Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9108: 743 Weird Pictures

Beibei cried for a while next to the corpse of her ancestor.

This little guy cried very sadly.

Lin Feng sighed. For a race like Beibei, every clan member is a close relative. After all, the number of people of his race is too small.

After Beibei cried for a while, Lin Feng handed the thin sword to Beibei and said, "This is the treasure left by your ancestors. You put it away. When you leave here, I will teach you some powerful sword skills." Supernatural power!". Beibei nodded and put away the sword, and then Beibei also put away the bodies of their ancestors. After death, people should be buried in the ground, and Beibei, the ancestor, will definitely be buried in the ground later. But neither

Just find a place to bury such a strong man.

Lin Feng will definitely find a geomantic treasure land for Beibei's ancestors.

Because of the discovery of the ancestor's body, Beibei was already exhausted.

So he went back to Lin Feng's time and space to rest.

"Boom!" Suddenly, at this moment, a loud noise came out.

Lin Feng's mind was attracted.

He found.

Bai Qingcheng actually opened a secret room.

The secret room is actually so deep that you can't tell where it is with the naked eye, and it can't even be detected by your spiritual mind. It has an extremely special switch.

Bai Qingcheng accidentally touched the switch, and the secret room opened on its own initiative.

What a beautiful person and lucky person.

Even Bai Qingcheng did not expect to turn on such a switch inadvertently. He has not come to his senses yet. After everyone came quickly, Bai Qingcheng also came to his senses, and then he became excited.

We all come here to look for opportunities.

Now that the secret room has been found, there may be an amazing opportunity.

The secret room was pitch dark. Several monks from the demon tribe threw a few special luminous pearls inside, and the dark secret room suddenly became brighter.

Everyone entered the secret room.

The area of ​​this secret room is not small, it is over a thousand square meters in size, and it is more than twenty meters high.

The super-level immortal stones were piled up as high as a hill. There must be at least 30,000 to 40,000 pieces of super-level immortal stones. Everyone's eyes almost popped out of their heads. You must know that the value of super-level immortal stones is unimaginable. Take these people from the Monster Clan as an example. Their status in the Monster Clan is extremely high, but it is difficult for them to get too much. overtake

Immortal stone.

Jin Hai is at the highest level, and he only has dozens of super-level fairy stones on his body.

Not to mention the rest.

Some people don't have ultra-level immortal stones at all. They have already used them to practice.

It's hard to preserve.

But here, the super-level immortal stones have piled up into a hill. Even if each of them can only get a part of the super-level immortal stone, it is almost the super-level immortal stone that they have never obtained in their lives. Now, because of a chance, they have obtained so many super-level immortal stones. Whoever encounters such a The situation would probably make them tremble with excitement. So, in the world of cultivators, there are too many people who will always go to various dangerous places and risk their lives to look for opportunities, because if they are lucky,

If so, it only takes one chance to make them soar to the nine heavens.

Of course, these super-level fairy stones are only some of the treasures in the secret room. There are a lot of good things piled up in this secret room, including extremely precious heavenly materials and earthly treasures, as well as some materials for forging magic weapons, and even some scrolls, jade tubes and the like. ,estimate

The record records some ancient inheritance.

There are so many treasures piled up in the whole secret room, it’s so exciting.

Jin Hai said, "How about this? I still let Mr. Lin choose the things here first. Half of the things belong to Mr. Lin, and the rest belongs to us!"

Everyone in the demon clan nodded in agreement.

Although Lin Feng seemed to have given away a lot of things, they all knew one thing very well, that is, without Lin Feng, they might not even be able to get these things.

Sometimes you have to know how to be content.

Lin Feng was not polite. He nodded and said, "You take stock of these things first, and I will also see if there is anything special."

"good!". Everyone responded, and then dispersed to check the treasures here.

Lin Feng also wandered around in the secret room. Lin Feng felt that since this was the secret room where the mysterious black-robed monk stored the treasure, there must be something extremely amazing inside.

Lin Feng even suspected that the contents of the storage ring destroyed by the black-robed monk might even be far less valuable than the contents stored here.

But even if there really are some extremely amazing treasures here, it would take Lin Feng's sharp eyes to identify them.

Lin Feng flipped through some scrolls and jade tubes.

I also looked at the piles of heavenly materials, earthly treasures and other things.

There are indeed many things that make people's hearts beat, but there are very few things that can really make Lin Feng's heart beat. The main reason is that Lin Feng has too many good things.

It is really not an easy task to impress Lin Feng.


Not long after, Lin Feng was attracted by something.

What attracted Lin Feng was a painting hanging on the wall. This painting was indeed an interesting painting, but it only showed two white clouds.

This is really puzzling.

I only say this because this is the secret room where the mysterious black-robed monk stores his treasures.

The black-robed monk was so powerful, how could he put ordinary things into his secret room?

Therefore, this picture, which looks a little weird and a little ordinary, is definitely not as simple as an ordinary picture. It must contain some unknown secrets.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng tried to sense the picture with his spiritual mind.

Find out what secrets that picture hides.

But what surprised Lin Feng was that when his spiritual thoughts entered the picture, his spiritual thoughts were completely swallowed up by the picture like a mud cow entering the sea.

This surprised Lin Feng. What was going on? Could it be that the picture could swallow spiritual thoughts? This is a bit weird.

Lin Feng walked up to the picture and planned to take it down to see if he could successfully refine the picture.

If you refine that picture, you might be able to discover the secret of that picture. But something Lin Feng didn't expect happened. When he got closer to the picture, the picture changed dramatically. Behind the white clouds, a pair of eyes appeared vaguely, but if he looked carefully, they didn't seem to be eyes. , like two abyss swallowing everything, the picture released a terrifying devouring power, and actually wanted to involve Lin Feng in the picture.

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