Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 733: Heartbeat and excitement

Lin Feng tried to calm down, because when people are panic, angry, excited, or other high emotions, it is always easy to make some more emotional judgments, and this judgment may often be wrong, such as the situation at hand. This flower fairy has said so much, is she suspected of sowing discord?

This cannot be ruled out.

After Lin Feng calmed down, thoughts flashed through his mind. He was also thinking about the logic behind some things, especially the attitude and treatment of Qiankun Ghost Mother towards him.

It wasn't entirely because of Hua Xianzi's words that made Lin Feng think deeply about this matter.

Personally speaking, Lin Feng had always had doubts in his heart, but Lin Feng was escaping from himself. He felt that Qiankun Ghost Mother had no ill intentions towards him, and Hua Xianzi's words forced Lin Feng to face the essence of this matter.

Lin Feng could now take advantage of the Qiankun Ghost Mother's seclusion to sneak up on the Qiankun Ghost Mother, suppress her, interrogate her, and even search for her soul.

Of course, Lin Feng may also fail. After all, the Qiankun Ghost Mother is very powerful, but even if he fails, it will not be difficult for Lin Feng to escape. On the contrary, the Qiankun Ghost Mother will be more unlucky. After all, the Flower Fairy is not a vegetarian. She is waiting for the Qiankun Ghost Mother outside. Showing up.

But Lin Feng didn't do this, because if Qiankun Ghost Mother had no ill intentions from beginning to end, if he did this, he would hurt Qiankun Ghost Mother's heart.

At this time, Hua Fairy continued, "Mr. Lin, I think you should have some guesses in your mind. As far as I know, someone wants to resurrect another person, and it is difficult for him to reincarnate. But if it is to seize the body, it would be much easier. And Mr. Lin’s body is really eye-catching. I know Mr. Lin thinks that I am trying to sow discord between you by saying this, but , I can swear here that that woman is indeed preparing to resurrect someone. If what I say is mixed with any falsehood, I will never be able to peek into the mystery of the Fish Leaping Realm!"

This Flower Fairy even swore an oath, which really made it difficult for Lin Feng not to believe what the Flower Fairy said.

After all, at this level, one would not swear an oath easily.

But once the oath has been made, most people will abide by it.

Therefore, the credibility is extremely high.

"Don't believe her words!". At this time, a very weak voice came.

She is the mother of the universe and ghosts.

Her face looked very pale, and it was obvious that the current situation of Qiankun Ghost Mother was not particularly ideal.

At this time, the Qiankun Ghost Mother should spend her energy on healing her wounds. However, Hua Fairy's words were simply heart-wrenching words.

It seems that Hua Fairy's words have indeed affected Qiankun Ghost Mother.

Seeing that Lin Feng didn't speak, Qiankun Ghost Mother said with a pale face, "In the past, she once asked about something. I was not willing to tell her the secret, so I compiled a lie, saying that I had a man I loved. He died because of me, but his soul still remains. I want to find a perfect body so that he can return! But she believed it to be true! Now she is using this matter to drive a wedge between you and me!"

"Oh? Really? Who should I believe?". Lin Feng said with a slight frown.

It's no wonder that Lin Feng hesitated at this time, mainly because it was really hard to talk about this matter.

Of course, if possible, Lin Feng hopes that what Qiankun Ghost Mother said is true. After all, Qiankun Ghost Mother did help Lin Feng before. He hopes to retain this beauty instead of letting some dirty things happen. It was full of calculations and intrigues, which completely destroyed this beauty. It was just a lot of things, and it was not something that Lin Feng could do whatever he wanted. What this beauty would eventually become, Lin Feng did not He didn't know, he wanted to find the answer from Qiankun Ghost Mother, but it was difficult for Lin Feng to believe him only by listening to Qiankun Ghost Mother's verbal explanation, because Lin Feng was no longer a young monk who didn't understand anything.

So many years.

He saw too much intrigue.

A little carelessness could break him into pieces, so he had to be careful.

Qiankun Ghost Mother stretched out her hand and said, "You can sense my soul, I didn't lie!".

"Um?". Lin Feng was surprised. He did not expect that Qiankun Ghost Mother would make such a choice. You must know that if she let Lin Feng sense her soul, she would definitely let go of her soul's defense.

At this time, if Lin Feng wants to harm Qiankun Ghost Mother, then there is a high probability that Qiankun Ghost Mother will not be able to resist him.

But Qiankun Ghost Mother still did this.

She seemed to be telling Lin Feng with her actions that she was not lying, and she also trusted Lin Feng 100%.

Lin Feng sighed slightly in his heart. He might have really misunderstood Qiankun Ghost Mother, but no matter what, Lin Feng planned to sense the soul of Qiankun Ghost Mother.

Of course, Lin Feng would not pry into the memory of Qiankun Ghost Mother’s soul.

He just sensed the soul of Qiankun Ghost Mother to judge whether what she said was true. If she spoke, her soul would be inconsistent with her words and deeds, and there would be flaws.

This is absolutely impossible to hide.

Qiankun Ghost Mother's hands are very soft.

She is beautiful, and her hands are particularly beautiful.

But Lin Feng didn't have any charming thoughts.

Lin Feng closed his eyes and felt it with his heart.

After feeling it carefully.

Lin Feng basically confirmed one thing, that is, the Qiankun Ghost Mother did not lie.

Lin Feng opened his eyes, and then let go of Qiankun Ghost Mother's hand.

"Is that man's story... really made up?". Lin Feng asked.

A slight smile appeared on Qiankun Ghost Mother's pale face, and she said, "What? Is Little Brother Lin very interested in that person? Could it be that Little Brother Lin has some thoughts about sister and me? So he is a little concerned about whether that person really exists? ".

Lin Feng shrugged and said, "You're overthinking this. I'm just curious. If that person really exists, what kind of person is that person? He can make you, Fairy, never forget him!"

Qiankun Ghost Mother said, "There has never been such a person, and I did not lie to you with these words!".

Lin Feng smiled and said nothing more. Anyway, the falling out between the Qiankun Ghost Mother and the Flower Fairy must have been quite complicated.

There are more things involved.

Lin Feng naturally would not delve into the past.

Qiankun Ghost Mother took out a porcelain bottle and handed it to Lin Feng.

"This is?" Lin Feng's eyelids jumped violently when he saw the porcelain bottle handed to him by the Qiankun Ghost Mother.

He had some guesses about what was in the porcelain bottle. If it was really that thing, it would be such a surprise. Even when Lin Feng rescued the Qiankun Ghost Mother, he never thought about that thing.

Qiankun Ghost Mother said, "This is part of my origin separated from the reincarnation mother essence. I give it to you as a way to repay your life-saving grace this time!".

Lin Feng's eyelids twitched violently, it was really that thing.

Qiankun Ghost Mother was so generous that she was even willing to give him this kind of thing.

Lin Feng thought to himself that the Qiankun Ghost Mother would not really take a fancy to him. First she rescued him, and now she found an excuse to give him the reincarnation mother's essence.

If you didn't fall in love with him, there would be no need to give him such a precious thing.

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