Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9113: 748 uses all his methods to severely injure the wild demon!

The Desolate Demon is indeed not a simple guy, and the combat power he displayed is terrifying enough. However, Lin Feng had already anticipated that this might happen, so facing the Desolate Demon's grasp, Lin Fenglun took out the Zhenhen war gun in his hand. ,direct

He smashed it hard towards the huge magic hand. The war gun itself is powerful enough. It is a heavy war gun with terrifying power. Lin Feng is extremely good at power attacks, so this war gun suddenly exerts unimaginable terrifying power in Lin Feng's hands.

, that shot was as powerful as breaking mountains and rivers, and it was so powerful that it really shocked people.


The next moment, the war gun in Lin Feng's hand directly destroyed the demonic hand formed by the desolate demon, and continued to smash towards the desolate demon's head,

"Boy, you are looking for death!" Huang Mo roared with three heads and shook his six arms. He also fired real fire. If Lin Feng killed him, Huang Mo would not even think about escaping. He was thinking of suppressing Lin Feng.

If he could really accomplish this, his crisis would naturally be resolved. When I take Lin Feng out of here, I have to swallow Lin Feng's origin. This way I can recover quickly and even further improve my strength. I have to say that this guy's wishful thinking is extremely good.


Since the Desolate Demon is a demon with three heads and six arms, he can also use a variety of magical powers to deal with Lin Feng. For example, he recited different spells from his mouth. There were three spells in total. Each spell represented a kind of magical power. What he recited from his mouth was a soul-attack magical power. The wild demon wanted to use the soul to attack.

Using magical powers to affect Lin Feng's soul, this guy's combat experience is indeed extremely rich.

Since you can multi-task, soul attack-like magical powers are absolutely indispensable. Once the opponent is affected, it will become much easier to kill the opponent later.

Of course, soul attack-like magical powers alone are not enough.

The wild demon also condensed mana attack-type magical powers, which are normal attack-type magical powers.

There are three types in total. Three types of soul-attack magical powers, and three mana-type magical powers, all blasted towards Lin Feng. In order to deal with Lin Feng, the Desolate Demon had exhausted all its means. Although the Desolate Demon's combat power was greatly affected, the Desolate Demon still had no control over Lin Feng. burn

After burning a lot of origin, the combat power has been restored a lot. Even if it cannot reach the peak combat power, the current Desolate Demon is actually unimaginably strong. It is absolutely difficult to resist the attack of the Desolate Demon.

Everyone in the formation couldn't help but be shocked when they saw the attack from the wild demon, and they couldn't help but worry about Lin Feng's safety.

Perhaps Taoist Wuliang was the only one who wasn't too worried about Lin Feng. Wuliang Taoist Priest knows very well what kind of person Lin Feng is. Over the years, Lin Feng has encountered countless dangers, and has experienced countless battles in which the weak defeated the strong. Therefore, Wuliang Taoist Priest simply cannot

He didn't believe that Lin Feng would be eliminated so easily by Huang Mo.

And the actual situation is indeed the case.

The main reason is that these methods of the wild demon have been used on the wrong target. First of all, Lin Feng can basically ignore 99.99% of soul attack techniques, so it is very difficult to use soul attack techniques to damage Lin Feng's soul. Therefore, when dealing with Lin Feng, it is not necessary to Soul attack methods should be used instead of normal magical attacks. This is much better than soul attack magical powers. For example, in the current Desolate Demon, the power of the three soul attack magical powers superimposed is quite terrifying, but Lin Feng’s soul It has formed a perfect combination with the physical body, so the three kinds of soul attack magical powers of the wild demon have not been able to harm Lin Feng's soul, nor can they affect Lin Feng's spiritual will, etc. In this way,

It's equivalent to wasting three magical powers. Secondly, when Lin Feng took action against the Desolate Demon, Lin Feng knew that a series of dangerous situations might occur, so Lin Feng had already communicated with many of his defensive magic weapons the moment he took action. When the Desolate Demon launched an attack against Lin Feng, Lin Feng has activated several defensive magic weapons. Lin Feng believes that no matter how powerful the Desolate Demon's combat power is, it is impossible to destroy his defensive magic weapons in an instant with overwhelming force. To take a step back,

Even if the wild demon destroyed the defense system constructed by his defensive magic weapon, if he wanted to cause harm to Lin Feng, he would have to continue to use new attacks, and this time was enough for Lin Feng to get rid of the wild demon.

so. The combination attack of Huang Mo seemed to be extremely powerful, but in fact, he chose the wrong combination of magical powers. As a result, the three soul attack magical powers had no effect, and only the three mana attack magical powers could cause damage to Lin Feng.

, and all three types of magic attacks and magical powers were blasted on the defensive light shield outside Lin Feng.

The moment Lin Feng was blasted away, a second Lin Feng appeared quietly behind Huang Mo. The aura of the second Lin Feng is exactly the same as Lin Feng's, but it is not Lin Feng's original form. It turns out that this is a clone condensed by Lin Feng using the technique of mirror image. The technique of mirror image is a very heaven-defying method, and it is also impossible. It is a method that is often used. The reason why I say this is because the mirror technique requires 30% of Lin Feng's mana to be condensed. This kind of consumption is really too serious, even Lin Feng is a little tired.

No need.

Therefore, this method can only be used at certain special times.

The mirror clone has 100% of its own combat power and can last for thirty breaths. Moreover, the mirror clone can cover up all fluctuations, making it difficult for the enemy to detect his existence. Therefore, when Lin Feng's mirror clone appeared behind Huang Mo, Huang Mo, who was dealing with Lin Feng's true form with all his strength, did not even notice the existence of the mirror clone. The mirror clone held the Kunlun Tianyang Sword, a treasure, towards Huang Mo.

The back position corresponding to the heart was stabbed. However, the Desolate Demon had already been prepared and had condensed an extremely powerful protective shield. Therefore, although the sword of the mirror clone was terrifying enough, after piercing the protective shield, only part of it penetrated the Desolate Demon. Demonic

In the body, this part of the sword body that pierced the body of the wild demon was not able to pierce the heart of the wild demon.

"you wanna die!"

The wild demon was furious and struck out at Lin Feng's mirror clone with one palm. But at this time, eleven sky-shaking stone tablets came down and the wild demon had to fight against these sky-shaking stone tablets.

Lin Feng's true self also came to kill him again at this time. He held the Zhanhen war gun and stabbed the wild demon in the chest with one shot.

Under Lin Feng's urging, the unparalleled power of the heavy war gun fully exploded. The sharp tip of the gun seemed to be able to pierce through all obstacles. It was so terrifying that it was unimaginable.


The wild demon resisted Lin Feng's many methods and roared at the same time. This was no ordinary roar, but an extremely terrifying sonic attack. The concussive sonic attack was so terrifying that it was unimaginable. Lin Feng was so shocked that his blood boiled and he almost fell to the ground. However, even so, Lin Feng did not flinch. He cheered up, moved forward, and continued to move towards

The wild demon assassinated him and left. Lin Feng's shot itself was terrifying enough. In addition, his mirror clone had previously pierced the Desolate Demon's protective mask, causing the complete structure of the Desolate Demon's protective mask to be destroyed. Therefore, the Desolate Demon's protective mask was The defensive ability of Lin Feng was greatly weakened. Therefore, when Lin Feng's spear came to kill him, he instantly pierced the desolate demon's protective light shield with extremely violent force. Then, the war spear pierced the desolate demon. Demon's chest.

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