Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9086: 721 Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster

"Isn't this fellow Taoist Jiutian? It's great to see you here!" Lin Feng didn't seem to see Taoist Jiutian's hostility, and looked at Taoist Jiutian with a very happy look, which actually made Taoist Jiutian and others confused.

Dazed for a moment. "Is this kid scared out of his wits?" A monk on Jiutian Taoist's side couldn't help but sarcastically said, after all, they have a large number of people here, and there is Jiutian Taoist who is close to the level of a universe boss. To deal with Lin Feng alone,

It's not something that can be easily captured, but Lin Feng is not only not afraid, but also looks very happy. If not he was scared to death, what else could he be.

I really can't think of any other reason.

Another person said, "Don't worry about whether this kid was really frightened, killing him is definitely as good as getting a few great opportunities!". Everyone seriously agrees with this. After all, Lin Feng commands a huge army of monks outside. Although many people think that Lin Feng is just a puppet pushed out by the strong people behind him, but whether he is a puppet or not, Lin Feng’s identity is It is extremely not simple. In addition, he is so powerful at such a young age and has so many good things that are unimaginable. After killing Lin Feng, you will definitely get the good things from Lin Feng. Let’s share some.

points, everyone can get a lot of good things.

"Haha, I want to kill this kid right now!" said a third person.

On the contrary, Jiutian Taoist looked relatively calm. Of course, among these people, the one who wanted to kill Lin Feng the most was definitely Jiutian Taoist.

Just when these people excitedly wanted to surround and kill Lin Feng, the group of sword-shaped monsters chasing Lin Feng in the forest also flew out quickly.

It was like there were billions of flying swords with dense eyes flying through the void. After the few people who were originally excited saw the group of sword-shaped monsters chasing after them and the weird smile on Lin Feng's face, even a fool knew why Lin Feng was so happy just now and took the initiative to fly towards them.

, this grandson wants to lead those monsters to them. "Oh my god, it's the rumored Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster. This thing is said to be extremely evil and weird. It was one of the most terrifying social creatures in the last reincarnation. It is rumored that it became extinct in the middle of the last reincarnation. , I didn’t expect such a thing to appear here, hurry up! If you are caught up by the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monsters, you will be in trouble!" The monk who had been silent beside Taoist Jiutian suddenly spoke. This man was obviously a well-informed person.

He actually recognized the origin of this monster. Even Taoist Jiutian had never heard of this monster.

"Go, go, go!".

Taoist Jiutian shouted in a deep voice. He is a cautious person and feels that these monsters should not be provoked.

So Taoist Jiutian quickly turned around and ran away. As for Lin Feng, he was too lazy to care. Escape was the most important thing now.


Lin Feng was the fastest. When Jiutian Taoist turned around, Lin Feng had already surpassed Jiutian Taoist.

"We should deal with that kid first, quickly. This time we missed a good opportunity!". One of the monks complained after turning around.

Another monk also complained and said, "Yes, after we deal with that kid who won't eat even if he leaves, can't we wait for that group of monsters to do nothing?"

The two people complained, causing them to fall behind. As for Jiutian Taoist, he and the other two were already tens of meters away from them.

Seeing that they had been left behind so far, the two of them did not dare to continue complaining.

They were planning to speed up and catch up with Taoist Jiutian and the others.

But at this moment, their eyes became a little confused, and then they turned to look behind them. Then they saw different scenes. One of them saw that he had become a strong man who overpowered the four universes. Countless legendary strong men, including those in the Supreme Court and the Gate of Eternal Life, fell to their knees one after another.

Greet him on the ground.

And him! Then he is arrogant and arrogant!

Looking down at the heavens, no one dares to disapprove!

As for the other person, he saw that he had become a beautiful woman, and countless handsome men were fascinated by her.

No wonder this guy is wearing colorful clothes.

There seems to be something smeared on it.

It turns out that this guy is different from normal men. He actually doesn't want to be a man, but wants to be a woman. Then, countless outstanding men fell under her pomegranate skirt.

Obviously. These two people are now under extremely powerful illusions. Just like Lin Feng was affected by these Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster before, the impact on these two people will be more serious. This is because the strength of the two of them is incomparable.

Lin Feng's.

His mental strength was even worse than Lin Feng's.

That thousand-eyed sword monster is such a terrifying existence.

It is too easy to control their minds.

The two of them turned around and ran towards the group of Thousand-Eyed Sword Monsters.

"what's the situation?". One person was shocked when he saw the two running towards the group of Thousand-Eyed Sword Monsters. The monk who had seen the introduction of the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster said in a deep voice, "It is rumored that the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster can confuse other people's spirits and make people fall into boundless illusions. The two of them are probably confused by the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster. , they must be allowed to

Wake up, otherwise they will both die! ".

"wake up!".

So, the three Taoists from Jiutian shouted loudly. This was the limit of what they could do. It was impossible for them to go back to the original road and take the two away. They would never take this risk. .

The shouts of the three people contained the power to invigorate their spirits.

However, it did not have any effect, and the two people seemed not to hear it.

Soon they ran into a group of Thousand-Eyed Sword Monsters.

Their bodies were instantly covered by the group of Thousand-Eyed Sword Monsters. Their screams were not even heard, and their bodies were chewed to the point where not even a bit of residue was left.

"Run away, run away!". Seeing this scene, the faces of the three of them almost turned green with fright. They turned around and ran away quickly. At the same time, they each used some special methods to prevent their spirits from being affected by the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster Group, and then ended up like the two before.

A miserable end for human beings. "Lin Feng! You little beast! How dare you trick us! You deserve death!". Taoist Jiutian looked at Lin Feng in front of him and couldn't help roaring. Taoist Jiutian was very clever and powerful. He knew his true nature.

Lin Feng's real identity is not surprising at all.

Lin Feng sneered and said, "Jiutian Guisun, you'd better save some energy and think about how to escape the pursuit of those sword monsters!".

Lin Feng said, throwing hundreds of talismans he had refined behind him.

Those magic talismans exploded instantly, and the energy of the explosion rushed towards the three Jiutian Taoists. Their expressions changed drastically. It was too late to avoid them, so they could only use their magic weapons to resist.

Relying on the magic weapon, he was able to withstand the energy released by the explosion.

But the three of them were also blown dozens of meters away.

At this time, the overwhelming group of Thousand-Eyed Sword Monsters had already flown over.

"No…". The eyes of the three Jiutian Taoists almost didn't pop out of their eyes, and they all let out frightened screams.

next moment. They were overwhelmed by the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monsters.

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