Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9088: 723 The demon king’s methods

"Illusion!". Lin Feng's eyes suddenly froze. Just as he imagined, the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster King was ridiculously powerful.

You must know that Lin Feng is guarding against its spiritual skills.

But still no defense.

Lin Feng activated the defensive magic weapon, and used defensive magical powers such as Vajra Indestructibility.

The main reason is that the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster King's methods are too weird, so Lin Feng must be more careful.

Lin Feng tried to release the domineering magnetic field. The strong impact caused by the domineering magnetic field can often change many things, and even illusions can be broken.

Lin Feng hoped that this time, he could get what he wanted.

But unfortunately, when Lin Feng's domineering magnetic field was released, it failed to have any effect, which made Lin Feng feel a little regretful.

"Despicable human being, if you dare to come here to me, you are simply asking for death! I will eat you later!".

The voice of the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster King suddenly resounded in the dark space.

The power of darkness came down and suppressed Lin Feng. Lin Feng suddenly felt as if his body was being suppressed by a dark magic mountain from ancient times. That feeling was really terrible.

Lin Feng is known for his physical strength, so he directly uses his physical strength to resist this pressure. He wants to shatter the huge impact this pressure has on himself.

But it takes some effort.

But it still failed.

"It's useless, you are trapped in my purgatory kingdom and you will never be able to escape!". The voice in the darkness resounded again.

Lin Feng's expression became increasingly grim. It seemed that this purgatory-like dark world was not just a fantasy. It is very likely that it is a special space in itself, but this special space is combined with the art of illusion. Therefore, it is more difficult to break the shackles of this space than imagined. This is for Lin Feng.

To say it's natural is a pretty bad thing.

The other party did not attack Lin Feng further. Lin Feng guessed that there might be two reasons. The first reason is that it has also seen that it has a powerful defensive magic weapon. It has not revealed its weaknesses yet. It is not easy to kill itself quickly, so it is still looking for its own flaws.

Wait until you find a flaw before taking action.

Of course, this existence is so powerful. If you want to attack by force, you can do it. After all, with its powerful cultivation, the probability of killing itself by force attack is still very high. But at this time, this existence will most likely think about one thing, that is, he will also

It is not a simple existence. Although it can kill itself by forceful attack, it may not feel comfortable if it counterattacks before it dies.

This existence is not willing to take this risk. The second reason is also what Lin Feng thinks is the worst situation. The Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster Group may be on their way back. When the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster Group comes back, the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster Group will probably be able to destroy his side with one charge. defense

, and there is also the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster King, Lin Feng will definitely die when the time comes.


Lin Feng must quickly break out of this predicament now, and cannot continue to be trapped in this dark world like purgatory.

He can't afford it.

You must escape before the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monsters come back, otherwise, it will be miserable.

No one can save him.

But how to break the current predicament is a huge headache.

Lin Feng thought of a certain method.

Can he use the heavenly fire he has mastered? Burning it with heavenly fire, maybe some special situations can occur.

Think of this.

Lin Feng released the sky fire, and the sky fire began to burn. The burning sky fire distorted the void.

but. The sky fire that distorted the void failed to cause any special changes here. After seeing this situation, Lin Feng knew that the hope of using the sky fire to break the current balance and help him escape was considered complete.


What method should be used? Lin Feng has a headache now. Lin Feng has also tried the clairvoyance and the eye of truth.

But it didn't work at all.

Just when Lin Feng was at his wits' end, a voice suddenly resounded in Lin Feng's mind.

‘Use the reincarnation tree you got before! ’.

This voice is the voice of the demon king.

The demon king was in seclusion before.

There has been no movement, but now it seems to be out of isolation.

Lin Feng took out the sacred tree of reincarnation and tried to activate it to see if it could bring about any changes.

Powerful mana poured out continuously, wrapping the sacred tree of reincarnation.


The sacred tree of reincarnation did not undergo any changes. Lin Feng had actually expected this situation. Although he was disappointed, there was nothing he could do about it.

The main reason is that the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster King's methods are too terrifying.

You know, Lin Feng can break the illusion created by the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster Group, but the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster King's method of combining reality and reality gives Lin Feng an extremely headache.

Lin Feng was about to put away the sacred tree of reincarnation.

Then think of other ways.

A deep voice came out.

It's the demon king, chanting a spell.

Lin Feng had never heard of this kind of spell before, or even the language in which the demon king recited the spell.

This guy, Yaojun, seems to have awakened a lot of memories.

And in those memories, there are many astonishing contents recorded. The Demon Lord relies on those memories to become more and more unique.

Suddenly, Lin Feng moved his hands.

It was not Lin Feng who made his hand move on his own initiative. It was the reincarnation tree in his hand that moved, pulling Lin Feng's hand and also started to move.

The sacred tree of reincarnation drew wonderful line segments in the void. These line segments were connected together and turned into a formation diagram.


The sacred tree of reincarnation was pointed at the center of the formation diagram.

This array chart is slowly rising into the sky.

A shocking thing happened immediately. The formation diagram rising into the air turned into a sun.

That's right, it's a sun. Although it's not big, the light it emits is dazzling and extremely dazzling.

And the darkness was instantly dispelled by the sun.

"Walk!". The demon king shouted in a deep voice.

Lin Feng did not dare to hesitate and rushed outside quickly. Not far away, the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster King looked confused.

Obviously, the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster King never thought that Lin Feng could break his illusion and dark space.

However, the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster King quickly reacted and it quickly chased Lin Feng. The Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster King's body shook the air slightly.


A dazzling sword energy tore through the void in an instant, beheading Lin Feng in front of him.

Lin Feng looked behind him and saw that the terrifying sword energy was less than three meters away from him, and was enveloped by the terrifying sword intent released by the sword energy. Lin Feng suddenly felt like he had no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth. It seemed that he would die under the attack of that sword energy in the next moment.

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