Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9092: 727 Qiankun Ghost Mother is going to be killed by the Sea Emperor?

"This Poseidon is too powerful. His strength is close to that of a fish leaping, right?"

A monk said in horror. Many people agree with this monk's point of view. The combat power of the Poseidon is no longer something that can be described by a simple universe boss. Even some strong men at the universe boss level are not as unable to resist as some other monks.

They fell to their knees under the pressure of the giant dragon's claws, but they also felt unprecedented pressure.

This is the strength of Poseidon.

If Neptune's strength was not close to Yu Yue's, no one would believe it.

It's incredibly powerful, shocking, moving, and incredible. Of course, there are also some rumors from the outside world that Qiankun Ghost Mother has a cultivation level close to that of Yu Leap, and has even entered Yu Leap. However, the rumors are just rumors and have not been confirmed. Judging from today's situation, those rumors are indeed true.

It's not true. Many people then wanted to see how the Universe Ghost Mother could resist the Poseidon Emperor's attack. Anyway, many people present, after seeing the Neptune Emperor's strength, couldn't help but feel that although the Universe Ghost Mother was powerful, it was not as powerful as the Poseidon Emperor.

Compared with Neptune Emperor, I'm afraid there is still a gap. Even Lin Feng's expression became extremely solemn. As mentioned before, Lin Feng did not know anything about the Poseidon. He had been attacked by the Poseidon before. Of course, the Poseidon himself did not appear, but even so, Lin Feng felt that relying on the Poseidon to release him at that time out

With the power coming, he could probably judge the level of the Poseidon.

Lin Feng originally thought that although the Sea Emperor was strong, he might not be as good as the Qiankun Ghost Mother.

But now it seems that this idea may be wrong. This guy Poseidon definitely hid his strength when he dealt with him before.

Otherwise, it would be as difficult as climbing to the sky to escape from the sea that time.

At this time, the Qiankun Ghost Mother and the giant dragon's claws had collided.

Just like many people imagine.

As powerful as the Qiankun Ghost Mother, she was unable to shake the giant dragon's claws and was directly shot away.

"Ha ha ha ha…".

Poseidon laughed loudly and said, "Qiankun Ghost Mother, if you fall behind one step, you will be retreating!".

As if verifying Poseidon's words, Poseidon's Dragon Emperor battle body continued to take action, its huge claws, one claw after another, blasting towards the Universe Ghost Mother.

Qiankun Ghost Mother was completely suppressed and retreated steadily.

Seeing this situation, many people shook their heads slightly. Qiankun Ghost Mother was really too passive and was now being suppressed so much that she was already "struggling to support herself."

Once more flaws appear in the Universe Ghost Mother, then the Universe Ghost Mother will be struck by a thunderous blow.

And the possibility of Qiankun Ghost Mother's defeat is extremely high.

"The Dragon King's battle body is too overbearing. It's not as simple as the manifestation of magical powers, and it's definitely not a pure law of heaven and earth. It's a bit like a combination of the external incarnation and the law of heaven and earth!" Lin Feng couldn't help but pondered slightly. Naturally, there is no need to say more about the laws of heaven and earth. They are generally formed by the concentration of supreme supernatural powers. According to the different types of supernatural powers practiced by monks and the strength of the monks, the laws of heaven and earth are often very different. Some laws of heaven and earth are often very different.

The combat power of Xiangdi may be ten times or even more than that of the original deity, but this kind of Fa Tian Xiangdi cannot be cultivated by ordinary people.

There are also many types of external incarnations, but no matter what type of external incarnation they are, they basically need to be tempered with the help of the bodies of other monks or special creatures.

The powerful external incarnation may be many times more powerful than the original body.

Whether it is the most top-level Dharma, Heaven, Earth, or the most top-level external incarnation, they are all extremely terrifying methods, and can even become a monk's ultimate trick.

And if the Jiaohuang battle body is truly a combination of the external incarnation and the laws of heaven and earth.

That would be even more terrifying. Because the Jiao Emperor himself is too powerful. If a strong person like him really cultivates the external incarnation, he will definitely be the kind of extremely top-level external incarnation. Top

The laws of heaven and earth.

Therefore, the power of the Dragon Emperor's combat body, which is a combination of the extremely top-level external incarnation and the extremely top-level Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth, may even exceed everyone's cognition.

Therefore, the current Qiankun Ghost Mother must also be extremely troubled.

It's no wonder that she was suppressed so much. If it was really the situation that Lin Feng guessed, it would be normal for the Qiankun Ghost Mother to be suppressed like that.

At this time, under the continuous attacks of Jiaohuang's battle body, Qiankun Ghost Mother still showed its flaws.

How powerful this guy is, Poseidon, his ability to capture fighter planes is really great.

He caught the Qiankun Ghost Mother's flaw in an instant, and then issued an order to the Jiao Emperor's battle body.

When the giant claws of the Jiao Emperor's battle body slapped the Qiankun Ghost Mother, two gleams of light shone out of his eyes.

Qiankun Ghost Mother resisted the attack from the giant claws of the Jiao Emperor's battle body, but at this time, two terrifying eyes had already come towards her.

These two eyes are extremely extraordinary and contain the power to distort time and space.

After these two gazes came, Qiankun Ghost Mother only avoided one of them, but could not avoid the other gaze. Qiankun Ghost Mother was knocked away by that gaze.

Many people thought that the gaze would directly penetrate the body of the Universe Ghost Mother. After all, the gaze was so powerful that it would not be difficult to penetrate the body of the Universe Ghost Mother. However, what surprised everyone was that the powerful gaze did not penetrate the body of the Qiankun Ghost Mother. Obviously, the Qiankun Ghost Mother should be wearing a close-fitting defensive soft armor, which should be a top-level defensive treasure.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Qiankun Ghost Mother to withstand the attack just now by the Jiao Emperor's battle body with her flesh and blood body.

But even if she withstood the attack just now, Qiankun Ghost Mother was also greatly affected, and her face instantly turned pale.

When the Jiao Emperor battle body saw that the Qiankun Ghost Mother was injured, it became energetic and struck at the Qiankun Ghost Mother with its "Tianshaking Dragon Claw" one after another.

at the same time.

The two pairs of huge dragon eyes also continuously emitted terrifying beams of light.

Two different attacks were combined to launch a continuous attack on Qiankun Ghost Mother.

That terrifying attack made Qiankun Ghost Mother even more embarrassed.

The situation on Qiankun Ghost Mother's side is getting worse and worse.

And at this time, something even more terrifying happened. Someone discovered that the Poseidon had disappeared silently.

The disappearance of Poseidon must be lurking in the dark, trying to sneak attack the Qiankun Ghost Mother.

"The Qiankun Ghost Mother has been in a very awkward position to resist the Jiao Emperor's combat body. Now the Sea Emperor is hiding to deal with the Qiankun Ghost Mother. Now the Qiankun Ghost Mother will be attacked from both sides!". Someone said with a solemn expression.

Then someone else said, "It's over, it's over, the Universe Ghost Mother is going to be doomed now! I really didn't expect that such a powerful Universe Ghost Mother would fall here." Many people couldn't help but nodded. They really didn't expect this. After all, the Qiankun Ghost Mother was so powerful, and her army of monks numbered in the tens of millions. Together with the army of monks under her command, she could simply sweep away an entire army.

Everything existed, but no matter what, her army of monks could not come in to help her.

It seems that the Qiankun Ghost Mother is really going to perish here.

If this news spreads, I don't know what kind of huge commotion it will cause.

At this time, Lin Feng's eyes narrowed, and his spiritual thoughts went out to search for the whereabouts of the Poseidon.

He did not want the Qiankun Ghost Mother to perish here. Therefore, Lin Feng wanted to search for the specific location of the Sea Emperor first, and later see if he could save the Qiankun Ghost Mother.

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