Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9114: 749 Successfully conquered the wild demon

'ah! ’. The wild demon let out a roar of pain. He suddenly grabbed Lin Feng's war gun with both hands and tried to pull the war gun out of his body.

"Hey, your heart doesn't grow here?".

Lin Feng looked at Huang Mo in surprise. He could naturally sense Huang Mo's condition. It turned out that Huang Mo's heart was not on the left side, but seemed to be on the right side.

If it was on the left side, a blow to the heart would not kill him, but it would cost him half his life.

But now, he is alive and well. "I will fight with you!". Huang Mo's eyes almost popped out of his head. There was endless killing intent in his eyes. He really didn't expect that he would fall into the hands of a young monk like Lin Feng. He couldn't accept it.

Suffering from this kind of thing, but having to accept this thing, his fate can no longer be changed. This wild demon is also a ruthless person. His body swelled up, as if he wanted to die with Lin Feng through self-destruction.

This is naturally a more dangerous situation for Lin Feng. Lin Feng was also frightened, and quickly used the Eight Seals of the Forbidden God. If he wanted to suppress the Desolate Demon, he must not let this guy blow himself up. He was a universe boss-level existence. If he blew himself up, most of the people here would be want

He was dragged by the wild demon to be buried with him.

Fortunately, Lin Feng's Eight Forbidden Gods are powerful enough.

The runes suppressed Huang Mo's body, directly suppressing Huang Mo. Lin Feng couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

After suppressing the Desolate Demon, everyone flew out of the formation.

The wild demon kept struggling and roaring, trying to break free from the suppression.

But it didn't work at all.

The current Desolate Demon was completely unable to break through Lin Feng's seal.

"Asshole! Despicable guy, if you have the guts, kill me." Huang Mo glared at Lin Feng.

After collecting many treasures, Lin Feng took a few deep breaths and adjusted his body. In order to deal with the wild demon, his losses were extremely huge. Now he can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Lin Feng looked at Huang Mo and said, "Huang Mo, if I wanted to kill you, wouldn't it be easy? I could kill you with just a raise of my hand. But as the saying goes, it's better to dissolve enemies than to end them. Although the experience between the two of us has been Many calculations against each other

Fighting, but there is no unsolvable hatred in this world. I can even forgive you for your previous offense to me and spare your life." "You can also rest assured that I will not insult you or rob you. All kinds of treasures on your body, things that should be yours, are still yours, and you will be respected, and you will even get a lot of good things that you want but are hard to get to help you continue to further improve your cultivation. , with your strength, potential, and the current special rules, it is possible for you to attack the Yuyue realm later. I want to ask, which powerful person at the level of a universe boss doesn't want to attack the Yuyue realm? But the prerequisite is that you must surrender to me. If you surrender to me, all this will be at your fingertips. If you choose to continue to fight against me, in the end, I can only kill you and avoid future troubles. You

How to say? ".

"Ha ha ha ha…". Huang Mo laughed loudly, looked at Lin Feng with disdain, and said, "You want me to surrender to you even with your little strength. Are you daydreaming? I tell you, this thing is absolutely impossible. Don't even think about it

, I have been caught by you now. If you want to kill or chop me into pieces, please do as you please! ". Lin Feng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly. Although Huang Mo is hostile to him, one thing is that this guy is indeed a man. He is the kind of person who would rather die than surrender. Now he is like this A tough person, really

It is rare to see them, especially among the top experts, there are even fewer people who are as tough as a wild demon.

Lin Feng said, "What a pity. It seems I can only kill you!".

The wild demon stared.

He looked like he would kill him if he wanted to, and I was not afraid. Lin Feng said, "But before killing you, I decided to try to transform you first! After you are transformed by me, you will completely lose yourself and become a walking zombie. You can only take orders from me. I will let you You do it

You have to do whatever you want without any thought of your own, which is more beneficial to me than asking you to recognize your master."

"you…". Hearing this, Huang Mo's expression suddenly changed.

He is not afraid of death!

However, he was afraid of becoming a zombie-like existence like Lin Feng said. If that was the case, what would be the point of living?

"You despicable and shameless guy, you could just kill me. Why do you do this to me?". The wild demon roared.

Lin Feng said, "Death! It is the best and simplest way to escape, but it is also the most unfavorable situation for me. I naturally want to maximize my benefits."

After finishing his words, Lin Feng directly used the Dadu Transformation Technique, trying to transform the Desolate Demon.

Seeing that Lin Feng was really going to transform himself, Huang Mo was completely panicked.

Although he is not afraid of death, he is afraid of being transformed.

Huang Mo shouted, "Stop, stop, stop! Negotiate, I want to negotiate with you!".

"What? Can you figure it out?". Lin Feng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

Huang Mo said angrily, "I was forced to step on the horse because of you, a despicable villain!".

It is really not an easy task to make Huang Mo angry and curse loudly.

Lin Feng did not delve into this matter because Huang Mo was disrespectful to him.

He glanced at Huang Mo with a faint gaze and said, "Huang Mo! Make the oath! Don't worry, if you make the oath now, what I said before will still count!". The wild demon gritted his teeth and asked him to swear an oath. It was really hard for him, but now he had no other choice. He just felt aggrieved. He was a universe boss level existence, but now he had to recognize someone who was not even a quasi-pioneer level.

A young monk who has no breakthrough as his master really has thoughts of death.

But this is not forced by the situation, there is no other way.

The wild demon also accepted his fate.

He said, "I! Huang Mo! I make an oath here. From now on, I am willing to recognize Lin Feng as my master. From now on, I will be loyal. If I violate this oath, I am willing to be struck by lightning from the sky and die a bad death!". After Huang Mo made the oath, a powerful soul contract was formed between Lin Feng and Huang Mo. From then on, Huang Mo could only serve Lin Feng honestly. If he dared to betray Lin Feng, he would be punished by God or not.

Damn it, Lin Feng's single thought can kill Huang Mo.

After successfully conquering the Wild Demon, Lin Feng became extremely excited, because the Wild Demon was a cosmic boss-level existence, and his strength far exceeded that of anyone in the strongest heavenly group.

He is so powerful that he can defeat a group of people alone without any problem.

After conquering Huang Mo, Lin Feng finally had a cosmic boss-level existence under his command, and Huang Mo could be regarded as the face of the most powerful heavenly group for the time being. Moreover, in the subsequent Kyushu War, if Sons of the Pioneers, Su Yuexi and others have universe boss-level beings on their side to help them, and Lin Feng has the Desolate Demon on his side, there is no need to worry too much about the universe boss-level beings on the opposite side.

There is no other strong person. Therefore, subduing the Desolate Demon has extremely important and far-reaching significance for the strongest heavenly group and Lin Feng.

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