng shouted coldly, he was so embarrassed by the source of reincarnation just now.

How could Lin Feng let go of the origin of reincarnation?

The rest of the people also chased after him. Although the origin of reincarnation is extraordinary, in their view, as long as the origin of reincarnation is surrounded, there is always a way to conquer it. As for the demon monk, he did not pursue the origin of reincarnation, mainly because he

He was blown away by the force generated by the explosion of the Samsara Light Ball, and his injuries were quite serious.

Now that I'm powerless, it's better not to pursue him. The most important thing is to find a place to heal.

Lin Feng was very fast.

But Lin Feng found that this time he was unable to catch up with the source of reincarnation, because the speed of the source of reincarnation was also accelerating.

You must know that in the past, both Lin Feng and the demon monk were able to catch up with the origin of reincarnation, but at that time the origin of reincarnation was not constantly accelerating.

Now, it has begun to accelerate, which shows that the origin of the previous reincarnation was deliberately hidden.

It even waits for others to catch up, and then suddenly releases its attack, the reincarnation light ball just now, to deal with those who catch up.

It's just that this guy miscalculated and failed to defeat Lin Feng.

Lin Feng felt that the consumption of so many samsara light **** that it continuously released should be quite large.

This is also the main reason why this guy is running away now.

As for the other monks, although they were quite powerful, there was still a certain gap compared with Lin Feng. Those monks gradually fell behind during the pursuit.

"You're riding a horse, this speed is too abnormal!".

Several monks started swearing.

It was hard to imagine that it was just an origin, and the speed was so ridiculously fast. This made them depressed and wanted to cry, but now they could only look at the origin and Lin Feng's back.

"Is this guy still accelerating?".

At this moment, Lin Feng's face was almost green, if it weren't for the fact that he was extremely good at speed.

Now he has been thrown away by that origin.

But even now.

The distance between Lin Feng and the source has gradually widened a lot. However, Lin Feng is not discouraged because, in Lin Feng's view, although the distance has been opened a little now, it is not completely thrown away. Moreover, Lin Feng felt that the speed behind that source would definitely slow down. How could it keep accelerating? Even a monk could not do that. What’s more, it was just a source. It would definitely stop and take a rest in order to recover.

He was recovering, but because he was being chased by Lin Feng, his speed would slow down even if he didn't stop for a rest.

What happened next was exactly what Lin Feng had guessed.

Half an hour later.

The speed of Samsara Origin, who was escaping quickly in front, indeed dropped, but Lin Feng's speed did not slow down.

The distance between the two parties that had been gradually widened before was now gradually getting smaller.

Suddenly, the source of reincarnation quickly changed the direction of its flight. They entered a dense forest, and the deeper they flew, the denser the forest became.

"The origin of reincarnation is so strange. Even if a complete spirituality is not born, it must already have independent consciousness. Otherwise, it is impossible to be such a monster!" Lin Feng's eyes couldn't help but narrowed.

This source of powerful spirituality is much more powerful than other sources of the same type.

The role played by this origin may be far greater than imagined.

Maybe it can even bring unexpected surprises.


For now, this is just Lin Feng's guess. What kind of situation it will be, nothing has been said yet.

Anyway, Lin Feng feels very good, and no matter what, he must get this source of reincarnation as much as possible.

Soon, more than half an hour passed.

Lin Feng finally caught up with the origin of reincarnation.

The source of reincarnation once again released a powerful reincarnation light ball to attack Lin Feng, but this time Lin Feng was fully prepared. When the Samsara Light Ball released its attack, Lin Feng activated several top-level defensive magic weapons. With the help of the defensive light shield constructed by these top-level defense magic weapons, he successfully withstood the explosion of those Samsara Light Balls, and then

, Lin Feng quickly reached the reincarnation light ball and used the sky-swallowing jar again.

In the sky-swallowing jar, powerful devouring powers were released, and those devouring powers directly enveloped the origin of reincarnation.


The source of reincarnation was swallowed up by Lin Feng's sky-swallowing jar.

After doing all this, Lin Feng let out a sigh of relief.

However, Lin Feng suddenly felt a cold aura, and he looked into the darkness ahead.

There seemed to be some terrifying presence in the darkness, approaching him quickly.

This made Lin Feng feel extremely uneasy.

"It's not a good time to stay here for a long time, you have to leave here quickly!" Lin Feng couldn't help but said to himself, and he quickly flew outside. But at this moment, something terrible happened.

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