Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9106: 741 Breaking the magnetic field of yin and yang

"Amazing, really amazing. This Mr. Lin's methods are truly unpredictable!" Seeing Lin Feng break through the terrifying murderous intent so easily, a monk next to Jin Hai couldn't help but said in shock, that monk

He is a monk transformed from a giant dragon flowing with sacred blood.

The strength is also quite tyrannical. There are very few people who can admire such a person, but he is really impressed by Lin Feng. He even thinks that such a young monk like Lin Feng has such unfathomable attainments in formations and such strength.

It's unfathomable, how did you do this? It would be false to say that you are not envious, but there is no jealousy.

He can still clearly understand how much he weighs. Without that diamond, don't take that porcelain job. He is already extremely satisfied with his life and everything he owns. The rest of the people also sighed with emotion. They had also heard some rumors about Lin Feng from the outside world. Now there is a mainstream voice that thinks Lin Feng may be a puppet introduced by others. The main reason for this idea to spread everywhere.

Because it was not that everyone wanted to deliberately look down on Lin Feng, it was mainly because of Lin Feng's age. Lin Feng was too young, which led everyone to feel that the rumors about Lin Feng's match were mostly false news.

But only after contacting Lin Feng can we know that many rumors about Lin Feng are not false, and we can know how terrifying Lin Feng is. Now, they looked at Lin Feng nervously, because they always felt that even if they were close to the two corpses, it would not be easy to take away the treasures from the two corpses. Mainly

Or it was because those two corpses were so terrifying when they were alive.

Don’t get close to the corpse of a strong man!

Soon, Lin Feng came to their side. Lin Feng stretched out his hand to take off the war gun from the black-robed monk's hand.

But at this time, something new and terrible happened.

The black-robed monks and Beibei ancestors are the two central areas.

A twisted vortex actually formed.

If you look down from above, you can vaguely see that these two twisted vortices are somewhat similar to a Yin and Yang diagram.

Lin Feng was involved in the Yin and Yang diagram.

That twisted vortex seemed to be able to destroy everything.

He wanted to completely tear Lin Feng's body apart. And the tearing power is quite terrifying. Many creator-level experts are enveloped in it, and their bodies may be torn apart instantly. Fortunately, Lin Feng's body is strong enough. Otherwise, Lin Feng's body would be afraid of being torn apart instantly.

It has also been torn apart by the twisted whirlpool. "The magnetic field is not an ordinary magnetic field. It has formed a magnetic field of yin and yang. This magnetic field has the corpses of two top powerhouses as its core. The corpses of the two top powerhouses guard two places respectively. Who is involved in it? , whoever will be destroyed is so terrible that it is unimaginable. Mr. Lin is probably in trouble now. Let’s take action quickly to help Mr. Lin get out of trouble!” Jin Hai is a well-informed person. After seeing Lin Feng's situation, he couldn't help but

He drank anxiously. After the others heard what Jin Hai said, their expressions changed drastically. They did not expect that the two corpses could cause such terrifying destructive power. They rushed to rescue Lin Feng, but at this time Lin Feng shouted, "

Don't come over, go back quickly! ". Lin Feng only shouted them back because in Lin Feng's view, if they really rushed over, except for Jin Hai and Beibei who had special means, everyone else would be torn apart instantly by this yin and yang magnetic field.

of crushing.

Lin Feng was not exaggerating at all. It was as powerful as his physical body. He felt pain when he was trapped in it, and even felt an extremely powerful tearing feeling.

Considering Lin Feng's physical strength, this situation is simply unbelievable.

But unexpectedly, such an incredible thing happened.

What is even more frightening is that the power of the yin and yang magnetic field is still continuously strengthening, and this yin and yang magnetic field has formed a connection and resonance.

Able to keep getting stronger.

This is the most terrifying part.

After hearing Lin Feng's shout, Jin Hai quickly stopped everyone from coming forward. Jin Hai said, "Master Lin, let me come, I have no problem!".

Lin Feng said, "No, don't come here! You will be involved in the yin and yang magnetic field."

Hearing this, Jin Hai's expression suddenly changed. It seemed that the yin and yang magnetic field was far more terrifying than he imagined.

if not!

Lin Feng would not say such words.


Beibei shouted anxiously.

Tears burst out of my eyes. Lin Feng looked at Beibei and said, "Don't worry little guy, I'm fine for the time being. Now you try to communicate with the corpses of your ancestors. Even if these top powerhouses die, the corpses may still have some instincts. As long as

Let him restrain his strength, and the yin and yang magnetic field will collapse on its own! ".

Hearing this, Beibei nodded quickly, and then Beibei began to try to communicate with the corpse of his ancestor. When Beibei communicated with the corpse of his ancestor, the yin and yang magnetic field began to increase crazily. In a very short period of time, it increased four or five times in strength. But this is not over yet. The yin and yang magnetic field is obviously still okay.

Keep improving.

Lin Feng's physical body was strong enough, but now it could no longer hold up, and there were many cracks on his body.

Blood seeped out of the cracks.

Due to being suppressed by the magnetic field, Lin Feng was unable to activate several top-level defensive magic weapons.

If a few top-level defensive magic weapons were activated, the situation would not be so bad.

but now.

For Lin Feng, the situation was really terrible, but at this extremely dangerous time.

Something happened that made Lin Feng happy.

Beibei! Successfully communicated with the ancestor's corpse, therefore, Beibei's ancestor's corpse immediately changed and gathered all its power.

The original perfect state of the yin and yang cycle collapsed instantly because the corpse of ancestor Beibei withdrew all its power.

Although the power released by the black-robed monk's body was still powerful, after losing the yin and yang cycle, he himself was unable to support himself.

The released power and the magnetic field formed could no longer pose much of a threat to Lin Feng.

"Die to me!".

Lin Feng stepped forward, his voice was extremely cold, and he saw Lin Feng coming to the black-robed monk and punching towards the black-robed monk's head.

A dull and loud bang was heard.

Lin Feng's powerful and heavy punch hit the black-robed monk's head hard. The black-robed monk's head suffered such a powerful force from Lin Feng, and his neck was broken. The black-robed monk's head was also punched by Lin Feng and flew away.

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