Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9093: 728 Reincarnation Mother Essence

But at this moment, the cold voice of Qiankun Ghost Mother, who was forced to retreat, suddenly resounded throughout the world. "I really didn't expect that you, the Emperor of the Sea, would actually combine your external incarnation with the laws, heaven, and earth, and cultivate this dragon emperor's combat body that is infinitely close to the leap of a fish. It's amazing, it's indeed amazing. Anyway, I'll let you learn from me today. of

A unique skill! ".

As soon as the words fell, an extremely terrifying wave suddenly surged out of the body of the Qiankun Ghost Mother. This kind of wave was simply frightening.

"Huh? Qiankun Ghost Mother, do you have any backup plans?"

Seeing this situation, Lin Feng's expression suddenly shook. Originally, Lin Feng thought that the Qiankun Ghost Mother was already too strong to resist, and he even thought about taking risks to help a group of Qiankun Ghost Mothers.

Now it seems that I have underestimated the ability of Qiankun Ghost Mother.

Think about it too.

How could such a powerful person as Qiankun Ghost Mother not have any backup plans? However, Lin Feng guessed that Qiankun Ghost Mother's back-up plan should be a method such as forbidden techniques. Although such methods are powerful, they cannot be used casually. Generally, such forbidden techniques cause greater harm to the body.

. In addition, this taboo technique is extremely taxing on the body, and there is a time limit. Once the time passes, the body will feel as if it has been hollowed out and will become extremely weak. This is still better.

In this situation, if the flower suffers backlash, it will be troublesome. It is no longer as simple as weakness, and the body is likely to be seriously injured.

Some injuries are almost irreversible, and particularly severe ones may even cause death.

Qiankun Ghost Mother was also forced to have no choice but to use this unique trick to suppress the situation.


The next moment, four pictures of the universe appeared around the body of the Universe Ghost Mother.

Each of the four pictures of the universe is different.

Every picture of the universe is surrounded by endless mysteries. It is like the picture of the universe that was born at the beginning of the world, and represents the oldest orthodoxy between heaven and earth.

It also represents the eternal heaven and earth.

It's so mysterious.

And so extraordinary.

When the attack of the Jiaohuang battle body came again, the Qiankun Ghost Mother did not dodge, but directly controlled the four Qiankun diagrams to kill the Jiaohuang battle body.

The giant claws of the Jiao Emperor's battle body were blocked by the Qiankun Diagram.

His eyes were shattered by the Qiankun Diagram.

Although the Jiao Emperor's battle body was involved in two pictures of the universe, there were still two other pictures of the universe that were in front of the Jiao Emperor's battle body, and were killing the huge body of the Jiao Emperor's battle body.


The sound of tearing could be heard. The Qiankun Diagram was so terrifying that it actually tore apart the Jiao Emperor's battle body.


The Jiao Emperor's battle body roared angrily. You must know that the body of Jiaohuang's battle body is so extraordinary. That body itself is the incarnation of the body itself combined with the sacrifice of magic, sky, elephant and earth. It is stronger than the top magic weapon, but now it is torn apart by the Qiankun Diagram. Yes, this

For the Jiaohuang battle body, it was a serious injury.

Blood immediately spilled across the sky.

Many people were extremely surprised. They did not expect that blood was flowing out of the Jiao Emperor's battle body. It seemed that the Jiao Emperor's battle body was also evolving towards a "living creature", which was an extremely astonishing thing.

Once you truly become a living being.

Then, the Jiaohuang battle body will be even more powerful.

But now the Jiaohuang battle body is in trouble.

The enraged Qiankun Ghost Mother seemed to want to completely destroy the Jiao Emperor's battle body.

The Qiankun Diagram has the power to destroy everything.

There are more and more wounds on the Jiao Emperor's battle body, and they are getting bigger and bigger. If the Jiao Emperor's battle body hadn't been huge enough, it might have been cut in half by the Qiankun Diagram.

Everyone was shocked. They originally thought that the Qiankun Ghost Mother was going to be killed by the Emperor of the Sea.

Who would have thought that the Qiankun Ghost Mother's forbidden technique would directly reverse the situation of the battle.

Now, it is even necessary to dismember the extremely powerful Jiao Emperor battle body. For a moment, everyone couldn't help but start talking again. Many people felt that the Poseidon would never watch the Jiaohuang battle body that he had spent endless years refining being destroyed like this, and the Poseidon would definitely take action to stop it.

Of course, whether the Universe Ghost Mother can really be stopped is another matter, but this matter has to be done. Sure enough, as everyone guessed, Poseidon, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't sit still. Before he found the perfect opportunity, he had to take action against Qiankun Ghost Mother in advance. He appeared behind Qiankun Ghost Mother, Hold in hand

Holding a trident-like treasure.

In the ocean world, treasures like the trident have symbolic meaning.

Symbolizing the highest **** in the sea world. Therefore, some ancient powerful men in the sea world often forge their magic weapons into something like this. The more famous and well-known one may be the magic weapon of Poseidon, the **** of the sea, which also looks like this, but to be honest

Yes, Poseidon, God of the Sea, is just a **** at most. He is nothing in front of the Emperor of the Sea. The Emperor of Poseidon can glare at Poseidon to death with just one look.

The trident in Neptune's hand was stabbed directly towards the Qiankun Ghost Mother, intending to kill the Qiankun Ghost Mother.

But at this moment, another picture of the universe appeared floating behind the Qiankun Ghost Mother.

This is the fifth picture of the universe. Everyone has already seen the power of the Qiankun Diagram. Needless to say, everyone thought that the Qiankun Ghost Mother could condense four Qiankun Diagrams at most, but they did not expect that the fifth Qiankun Diagram could be condensed.

This fifth picture of the Universe blocked the Poseidon's attack.

The Qiankun Ghost Mother then turned around and slapped Poseidon on the chest.

Poseidon's chest collapsed instantly.


Poseidon spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Poseidon, die!".

The Qiankun Ghost Mother has murderous intent.

The Poseidon was horrified and he retreated quickly. If the Poseidon gave in at this moment and ran away quickly, the Qiankun Ghost Mother who used the forbidden technique would definitely not fight to the death with the Poseidon.

After all, the situation of Qiankun Ghost Mother is not good either.

But Neptune had no intention of escaping. He knew the situation of Qiankun Ghost Mother, so Neptune still wanted to kill Qiankun Ghost Mother directly. Then Poseidon shouted loudly, "Everyone who is hiding in the dark, I think you must have some guesses about that treasure? Let me tell you, it is the mother essence of reincarnation. It takes several reincarnations to give birth to something. It is terrible

To help us break through Yuyue's treasure, do you want to watch being killed by the Qiankun Ghost Mother? Come and grab it quickly! ".

"What? It's such a treasure?" Many people were shocked.

This is the emotion expressed by ordinary monks.

Although these monks were shocked, they definitely did not dare to participate, because it was simply seeking death.

"Sure enough, it is such a treasure. It is really great. I am determined to get this treasure." This is the voice in the heart of the top strong man.

Whoosh whoosh. Several top powerhouses came out from the darkness. They wanted to pass by the Qiankun Ghost Mother and directly **** the Samsara Mother Essence.

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