Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9105: 740 domineering magic

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...", Beibei, this little guy suddenly started crying. This is the linkage of blood. The number of their clan is pitifully small, but here they saw the corpse of an ancestor. Can you not cry? In fact, a few years ago, Lin Feng and Beibei also saw the body of another ancestor of their clan. However, the identity and strength of these ancestors are now unknown, but From Bei

In terms of Bei Bei's incredible strength, how could these ancestors of Bei Bei be weak? They were absolutely ridiculously strong.

Lin Feng gently stroked Beibei's little head.

Hope this can comfort this little guy.

The little guy looked at Lin Feng with tearful eyes and shook his head slightly, as if to tell Lin Feng that there was no need to worry about him, he was fine.

"What race is this little beast?" said a monk from the demon clan.

Because Beibei should also belong to the branch of the demon clan in a strict sense.

but. One thing makes them extremely confused. Since Beibei belongs to a branch of the demon clan, theoretically speaking, they should know some information about Beibei's race. But in fact, they have no information at all.

have no idea.

Only Jin Hai has a relatively high status in the Demon Kingdom and has heard some rumors. Jin Hai said, "It is said that there was a race in the past that was extremely mysterious and powerful. That race can be called a heaven-defying race. That race looked like this little beast in front of me. But for a long time, basically no one saw it. There were mostly rumors about that kind of little beast, so later news came out that it was just a false rumor, just like a beautiful story compiled among countless novels.

As time goes by, fewer and fewer people know this rumor. When I was young, I heard an elder mention it. I never expected that I would actually see this race now! ".

After hearing what Jin Hai said, the others were shocked!

They already thought Beibei was special. I didn’t expect it to be such a heaven-defying race, almost a myth. In other words, the ancestor of Beibei who was killed must have been ridiculously strong, and the black-robed monk who died with him should also be

Ridiculously strong.

It is really sad that such two peerless strong men died together in this place.

"Who is the black-robed monk?" Another demon monk couldn't help but murmured. "Hard to say!". Jin Hai shook his head slightly and said, the identity of the other person is obviously extremely extraordinary, but judging from the clues currently available, it is obviously difficult for Jin Hai to determine the identity of that person, so he does not know what to say.

Dare to judge the other party's identity arbitrarily.

At this time, Lin Feng said, "This... should be similar to the Twelve Earthly Branches King, but the history is much earlier than the Twelve Earthly Branches King!".

The King of the Twelve Earthly Branches is an existence that was born almost like the pioneers in this reincarnation, and is called by many people the top powerhouse among the "unknown and terrifying existences".

Well, according to Lin Feng. If the black-robed monk is a being similar to the Twelve Earthly Branches King, and is much older than the Twelve Earthly Branches King, then there are two possibilities. The first possibility is that this person was in the early stage of the previous reincarnation. Born, there is another

This species may be an existence born early in the last reincarnation.

But no matter which possibility it is, this guy is old enough. Such an existence is naturally ridiculously strong.

I just don’t know why these two people had such a terrifying battle here.

Beibei babbled, then pointed to the rapier in his ancestor's hand.

Then Beibei flew towards his ancestor, but was stopped by Lin Feng.

Obviously Beibei wanted to collect his ancestor's rapier, but also wanted to collect his ancestor's body so that the ancestor could rest in peace.

But Lin Feng felt that as the two people fighting together were top experts, others would not be able to approach them casually after they died.

Beibei's past is dangerous enough in itself.

In addition, Beibei was very emotional when she saw her ancestors died in this place.

The judgments made by anyone when they are emotional are often wrong.

Therefore, Lin Feng could not let Beibei pass at this time. It was too dangerous. If he was not careful, a huge crisis might occur.

Lin Feng said to Beibei, "You are here, I will go over and take a look!".

Beibei always listens to Lin Feng's words.

Hearing what Lin Feng said, the little guy nodded immediately.

Lin Feng! He took a deep breath and walked towards the two people. Although those two people have been dead for an unknown number of years, perhaps because they were too powerful when they were alive, they don't feel any lifeless feeling on their bodies now. Instead, they seem to have just died.

Like a monk. When Lin Feng walked towards the two of them, he was always on guard against possible dangers, so he looked more cautious. When Lin Feng was about two meters away from them, a terrifying murderous aura suddenly filled the air.

When it comes out, that murderous aura can destroy everything, making people shocked, horrified, and horrified.

Sure enough, as Lin Feng guessed, even after death, the dignity of a strong man of this level cannot be violated by others.

Anyone who dares to approach will be attacked.

Don't look at it, it's just murderous.

But that is the murderous aura formed by the top powerhouses during life-and-death battles. It is not comparable to ordinary murderous aura. Such murderous aura can strangle the top powerhouses in an instant.

Even a strong man of Lin Feng's level felt tremendous pressure when faced with such murderous suppression.

It simply made him feel like he couldn't breathe.

However, Lin Feng had already been prepared. When the terrifying murderous aura filled the air, Lin Feng had already released the domineering magnetic field. The domineering magnetic field could withstand magnetic field, coercion, and momentum attacks.

Strictly speaking, that terrifying murderous aura actually belongs to the momentum type method.

Lin Feng's domineering magnetic field can naturally offset the damage caused to himself by this method. As Lin Feng's cultivation continues to improve, Lin Feng's domineering magnetic field becomes more and more powerful. Of course, there is no end to domineering. For him, he can learn more domineering, but he can't be anxious about this kind of thing.

The new level of domineering cannot be learned just by wanting to learn it.

But obviously, if he can really learn new domineering powers and add several more domineering powers, Lin Feng's domineering magnetic field will be even more powerful.


After Lin Feng's domineering magnetic field was released, it really had an amazing effect.

That powerful domineering spirit.

The murderous aura that enveloped him was instantly dispersed. Lin Feng continued to walk towards the corpses of the two powerful men.

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