Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9107: 742The greatness of life, the glory of death!

Lin Feng looked at the headless corpse of the black-robed monk and couldn't help but murmured, "Although you were a peerless strongman in the past, you are just a corpse now!".

Throughout the ages, there have been many unparalleled powerful men who have shocked the past and the present, but in the end they only became a handful of loess, which makes people sigh.

Lin Feng had seen this situation so many times that his heart was a little numb.

Lin Feng immediately took off the war gun.


The moment Lin Feng held the war gun, he heard a roar that shook the heaven and earth. It was like an immortal holy beast roaring in his ears. Lin Feng was so shocked that he almost fainted. fall. Fortunately, Lin Feng's methods were powerful enough and he was not really stunned by the will of this battle gun. However, this battle gun did give Lin Feng too many shocks. This battle gun was indeed terrifying enough. It was worthy of being Forged by top strong men

of treasure.

"A ruthless battle gun". Lin Feng sensed some information about this war gun and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

Just as he had guessed, this battle spear was indeed extraordinary, because it was made from the bones of ferocious beasts like Xunhen.

Even the weapon spirit of the war gun was made from the sacrifice of Zhan Hen's soul.

Maybe many people don't know what a ruthless person is.

Zhenhen is an extremely terrifying beast. It is a legendary beast in the previous reincarnation. It is incredibly powerful.

There are no pure-blooded beasts in this reincarnation anymore. Even if there are such ferocious beasts, they are all mixed-blooded.

It can be seen that in the last reincarnation, the pure-blooded Zhanhen has disappeared, and the animal bones and souls that forged Zhanhen's war spear are definitely left behind by the pure-blooded Zhanhen.

Therefore, the level of the Zhenhen Battle Spear is extremely high, and it is a treasure that is almost at the pioneer level.

Such a treasure is naturally extremely terrifying.

Moreover, the gun itself is the king of weapons.

Among Lin Feng's favorite magic weapons is the Era War Gun passed down from his ancestors, but the Era War Gun is only at the level of the Creator and is far less powerful than the Zhenhen War Gun.

In addition, there is a big difference between the Era War Gun and the Hellen War Gun.

The Era War Gun is a kind of war gun that is both soft and strong. It can even be used as a stick to beat the opponent, and its attributes are relatively balanced in all aspects.

The Zhanhen Battle Spear is a battle spear with a strength attribute. It is thicker and much larger than the Era Battle Spear.

And the hardness is relatively high.

It's a powerful heavy battle gun.

The tip of the spear shone with a cold light. The sharp tip of the spear seemed to be able to pierce through everything and destroy everything.

Such a war gun is more in line with Lin Feng's wishes.

After all, Lin Feng's power itself is relatively powerful. If it is paired with such a heavy-duty power war gun, then the power that Lin Feng's strength can unleash, coupled with the properties of the war gun, is absolutely unimaginable.

In fact, to put it bluntly, everything still belongs to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng is a man with a strong body, deep magical power, and powerful soul power.

There are simply no shortcomings. Any kind of magic weapon can be put to good use in his hands. Lin Feng can definitely make this magic weapon exert powerful enough power.

Lin Feng quickly tried to sacrifice this treasure.

That Xunhen itself was an extremely ferocious existence. Its soul had devoured countless strong men's essences over the years and had become even more ferocious. It was not convinced by Lin Feng at all and wanted to fight against Lin Feng.

Lin Feng sneered and said, "Even a mere weapon spirit wants to fight with me. You are really overestimating your capabilities!".

Lin Feng took action and directly suppressed the weapon spirit.

Then he forcibly refined the war gun. Lin Feng felt very happy after getting such a powerful war gun. There is a saying that a heavy sword has no edge, but Lin Feng is a heavy gun with an edge. It doesn't matter what powerful magic weapon you have, if I stab you a few times, I will also stab you a few times

Come through a hole. Lin Feng then took off the monk's storage ring and looked at it carefully. He couldn't help but show a look of regret. His storage ring had been damaged. It didn't look like it had been corroded by the power of time. Look at it.

On the contrary, it seems that it was damaged because it withstood too strong a shock force during the war. Mainly because at the end of the battle, these two beings could no longer control their bodies. In this case, it was naturally difficult for them to converge their strength, let alone protect the storage ring with mana, so the storage ring often

Destroyed at this time.

Although it is a pity, Lin Feng does not feel too sorry, because Lin Feng's mentality has always been relatively good.

Being able to obtain such a treasure as the Zhanhen Battle Spear was an incredible opportunity.

How can you ask for more? Lin Feng then wanted to take off the rapier in the hand of Beibei's ancestor's corpse. This treasure looked extremely extraordinary. It was probably a quasi-pioneer level treasure. Although Beibei also refined the treasure, his treasure was only just a moment ago.

Reach the level of the Creator. And this treasure was passed down from his ancestors, and the blood is connected. Although it is impossible to exert 100% of its power, it is not a problem to exert 80 to 90%, and this sword is also It can continue to evolve. As long as it can continue to evolve, its power can continue to increase. It is suitable for Beibei to use. However, Beibei has never used sword magic weapons before. Later, he can teach Beibei some swordsmanship magical powers. With this

The power of the sword will be terrible when used. The moment Lin Feng came into contact with the corpse of Beibei's ancestor, he immediately sensed a lot of things. It turned out that their battle took place in the middle of the last reincarnation. This black-robed monk was an extremely evil existence. For He practiced magic and killed hundreds of worlds and billions of creatures. The brutal slaughter of so many people aroused the indignation of many monks with chivalrous hearts, and some people united to want to kill this person. But the black-robed monk actually

It was so powerful that he killed all the monks who went to kill him.

Such an evil existence will kill many innocent people in the future.

But he was too powerful to deal with him.

The world of practitioners was also gloomy and gloomy at that time.

At this time, Beibei, the ancestor, took action, found the black-robed monk's lair, and had a life-and-death fight with him.

In the end, both sides suffered losses and died in this place.

After sensing these contents, Lin Feng couldn't help but sigh slightly. Beibei's ancestor was also a chivalrous person, but it was a pity that he ended up in this place.

How powerful he was during his lifetime, but he fell because of killing such a big devil.

It's very regrettable.

If he were to write an epitaph for his ancestor Beibei, Lin Feng felt that his ancestor's life should be worthy of the eight words "great life, glorious death".

Lin Feng called Beibei over to pay homage to his dead ancestor. The people of the demon clan also quickly dispersed, wanting to see if there were any other treasures hidden in this place.

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