Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 731: Lin Feng and Beibei duo show off their power again!

In fact, many people have some understanding of Lin Feng. After all, Lin Feng's identity cannot be concealed, and some of Lin Feng's methods are indeed quite astonishing. However, even so, some of the top experts still did not let Lin Feng go. In their eyes, they thought Lin Feng was a rising star at most.

Therefore, Huang Mo and his ilk still dared to deal with Lin Feng, and even wanted to kill Lin Feng.

The plan of Demon Lord Gengzi and others is even more profound. In their eyes, Lin Feng at this stage is just a chess piece.

Lin Feng!

They can crush it to death however they want. They didn't take action before because they felt that Lin Feng's chess piece still had some uses. It wasn't time to take action yet, and they would definitely take action to deal with Lin Feng later.

It is under such a background.

Then these people happened to see that at the most critical moment of killing the Qiankun Ghost Mother, it was Lin Feng who rescued the Qiankun Ghost Mother, which almost made some people explode with anger.

If the Qiankun Ghost Mother does not die, it will definitely be an endless trouble for them.

"Lin Feng, kid! You are seeking death!".

Demon Lord Gengzi shouted angrily.

The rest of the people looked at Lin Feng with eyes full of murderous intent.

Lin Feng had already activated the Gate of Mind at this time, and he grabbed the hand of Qiankun Ghost Mother.

I want to leave here with Qiankun Ghost Mother.

Lin Feng had prepared this method in advance. He could use it immediately after the Qiankun Ghost Mother came over. There was really no delay in the middle.

Lin Feng also ignored the hostility and murderous intent of Gengzi Demon Lord and others.

Now that he has taken action.

I have already thought through all the consequences.

What's more, among the few people, some of them are very hostile to him. Without the matter of Qiankun Ghost Mother, there is a high probability that they will find an opportunity to take action against him.

As for the flower fairy, Lin Feng will not comment much. Anyway, Lin Feng cannot understand this person. She is neither a friend nor an enemy to Lin Feng. After this battle, she may become an enemy.

Maybe not, it’s hard to tell.

Mainly, I feel sorry for the old stone man. After all, when Lin Feng and Xiao Tianlei were attacked by Gengzi Demon Lord, the old stone man helped them. Of course, the old stone man took action mainly because of Xiao Tianlei, not because of Lin Feng. He took action, but Lin Feng did resolve the danger because of the old stone man's action. Lin Feng was still somewhat grateful to the old stone man.

Of course, Lin Feng didn't know what kind of mentality the old stone man had towards Lin Feng, but after what happened today, Lin Feng felt that the old stone man might also have a lot of hostility towards him, but even so, Lin Feng did not regret it.

In life, we must clearly distinguish between primary and secondary.

In Lin Feng's view, saving the Qiankun Ghost Mother is the most important and important thing.

Lin Feng and Qiankun Ghost Mother disappeared in an instant.

Naturally, the six top experts would not let Lin Feng and the others leave so easily. Even if Lin Feng took the lead and took the Universe Ghost Mother out, they believed that it would be nothing to arrest Lin Feng and the Universe Ghost Mother with their own means. Difficult things.

The six powerful men took action to arrest Lin Feng and Qiankun Ghost Mother. The powerful power of time and space they exerted poured into the parallel world.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened to them.

They unexpectedly discovered that the power of time and space they exerted could not enter the parallel space that Lin Feng traveled through, but was guided by a special force into another parallel space.

These parallel spaces seem to be very close, but in fact they are infinitely far away.

If they want to arrest Lin Feng, the forces of time and space must cover Lin Feng, but they have not entered the parallel space where Lin Feng is, so how can they possibly arrest Lin Feng.

turn out to be.

It was Beibei. After receiving Lin Feng's order, he had already begun to deploy some special means. This time Beibei deployed the power transfer technique of time and space in the void.

This is a very special method.

It is a heaven-defying technique inherited from the Beibei race. It is a combination of formations and secret techniques. This method can be said to be extremely miraculous. Races other than Beibei, even if they have inherited this magical technique, will basically not be able to use it. Maybe he can comprehend this magical technique.

Beibei is extremely talented, and she can perform this magical skill with ease.

After this magical technique is used, the power of time and space that has been penetrated into the void can be transferred to other places. The place Beibei set up is another parallel world.

The six top strong men, as well as the surrounding strong men watching the battle, were actually quite accomplished in the Way of the Void, and they immediately realized something was wrong.

Of course the six top experts were extremely angry.

Because they discovered that everything was organized and planned.

These people were actually plotted by an ant-like existence like Lin Feng.

It was almost like being slapped in the face in public.

It's impossible not to be angry.

The people around him had a completely different mentality, and many of them seemed to be gloating about his misfortune.

There were many people who couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when they saw the Qiankun Ghost Mother being rescued by Lin Feng.

It's not that they don't want Qiankun Ghost Mother to be killed because of their friendship with her.

This is an era where appearance is both fair and righteous.

The Qiankun Ghost Mother is the body of a fairy spirit born from a flower.

Although her title doesn't sound particularly cute, her appearance is quite exciting.

All men like it.

Naturally, many people do not want a peerless beauty like Qiankun Ghost Mother to die here.

"Chase!". Gengzi Demon Lord said coldly.

He was the first to chase him out.

Several people chased them one after another, but some people did not go after Lin Feng and Qiankun Ghost Mother, probably thinking that they might not be able to catch up.


With a flash of light, Lin Feng and Qiankun Ghost Mother flew out of the void. They appeared in a dark mountain forest. The exact location of this place was unknown.

But it is definitely in the world created by the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation.

Qiankun Ghost Mother looked at Lin Feng with a smile and said, "I really didn't expect that I could survive. Thank you, little brother Lin, for saving the slave family!".

Lin Feng looked at Qiankun Ghost Mother and said, "If I want to say thank you, I should be the one thanking the fairy. If the fairy hadn't saved me before, I might have been killed by the Evil God Empress!".

Qiankun Ghost Mother looked very confused and said, "I saved you, Brother Lin, from the Evil God Empress? When did this happen? Why didn't I know about it? You didn't recognize the wrong person, did you?"

Qiankun Ghost Mother looked extremely serious and did not seem to be telling lies. This made Lin Feng puzzled. The Evil God Empress was clearly called Qiankun Ghost Mother Meng'er. Meng'er was the one who helped him in the first place. But if it was really Qiankun Ghost Mother, If so, why didn't Qiankun Ghost Mother admit it? Moreover, Qiankun Ghost Mother had a "confused" expression on her face and didn't know anything. She didn't seem to be pretending. Could it be that she was someone with the same name? Lin Feng didn't think there was such a coincidence. He thought that woman was the Qiankun Ghost Mother.

But since the Qiankun Ghost Mother was unwilling to admit that there might be some secrets that he didn't know about, Lin Feng had no intention of continuing to ask.

The top priority now is to quickly find a hidden place for Qiankun Ghost Mother to heal her injuries. Otherwise, her injuries are likely to cause irreparable damage to her body.

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