Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9109: 744 Transformation of Gods and Demon Valley

This scroll is really weird, but all of this is within Lin Feng's expectation. How can such a scroll be simple? Any weird changes are extremely normal. Judging from Lin Feng’s current strength, such a

No matter how weird the secondary scroll is, it is not easy to swallow Lin Feng, unless Lin Feng wants to be swallowed by this scroll. But Lin Feng doesn’t want to be swallowed up by the scroll now, because Lin Feng doesn’t have so much time to sort out some things inside, and he doesn’t know what the specific situation is inside. If he is trapped for a long time, it will be very difficult for Lin Feng.

But it was an extremely bad thing, so when the picture wanted to devour him, Lin Feng forcibly cut off the connection between him and the picture, and then Lin Feng put the picture away. Although this picture is weird, Lin Feng can still find a way to sacrifice it. Lin Feng's idea is simple. When he is free, he will find an opportunity to enter time and space to study the picture carefully.

Maybe you can find out the secret hidden in the picture later. After collecting the picture, Lin Feng said to everyone, "This is not a place to stay for a long time. It may attract other people. In order to avoid disputes, we should leave here quickly and share the things here now."

Xi, let’s leave quickly.”

"good!". Jin Hai nodded.

Lin Feng and Jin Hai each took half of the things. The demon clan members must have negotiated how much each of them got, and Lin Feng had no control over this matter.

Lin Feng and the others soon left this place. After Lin Feng and the others left, one after another figures quickly came over and entered the underground palace. As expected, this underground palace still attracted many powerful people, but by this time Lin Feng and the others had already left this place.

, those people naturally failed, but there might be some opportunities inside. Whether they can find it depends on whether they are lucky enough.

After coming out, Lin Feng said to Jin Hai, "Fellow Daoist Jin! I'm going to look for a few of my subordinates first. After I find them, I may need Friend Daoist Jin's help!". After all, Jin Hai is the existence of the peak of the Creator. This strength is quite terrifying, and this person must also have some incredible methods. When the time comes to deal with the wild demon later, Jin Hai can still play a role.

It was quite useful, so Lin Feng told Jin Hai in advance that he would invite Jin Hai to join him in dealing with the wild demon. Jin Hai said, "No problem, just follow Mr. Lin's orders."

Lin Feng hugged his fists and left quickly.

After Lin Feng left, Jin Hai said, "Let's go, let's find a place to distribute the things we got before."

"Haha, that's a great feeling! I want to order more super immortal stones!". Xiong Changchun grinned.

Another demon monk said, "I want to get more top-quality materials to refine the magic weapon...".

These monks from the Monster Clan all expressed their requests in a variety of ways, and they also made requests based on their own needs.

If you want more of some things, you will obviously want less of other things.

Jin Hai is an old man who has never seen anything before. Allocating resources is naturally not a problem for him. Everyone will be satisfied with what he can do.

And the other side.

Lin Feng spent about a day to find the people scattered in various places.

Now Lin Feng is surrounded by Poison Ancestor, Backbone Dragon King, Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast, and Black Prison Master. Lin Feng said, "I plan to deal with the Desolate Demon, but this person's strength is really extremely powerful. Although he may be seriously injured in the inner world of the Samsara Sacred Tree, he still cannot be underestimated, so I'm asking everyone to come here."

Discuss a strategy to deal with the wild demon! "." The Holy Beast that shook the sky said, "That Desolate Demon is of the blood of the Demon God, with three heads and six arms. It is really difficult to deal with, especially if a strong man of this level tries his best, we may be held back by him, but I do know a place."

, can greatly suppress his Demonic God's bloodline. If he can be moved to that place, then his Demonic God's bloodline will be greatly suppressed, and then the combat power of the Desolate Demon will also be greatly reduced! ".

Hearing this, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly lit up.

It's such an unexpected surprise that there is such a place. The Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast is indeed a native here and knows more than others.

Lin Feng quickly asked, "Where is the place you mentioned?". The Heaven-shaking Holy Beast said, "I made some observations when I was looking for an opportunity. Due to the sudden change in the Divine Tree of Samsara, the heavens and the earth were extended. The distance between that place and the location of the Divine Tree of Samsara has been greatly extended. It's almost

There are as many as ten thousand miles away! And that place is called the Valley of Transformation of Gods and Demons, located northwest of the Sacred Tree of Samsara! ". "Ten thousand miles away is not that close. It is very difficult to lure the wild demon there. That guy is not stupid. Especially when he is injured, he will not be stupid enough to pull him over. So he can only pull him over." This person has been moved. Although he can be moved with a large formation, it does not seem to be difficult for the Desolate Demon to tear out the moving channel from such a long distance! It is indeed not an easy task to get the wild demon into the Valley of Demon Transformation! ".poison

Zu said with a frown. Lin Feng said, "Yes, this matter is very difficult, but no matter how difficult it is, you still have to try. Just leave the matter of moving the wild demon to me. As for you, just stay in the Valley of the Demon Transformation, but we Gotta go now

The God-Transforming Demon Valley sets up a large formation. Only the combination of the large formation and the God-Transforming Demon Valley can cause the most powerful damage to the wild demon! ".

"Well, sir, please come with me." The Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast said. Under the leadership of the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast, Lin Feng and the others quickly flew towards the Demon Valley of Transformation. When they passed the place where Lin Feng and the demon clan parted ways, Lin Feng asked Poison Ancestor to look for the demon clan Jin Hai and others here. whereabouts

, Lin Feng felt that they were nearby. After finding these people, they would go to the Valley of Transformation and Demon to meet together.

Lin Feng naturally had no problems here. After receiving the order, he went to look for Jin Hai and others. Lin Feng and the others arrived at the Valley of the Demon Gods first. The Valley of the Demon Gods was indeed a place of evil spirits. When Lin Feng came here, he even felt that his bloodline was suppressed by the strange terrain here. Lin Feng was not a demon clan. The monks have all been suppressed, and the suppression of the Demon God Clan monks here is the most serious. You can imagine how amazingly the bloodline will be suppressed when the Demon God Clan monks enter this place. By then, the combat power will definitely be

However, it will be greatly reduced, coupled with the formation, and many masters taking action together, the seemingly difficult task of killing the wild demon should be able to achieve a good result.

Lin Feng was very motivated now. After studying the terrain of this place, he then developed a matching large array combination.

In order to save time, Lin Feng assigned tasks to everyone. Each person arranged a part of the formation restrictions, so that the large formation could be successfully arranged as soon as possible.

After the great formation here and the Valley of Transformation Gods are perfectly combined. Lin Feng believed that this place, Transformation God Demon Valley, would definitely become an abyss where Huang Mo was buried.

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