Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9110: 745 The wild demon has become stronger

With the efforts of Lin Feng and others, large formations were successfully constructed, and this place became more and more terrifying. Of course, these large formations have not been activated yet, so the danger of this place has not yet been truly revealed.

When the formation was about to be successfully set up, everyone from the Poison Ancestor and the Demon Clan also rushed over.

Lin Feng did not ask Duzu and the others to help, but just asked them to wait outside.

More than half an hour passed, finally! The formation is completely arranged! With the cooperation of everyone, Lin Feng and the others arranged a total of more than 300 large formations. The power of the combination of these large formations is absolutely unimaginable. Coupled with the suppressive effect of the Demon Valley of Transformation on the Desolate Demon, Lin Feng is now

I am quite confident in suppressing the wild demon.

The next step was to move the Desolate Demon to the Valley of the Demon Transformation. This was a relatively difficult matter to deal with. After Lin Feng explained it, he quickly left.

The rest of the people were sitting in the Valley of Transformation Gods and Demons, waiting.

As for Lin Feng, he returned to the outside of the Sacred Tree of Samsara.

Lin Feng needs to set up a teleportation array here to connect with the teleportation array over there in the Valley of the Gods and Demons. He can activate the teleportation array by introducing Huang Mo into the teleportation array.

The location where Lin Feng arranged the teleportation array was not far from the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation. It was in an ordinary mountain forest more than ten miles away and would not attract too many people's attention.

When Lin Feng was setting up the teleportation array, Wuliang Taoist priest unexpectedly appeared.

Wuliang Taoist priest smiled coquettishly and said, "Wuliang Tianzun! How are the preparations of Donor Lin? Do you need my help?"

Lin Feng said, "That's great. How about you help me move the Desolate Demon into the Demon Transformation Valley later?" "The strength of the Desolate Demon is so powerful. I'm so scared, Master Tao. If I can't kill the Desolate Demon, I will be resented by the Desolate Demon. Being resented by such a terrifying existence is a very terrible thing, so the reward Can't be lower

ah! ". Wuliang Taoist priest's eyes rolled.

Lin Feng said, "Tell me, what do you want?".

"Okay, just give me 10,000 super-level immortal stones and I will help!". Wuliang Taoist said.

"Fuck! Damn Taoist priest! Why don't you go and rob?". Lin Feng said speechlessly. That's 10,000 pieces of super-level immortal stones. Ninety-nine point ninety-nine percent of the monks, let alone getting 10,000 pieces of super-level immortal stones, may never see so many super-level immortal stones in their lifetime, but now this dead Taoist priest Just open your mouth

Ten thousand pieces of super-level immortal stone can really be called a lion's mouth.

Wuliang Taoist priest said, "Ten thousand super-grade immortal stones are not much for you. Give it to Taoist Master me. Brother, you should not even blink!". Lin Feng said, "You want to eat shit, but I won't let you suffer. This is fine. One hundred super-level immortal stones is already an astronomical figure. Countless monks can't collect more than one hundred super-level immortal stones in their lifetime." Immortal stone

! ".

Wuliang Taoist smiled, his fat face looking a bit vulgar. He said, "Before, I occasionally heard a group of people from the Demon Clan chatting. It seemed that you went to some kind of underground palace, and found a lot of good things in it. The super-level immortal stone cost about 30,000 to 40,000 yuan, and I only

I asked for half of the ultra-level immortal stones you got, and I didn’t even ask you for other treasures!" After hearing what Wuliang Taoist said, Lin Feng was almost speechless. The emotional people worked hard to earn some good things, you just listen Half of it is divided. What kind of logic is this? You must not bow to the evil forces.


Lin Feng said angrily, "It's just a hundred super-level immortal stones, not even one more. If you agree, just agree. If you don't agree, I didn't say anything!".

"Boy, if you are cruel, don't talk about me anymore, I know you!". Wuliang Taoist said a harsh word and ran away without a trace.

Lin Feng set up a large formation and ambush next to the Sacred Tree of Reincarnation. Some monks were injured and escaped one after another. The faces of these monks were extremely pale. Obviously, they had suffered great losses in the inner world of the Samsara Divine Tree. If they were not strong enough, or they had mastered a

These powerful treasures may have been damaged inside.

At this time, if someone were to sneak attack them, these people would most likely not end well.

So they were quite nervous when they came out.

As for Lin Feng, he was not interested in sneak attacks on these people. After all, they did not provoke Lin Feng. Lin Feng had been waiting for the Desolate Demon to appear, but the Desolate Demon did not appear for a long time. Lin Feng thought to himself, the Desolate Demon was so powerful that he should not have fallen inside the world of the Samsara Sacred Tree. What was the reason for not coming out?

So, could it be that that guy really overcame the danger and got the opportunity, or maybe he and Wuliang Taoist priests became the ones chosen by the spirit of the Samsara Tree, and wanted to help the spirit of the Samsara Tree find the Crystal of the Universe? . If this is the case, that is really bad news, because it means that the wild demon may not have been seriously injured. When he comes out, it will be very difficult to calculate the wild demon at his peak, even if he

We are well prepared, and it is estimated that many people will be supported by the wild demon by then, but this is not a situation that Lin Feng wants to see. All Lin Feng could do now was just to continue waiting. To Lin Feng's surprise, the next day, the Desolate Demon finally appeared. This guy rushed out of the world of the Samsara Sacred Tree. He laughed loudly, although he was seriously injured.

, but very excited. It seems that Huang Mo must have gotten something good from the inner world of the Samsara Sacred Tree. Otherwise, how could he still be so excited when he has suffered such serious injuries. Lin Feng quietly lurked towards the Desolate Demon. He wanted to sneak attack the Desolate Demon, but he didn't expect that before Lin Feng could lurk over, the Desolate Demon had already discovered Lin Feng, and struck out into the void with a palm to kill Lin Feng. Being shaken out surprised Lin Feng. Although Huang Mo was seriously injured, his perception became much sharper than before. This shows that Huang Mo's strength has increased since Lin Feng said goodbye to Huang Mo last time. It should also

Got a big improvement. But think about it, this is normal. After all, Lin Feng's strength has improved so much during this period, and the Desolate Demon's cultivation has also been improved. This is also very likely to happen, and now this matter has become now

Reality. After Huang Mo saw that it was Lin Feng who wanted to sneak attack him, his eyes suddenly flashed with murderous intent. He said coldly, "Boy, I didn't go to find you, so you should have burned incense and worshiped Buddha. How dare you come here on your own initiative?" Looking for me, really

I don’t know whether to live or die. If you want to die, then I will make it happen for you today! ".

As soon as he finished speaking, the Desolate Demon struck out at Lin Feng with one palm. Lin Feng dodged the terrifying palm of the Desolate Demon in an extremely "awkward" manner, and then "ran away for his life" in one direction.

"Hahahaha, boy, you can't escape!". Huang Mo laughed wildly, and he quickly chased Lin Feng. He looked like he would never give up until he killed Lin Feng.

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