Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9089: 724Cultivation of larvae

As expected of the attack of the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster King, the attack released from such a long distance was so powerful. This was something that Lin Feng did not expect at all. However, facing this attack, Lin Feng did not do it himself.


Because Lin Feng had already communicated with Beibei, asking Beibei to pay attention to the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster King, so as not to fall into another trap and be involved in the combination of dark space and illusion.

So, when the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster King attacked again, Beibei took action.


Beibei shouted loudly.

Uh-huh! The light and shadow flickered, and the next moment, Lin Feng's body quickly changed positions and appeared one meter away. Although the difference was only one meter, it didn't look like a big one. In fact, in a duel between masters, the difference was just the smallest amount of difference. thousand


A small gap can make a huge difference. Lin Feng speeded up in vain to avoid the attack from the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster King. This was something that had been planned for a long time. When Beibei stepped in to help resolve the attack from the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster King, Lin Feng was already ready to speed up, and this

Accelerating forward is extremely important to Lin Feng, as it is related to whether he can get rid of the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster King.

In fact, the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster King was caught off guard. He probably felt that even if Lin Feng resisted its attack just now, he would be affected a lot, especially his speed would be reduced.

In this way, he could chase after him quickly, but Lin Feng would still be dead.

But who would have thought that Lin Feng not only defused its attack, but his speed was not affected in any way.

The speed is even much faster.

This made the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster King depressed and angry. Now the distance between Lin Feng and it was a lot wider. With this distance, even if it was as powerful as it was, it would be difficult to release an attack that would affect Lin Feng.

"Despicable ant, you can't escape!".

The Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster King shouted coldly, and it continued to chase Lin Feng. At the same time, the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster King was also communicating with the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster Group.

Let the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monsters speed back to chase and intercept Lin Feng.

Lin Feng had already guessed this, so Lin Feng wanted to travel through the void and leave without giving the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster King a chance to block him. Lin Feng estimated the distance between him and the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster King. He felt that based on their current distance, if he activated the Gate of Mind, it would be difficult for the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster King to affect the Void Gate of the Heart. shuttle

The ability can also be used to get rid of the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster King.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng no longer hesitated and directly activated the treasure of the Gate of Mind.

After the Gate of Mind was activated by Lin Feng, powerful power was instantly released, covering Lin Feng.

Want to teleport Lin Feng out.

The Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster King saw that something seemed not right about the situation, so he guessed that Lin Feng might have some special methods. Now Lin Feng wanted to activate these special methods, and then quickly shuttle out.

How could the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster King watch this happen? The Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster King's eyes became more and more evil.

Those eyes radiated a heart-stopping power. And this kind of power is integrated into the void, shaking the void. It seems that he wants to use this method to affect the void world and prevent Lin Feng from leaving here. The surrounding void shakes violently, but Lin Feng and Beibei

They worked together to immobilize the void and stop the violent oscillation of the void.

Lin Feng then used the door of the mind to travel out.


Not long after, Lin Feng appeared in another place. It was obviously the world inside the Samsara Sacred Tree, but the specific location was unknown.

This time a total of one hundred and fifty cocoons were collected.

Although there is still a lot left that has not been collected, Lin Feng is already quite satisfied. He looked around, not knowing where he was now. Lin Feng tried to contact the spirit of the Divine Tree of Samsara. He said, "Fairy! What are you doing? Can you change the terrain of the world of the Divine Tree of Samsara?"

Tell me about the picture! ". Lin Feng was sure that this woman must have heard his call, but this woman had no intention of paying attention to Lin Feng at all, which made Lin Feng a little helpless. It seemed that this woman really didn't want to pay attention to him, but she just ignored him and ignored him.

Well, the two sides reached an agreement anyway.

When we deal with Huang Mo later, this woman will take action. Lin Feng is not afraid that she will not take action. Since he has already agreed to something, even if it is not bound by a contract, the top powerhouse will still be bound by what he promised. If you go against what you said, you might

It will have a certain impact on the psychology and thus affect one's own practice. This is not an alarmist statement.

There are too many things like this in the world of cultivators. Lin Feng chose a direction to fly. Soon after, Lin Feng found a hiding place. He planned to adjust his physical condition before setting off. Of course, there was one more important thing, that is, Lin Feng

Maple is now going to cultivate Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster larvae.

Once these many Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster larvae are cultivated, they will definitely be a huge help.

When Lin Feng entered time and space, he did not immediately restore his body, but instead selected resources to cultivate Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster larvae.

Lin Feng has too many good things here, but not all of them can be helpful to the Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster Larvae.

Some things may cause considerable harm to Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster Insects. If this type of thing is used to cultivate Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster larvae, these larvae will be destroyed.

Therefore, when Lin Feng chose something to cultivate Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster larvae, he mainly chose something that was relatively mild.

These mild things are most suitable for cultivating some larval creatures. Of course, not all of these gentle things are effective on Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster larvae.

Lin Feng took out some of the larvae and placed them on more than twenty things he selected.

Then Lin Feng's spiritual thoughts locked onto those Thousand-Eyed Sword Monster larvae. The larvae began to eat various things in front of them, and Lin Feng began to analyze the situation of the larvae. He found that after some larvae ate the things in front of them, their bodies suddenly became full of vitality and their growth rate also accelerated.

Many, which shows that those things have a promoting effect on these larvae.

Some larvae ate the things in front of them, but the reaction was mediocre and there was not much change, indicating that those things had little effect on the larvae. Some larvae ate the things in front of them. Not only did they not improve, but their bodies also experienced some bad phenomena. Obviously, these things cannot be eaten by the larvae and are harmful to the growth of the larvae. In the end, Lin

Feng selected ten kinds of natural materials and earthly treasures.

These ten kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures were piled together like a hill, and Lin Feng placed the one hundred and fifty giant cocoons among these heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

These larvae are in the stage of rapid growth. After smelling the smell of these natural materials and earthly treasures, they crawled out of their giant cocoons one after another and began to eat these natural materials and earthly treasures in order to seek rapid growth and even evolution. Feeling that the dense larvae began to grow continuously, Lin Feng couldn't help but smile. Next, he will try his best to cultivate this larvae army. After the larvae army is successfully cultivated, the strength displayed by this larvae army will inevitably It will shock the world.

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