Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9104: 739 die together


Beibei flew out and floated next to Lin Feng. After seeing Beibei, the eyes of the three beauties of the demon tribe lit up.

Everyone was asking Lin Feng what kind of little beast this was, and it was so cute.

I even wanted to hug Beibei.

But Beibei doesn't like to be hugged by women, mainly because of this guy Buser.

The guy who was replaced by Sese would have already greeted him enthusiastically and proactively.

Lin Feng introduced Beibei to everyone and only said that this was one of his little brothers.

Jin Hai looked at Beibei, as if he had thought of something, and couldn't help but show a thoughtful expression.

The three beauties of the demon clan also knew that Lin Feng had business to attend to and it was not time to fool around. After saying hello to Beibei, he stopped talking.

Lin Feng looked at Beibei and asked, "What did you sense?".

Beibei waved her little paws, babbling, and looked a little excited.

Lin Feng knew what Beibei was talking about.

What Beibei meant was that he seemed to sense a familiar aura, the aura of blood.

This surprised Lin Feng very much.

Beibei's race is mysterious and powerful, with few members.

For a long time, Beibei's clan had even fewer members than the dominant imperial clan.

Could this place have anything to do with Beibei’s tribe?

If this is the case, it is really a surprising thing.

But this incident also feels surprising enough. In such a place, there might be something that can improve Beibei and be of great help. If so, that would be great.

After all, Beibei is too important to Lin Feng. If Beibei's strength can be improved again, it will be of huge benefit to Lin Feng. Beibei can better help Lin Feng in the future.

Lin Feng said, "Let's try to open the stone door first and wait until we enter to see what happens!".

Beibei babbled a few times, and then stayed aside quietly.

To break the formation, Lin Feng had to come.

Lin Feng carefully studied the pictures and texts on the stone gate of the underground palace. The prohibitions here are mainly pictures and texts, which are connected together through some complex and mysterious methods to form a prohibition formation.

For Lin Feng, it is not difficult to decipher the formation here.

It only takes a certain amount of time to research the corresponding strategies to break the formation.

In the blink of an eye.

Three hours passed. Lin Feng successfully researched the weaknesses of the formation and how to break it. He was not even able to use his unique trick of breaking the formation. He only needed to destroy some of the structure of the formation to break the formation restrictions here.


It seems to be a rather simple method, but in fact, it is only for Lin Feng. It would be difficult for others to do such a thing.

The time it took to break the formation was relatively short. It only took about a quarter of an hour for the formation restrictions here to be broken.

After breaking the formation restrictions here, Lin Feng stepped forward and tried to push the stone door open.

A loud rumbling sound was heard.

Soon, the stone door was pushed open by Lin Feng, and a dark underground palace appeared in Lin Feng's sight.

"So fast?".

Jin Hai and others all looked extremely shocked, which was almost unbelievable, because Jin Hai himself was also an extremely powerful formation master.

But even he.

He was also at a loss as to how to break the formation restrictions at the stone gate of the underground palace. Jin Hai immediately knew that the formation restrictions here were no small matter.

But look at Lin Feng. It has only been so long that the formation restrictions here have been broken. It is really incredible. After all, Lin Feng is too young and his strength is so incredible. The creation of formation restrictions is incredible.

The attainment is actually so high.

It really echoes the old saying: comparing people to others will lead to death, and comparing goods to goods will lead to throwing away.

"Master Lin, I admire you so much!" Jin Hai said sincerely. Lin Feng said modestly, "I am relatively lucky. Otherwise, there is no way to break the formation restrictions here so quickly. Without further ado, let's enter it now and see what's going on inside!"


"Okay, Mr. Lin, please go first!"

Jin Hai made a gesture of invitation. Don't underestimate Jin Hai's move.

Jin Hai asked Lin Feng to invite him first, which was not only polite, but also meant that if there was any amazing treasure inside, Lin Feng could choose it first.

Many times, seemingly simple actions actually contain a lot of content.

It's just some words that don't need to be said so straightforwardly.

This way everyone has face.

Lin Feng was not polite and entered the underground palace first, followed closely by the others, who also entered the underground palace one after another.

This underground palace is very huge.

But it had obviously been a long time since time had been opened. After Lin Feng and the others came in, densely packed vampire bats the size of washbasins quickly flew out from the depths.

Bats are scary enough on their own.

So many bats gathered together, and they were so huge that anyone who saw them would feel their scalp numb.

Moreover, this kind of bats can actually release sonic attacks. When they came towards Lin Feng and the others, these bats made extremely weird sounds.


Even though several people in the demon race screamed in agony, including Bai Qingcheng and others, their faces were not good-looking. They all covered their heads, their pretty faces pale and painful.

Although Lin Feng didn't think about flirting with the three beauties of the demon clan.

But men should be compassionate towards women.

Lin Feng couldn't bear to see the three beauties of the demon race being continuously harmed by sound waves. Lin Feng waved his hand and released the domineering magnetic field, and everyone was enveloped in the domineering magnetic field.

Lin Feng's domineering magnetic field is indeed quite powerful.

When Lin Feng's domineering magnetic field enveloped everyone, everyone returned to normal and was no longer affected by those vampire bats.

Lin Feng's domineering magnetic field quickly enveloped the depths.

Directly shrouded in a large number of vampire bats.

The vampire bats were immediately impacted by the domineering magnetic field, and the bodies of countless vampire bats exploded directly.

Seeing how powerful Lin Feng was, the other vampire bats did not dare to continue charging towards Lin Feng and the others, and took a detour one after another.

Everyone couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.


At this time, Beibei took the lead and flew towards the depths at an extremely fast speed.

Lin Feng couldn't help but was slightly stunned, then smiled bitterly and said, "Why is this little guy so anxious!".

Lin Feng and the others also sped up and flew towards the underground palace.

The structure of the underground palace is very complicated, going around and around, plus there is the influence of the large formation.

It's easy for a monk to get lost in it, but Beibei seemed to be sensitive to something, and he went all the way deep without repeating any places.

Soon after, Lin Feng arrived at the core of the underground palace, where a huge altar was arranged.

Then Lin Feng and the others saw two corpses on the altar.

One corpse was a mysterious being in black robes. This man was holding a war gun and pierced another being with one shot.

The other existence is a small white beast like Beibei.

Beibei's race can't grow big even when they are adults, they still look like little beasts. In other words, the person who was stabbed to death by the black-robed monk should be one of Beibei's ancestors, and Beibei's ancestor also held a treasure in his hand, and that treasure was a curved thin handle. Sword, the sword body is like a dragon body

Generally vigorous and powerful, the thin sword pierced the black-robed monk's left eye and penetrated from the back of the head. This sword not only pierced the black-robed monk's head, but also stabbed the black-robed monk to death. soul. In the end, the two died together.

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