Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 732: Does Qiankun Ghost Mother have any ill intentions towards Lin Feng?

Lin Feng looked at Qiankun Ghost Mother and said, "Let's find a place for you to heal your wounds for the time being. Let's talk about the rest later!". suffered

"Okay! Thank you very much, Mr. Lin, for your size!". Qiankun Ghost Mother said and winked at Lin Feng.

It smells a bit like the rumored Zixia Fairy.

Lin Feng felt that Qiankun Ghost Mother was very beautiful and very feminine, but Lin Feng was not the first brother who had never seen anything before.

Therefore, he would not be seduced by Qiankun Ghost Mother's simple seductive moves. He quickly flew forward, trying to find a place for Qiankun Ghost Mother to heal his wounds. Not long after, Lin Feng found a pretty good place. The hidden place looks ordinary, but the way is natural, it is easy to set up a large formation, and it is not easy to be discovered.

There is even a natural cave here, so there is no need for Lin Feng to open a cave.

Lin Feng set up a concealment formation to cover this place.

Because Lin Feng guessed that those people would continue to search for the whereabouts of him and the Qiankun Ghost Mother, the formations Lin Feng deployed were also relatively complex and powerful formations, making it extremely difficult for even the top experts to discover them. suffered

Enter the cave.

Lin Feng said to Qiankun Ghost Mother, "You go to seclusion to heal your wounds, I will guard the seclusion for you for a while!".

Qiankun Ghost Mother was not polite to Lin Feng, she said "Okay".

Then he sat cross-legged, took out some healing elixirs, took them, and then began to heal.

Lin Feng glanced at Qiankun Ghost Mother, and then put back his wandering thoughts.

I have already asked the Samsara Sacred Tree for help before.

There will be no way to continue to seek help from the Sacred Tree of Samsara in the future. suffered

Therefore, next, Lin Feng will probably give up his plan to suppress or even kill Huang Mo, and let Huang Mo live a little longer for the time being.

It's not too late to think of ways to deal with the wild demon after he gets out.


Lin Feng estimated the time. Since entering the world created by the Samsara Divine Tree, many opportunities have appeared, and many people have received amazing opportunities.

Many people have become even more enthusiastic about this place.

I feel that there are more opportunities here, and there is even hope of refining the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation and becoming the new owner of the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation.

But Lin Feng feels that it is at this time that the most dangerous thing will happen. The trap set by the spirit of the Samsara Tree will soon be opened, and a terrible killing feast will also begin. That seemingly opportunity for everyone, It's just a reminder. With so many people coming in, most of them are destined to become dust here. suffered

So Lin Feng thought that after the Qiankun Ghost Mother came out of seclusion, he would have to leave here with the Qiankun Ghost Mother. As for the Wuliang Taoist guy, Lin Feng was not worried about that guy's safety. That guy was smart. Besides, they had nothing to do with reincarnation. The spirits of the sacred tree have a pact.

The spirit of the Samsara Sacred Tree probably won't take action against the Infinite Taoist Priest.

The next day.

The Qiankun Ghost Mother was still in seclusion, and a monk flew over from outside. Lin Feng did not use his spiritual mind to observe, as he would be caught.

In fact, there is no need to use spiritual induction, because the other party does not deliberately hide his aura.

The visitor is the Flower Fairy.

"Meng'er, I know you are hiding here. Come out. How about we talk?" Flower Fairy stopped in the void and said. suffered

Qiankun Ghost Mother did not open her eyes because of Hua Fairy's words.

"Meng'er, actually I don't want to kill you. You should know that if you give me something I want, we will still be the best sisters!" Flower Fairy's voice continued to be heard.

"Huh? What does this flower fairy want?".

Lin Feng was confused.

They were a pair of sisters in the past, but they eventually became enemies. Although the outside world has different opinions.

But in fact, it is estimated that only the parties involved know the real inside story.

However, Qiankun Ghost Mother had talked to Lin Feng about some things about Flower Fairy before, but some of Qiankun Ghost Mother's words could not be fully believed. suffered

It's not that Qiankun Ghost Mother deliberately deceived Lin Feng.

It just involves some private matters.

It is natural to hide something.

At this time, Hua Fairy saw no response from the Qiankun Ghost Mother. She continued, "Meng'er, do you still want to hide? It's meaningless to keep hiding like this. There are no outsiders here, and I won't do it anymore." To attack you, you should know that I am a man of my word and will not deceive you!"


Lin Feng sneered in his heart, believing that women's mouths are full of duplicity.

If you really believe it, you are really stupid. suffered

Moreover, Lin Feng felt that Hua Xianzi might not really know where the Qiankun Ghost Mother was. She just had a sense and could not be sure.

Now I am probably saying these words just to deceive the Qiankun Ghost Mother.

If the Qiankun Ghost Mother really goes out to confront the Flower Fairy, the ghost knows what the Flower Fairy will do.

"Mr. Lin, I know you are here too. There is a secret I want to tell you. If you want to know, you can come out and see me. I guarantee that you will definitely be extremely interested in this secret!" The voice of the Flower Fairy continued.

If you can't defeat the Qiankun Ghost Mother, you can defeat him instead.

This left Lin Feng speechless.

Lin Feng was naturally too lazy to pay attention to Hua Fairy. suffered

At this time, Hua Xianzi said, "Mr. Lin, we have known each other first and have friendship. I have never done anything to hurt you before. Even my subordinates wanted to deal with you, but I stopped them. , it shows that we get along pretty well, right?"

Lin Feng continued to remain silent.

Hua Xianzi continued, "I know Meng'er very well. She is a good person, but it depends on who she is dealing with. I know she has helped you before, but have you ever thought about why she Help you? Do you really think that a person like her would have no reason to help a stranger?".

"Maybe it's because I'm more handsome!" Lin Feng said in his heart.

But in fact, this is just a joke.

At their level, whether someone is handsome or not is just nonsense.

Just because many things are invisible does not mean that there is no reason or deeper logic behind them. suffered

Including Qiankun Ghost Mother saved herself before, there is also a reason.

But she denied even taking action.

Lin Feng couldn't understand, but Hua Xianzi seemed to know something.

Hua Fairy continued, "Master Lin is also a dragon and phoenix among people. Over the years, have there been some people who have lost their bodies and want to take Master Lin away?"

Lin Feng was suddenly shocked, what did this flower fairy mean? When she mentioned seizing the body at this time, she would never let it go.

Could it be that she meant to say that Qiankun Ghost Mother was interested in her body, so she would not watch her die.

But the Universe Ghost Mother does not need her own body, so does the Universe Ghost Mother want to help others take away her own body? suffered

Thinking of this, Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a slight chill in his heart.

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