Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9085: 720Your good luck is coming to an end!

In the darkness, densely packed monsters flew out.

If you look closely, you will see that those monsters look extremely weird, like swords, about the size of a palm, and their heads are extremely sharp, just like the tip of a sword.

As for the two sides, they are extremely sharp, like the blade of a sword.

The most shocking thing is that this monster has dense eyes.

Those eyes are very small and very fine. If someone with trypophobia sees the densely packed eyes on this monster, their scalp will go numb, and they will be frightened to death or disgusted to death. If you think those tiny eyes are just an organ, you are totally wrong. Those tiny eyes are not just an organ. They can release an extremely evil power. This evil power,

It will seriously interfere with the monk's spirit and have extremely powerful hallucinogenic effects.

One or two, or a small group of such monsters, the evil power released in their eyes may not be able to affect the spirit of the top powerhouse.

But the key point is that there are too many monsters in front of us.


With so many monsters gathered together, there is too much evil power released in their eyes.

Lin Feng's mental state was affected immediately.

He found that the darkness disappeared.

What appeared in front of him was a huge palace, and he was standing on a very high step.

From the square below the steps, the sound of warblers and swallows was heard. Before long, a large number of beauties quickly ran over.

Those beauties are really fair-skinned, beautiful and have long legs.

The ring is fat and the swallow is thin.

Everything you need.

Can satisfy any of your fantasies and needs.

It's simply a man's paradise.

Lin Feng looked down at the clothes he was wearing, and found that he was actually wearing a dragon robe.

"I became an emperor?".

Lin Feng couldn't help but be slightly startled.

In fact, although Lin Feng is not the emperor of some divine kingdoms, he is much more powerful than those so-called divine emperors. After all, Lin Feng controls so many big worlds under his command.

Now look at the countless beauties who are crazy about him below.

Lin Feng thought to himself that the feeling of becoming an emperor seemed quite good.

And these peerless beauties are all his.


"Your Majesty, you are so handsome!".

"Your Majesty, I'm here, come and pamper me!"

A large number of beauties ran towards Lin Feng, fearing that they would run too slowly.

Which of these women is not a goddess-level existence?

But now, he has become Lin Feng's licking dog.

Many men work hard all their lives.

What I am pursuing is probably the situation in front of me.

Lin Feng was almost intoxicated.

But soon, Lin Feng felt something was wrong.

If it were an ordinary person, at this moment, he would probably be completely unable to extricate himself.

But Lin Feng's mental willpower was strong enough, and his mind became much clearer in an instant.

He thought of the kind of monster that appeared in the darkness.

Densely packed tiny eyes.

The power of evil.

"This is an illusion!".

Lin Feng calmed himself down. The power of these monsters was so weird that he fell into a terrifying hallucination, and there was no way to get out of it.

"Then! Kill these people!".

Lin Feng thought of a way, "Go to hell!" A sword appeared in his hand, and with Lin Feng's shout, Lin Feng slashed at the women running towards him.

Lin Feng directly killed dozens of women at the front with this sword.

And the scene in front of him changed again.

The palaces, palaces, squares, groups of beauties, etc., all disappeared.

What replaced it was endless darkness. Lin Feng returned to reality, and it was still the same mountain forest as before. As for what Lin Feng killed was naturally not a group of beauties, he was not even able to kill anything. The beauties he killed in the illusion were just

It just helped Lin Feng break the previous illusion.

At this time, Lin Feng discovered that those monsters were already very close to him, only a few dozen meters away, and they could fly over in the blink of an eye.

How dare Lin Feng stay?

Turn around and run away. When the densely packed monsters saw Lin Feng trying to escape, they couldn't help but let out sharp and harsh screams. This kind of scream can form a special resonance with the evil power emanating from their densely packed and tiny eyes.


When this resonance is formed, more powerful spiritual power will be released, and this spiritual power will have a more powerful impact on the monks.

Most people simply can't resist it.

Obviously these monsters want to use this spiritual technique to continue to influence Lin Feng. These monsters are indeed quite smart, and their choices are also extremely correct.

At this time, Lin Fengruo was really affected by the spiritual power of these monsters.

Then, with only a few dozen meters between the two sides, it was absolutely impossible for Lin Feng to break the illusion of those monsters for the second time before those monsters came to kill him. If so, it would be a dead end.

However, after being plotted by those monsters last time, Lin Feng had already made full preparations.

Therefore, this time, although these monsters released more powerful soul-type attacks to affect Lin Feng's spirit.

However, it didn't have much effect at all. Then these monsters released new attacks. The bodies of these monsters shook suddenly, and attacks like sword energy were released. These monsters looked strange in themselves, like long swords.

Like flying swords with countless fine eyes, the attacks they fired were also similar to sword energy, and those sword energy-like attacks were quite terrifying and could tear the void apart in an instant.

Fortunately, the defensive light shield outside Lin Feng was strong enough to withstand the attacks of these monsters. However, there were too many of these monsters, and the attacks they launched together were too destructive. Even if Lin Feng's defensive mask was strong enough, after resisting a wave of attacks, many monsters appeared.

Hairline cracks.

This made Lin Feng's expression change slightly. Although he didn't know what these monsters were, Lin Feng had fully understood the horror of these monsters.

If you are really surrounded by these monsters, it will definitely be an extremely dangerous situation.

Lin Feng fled all the way outside.

What made Lin Feng a little depressed was that with his speed, he was not able to get rid of these monsters.

These monsters chased Lin Feng all the way out of the dense forest. After leaving the dark forest, Lin Feng came to an ordinary mountain forest.

But those monsters did not leave, and were still chasing Lin Feng.

Soon after.

Lin Feng rushed out from another mountain forest first. When he rushed out, the monsters had not rushed out in time.

And after rushing out.

Lin Feng saw several monks, and the leader was none other than Taoist Jiutian.

Taoist Jiutian also saw Lin Feng. He couldn't help but was slightly startled, and a murderous intention suddenly appeared in his eyes. During the last fight for the Reincarnation Token, Jiutian Taoist was injured by Lin Feng using a Jizhou detonator. This made Jiutian Taoist very angry. In addition, Lin Feng was still in alliance with Jiutian Taoist’s enemy, the goddess Ji Yao, so Lin Feng also became

For the sake of being a thorn in the flesh of Taoist Jiutian.

Now Lin Feng is alone.

This made Taoist Jiutian very happy. Isn't this a great opportunity to kill Lin Feng? "Boy, you met me here today, your good luck is about to come to an end!". Taoist Jiutian looked at Lin Feng with a ferocious smile, and led several monks around him to kill Lin Feng.

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