Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9126: 761 Weird Unparalleled City

The appearance of Wushuang City excited countless monks.

Many people wonder if they can get some opportunities from Wushuang City.

But some people have more pessimistic views on this.

I feel that a place like Wushuang City, as a legendary ancient city, must be full of dangers.

If you want to get opportunities from Wushuang City, you must have the consciousness to leave your life in Wushuang City. This is something that needs to be taken seriously.

At the same time, you must also think carefully about whether you really have the ability to go to Wushuang City to fight for opportunities.

But obviously most people think they should have no problem.

Many people develop self-confidence at many times, especially powerful people.

When Wushuang City appeared, Lin Feng had already returned to Jiuzhou Mountain from Goddess Jiyao. Lin Feng learned a lot about what happened in the inner world of the Samsara Sacred Tree from Goddess Ji Yao. Some of the news was good news for Lin Feng, and some of the news was bad news for Lin Feng, especially

The news about Gengzi Demon Lord and others made Lin Feng feel quite bad.

After all, he did offend a lot of people when he rescued the Qiankun Ghost Mother.

These people are the ones Lin Feng needs to be wary of.

After coming back.

Because of the birth of Wushuang City, the next step was to go to Wushuang City, and Lin Feng got important news from the goddess Ji Yao.

Saying it is an unparalleled city may be the key to everyone leaving this island.

Wushuang City appears, and it shouldn't be too far before everyone leaves the island.

This is extremely important news.

All major forces have begun to leave for Wushuang City, and Lin Feng has also ordered the Kyushu monk army to prepare for Wushuang City.

Lin Feng doesn't know yet what the distance is to Wushuang City.

It’s not too late to wait and see.

When the Jiuzhou monk army marched to Wushuang City, they were very close to the monk army under the command of Goddess Ji Yao and the monk army under Jiu Ni Emperor, but they did not gather together, as that would be too conspicuous.

Now there is some distance between them.

It is arranged in a "pin" shape. If there is any problem later, the other two parties can quickly attack and rescue them anytime and anywhere.

But normally speaking, since Wushuang City has appeared, no one should ambush them halfway.

Lin Feng and the others successfully arrived at the outer area of ​​Wushuang City.

When they came over, Wushuang City could already be seen more clearly, but what surprised Lin Feng was that there was a dense army of monks standing on the walls of Wushuang City.

I thought that Wushuang City was a dead city, an isolated city.

However, it is really strange that so many monk armies have appeared in Wushuang City.

However, although it is a bit weird, if you think about it carefully, any situation in this kind of place seems to be within a reasonable range.

Therefore, monks from all major forces, including countless casual cultivators, are now scattered in various places, waiting to see what happens.

"Desolate Demon, Heaven-shaking Holy Beast, you are all aborigines, what do you think is going on in Wushuang City? Why are there so many monks guarding Wushuang City?" Lin Feng looked at the Desolate Demon and the Heaven-shaking Holy Beast.

The rest of the people also looked at them. Everyone was curious about this matter.

You know, there are already so many monks standing on the city wall.

There must be an army of monks stationed in the city.

So the number of monk armies they see now is actually not all the monk armies, and the place in Wushuang City is so weird, how can the monk army there be simple.

Lin Feng even couldn't help but think of some possibility. Could it be that the monk army stationed in Wushuang City now is the same monk army that guarded Wushuang City back then? If this is the case, it would be extremely difficult to open the city gate, because Wushuang City was the unspeakable city back then.

The ancient city here was too terrifying. If the monk army had guarded this city back then, the possibility of opening the city gate would be almost zero. Huang Mo said, "To be honest, young master, I actually lack understanding of Wushuang City. I believe that even more powerful beings such as Gengzi Demon Lord, Qiankun Ghost Mother, etc., lack sufficient understanding of Wushuang City. This Wushuang City There are many rumors about Wushuang City, but how many people have actually entered Wushuang City? Anyway, I have never heard of it. Therefore, as to why there are so many monk armies guarding Wushuang City, and what are the origins of these monk armies, I

Not sure! ".

The Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast said, "There must be someone who can't hold himself back and will go check it out!". Everything went as what the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast said. More than one wave of monks went to Wushuang City to see what was going on with those monk armies. The best result was that those monk armies were all dead. only

They stood still before dying, and as the eternity passed, they turned into statue-like beings.

But unfortunately this situation did not happen, because when some monks tried to fly into Wushuang City or approached the gate of Wushuang City, the army of Wushuang City monks guarding the city wall drew their bows and shot arrows.

Many people were shot and killed, it was horrific.

But there are survivors who bring news.

"Those guys are puppets...".

This news really shocked everyone, because refining puppets itself is a troublesome matter, and refining in small batches is okay.

Not that hard to accomplish.

But large-scale refining is another situation. Even if there are main materials for refining puppets, such as the corpses of monks, there are still countless auxiliary materials. Those things are also extremely difficult to obtain.

It is impossible to imagine how much materials and time it would take to refine such a huge army of monks into puppets.

Therefore, some people wonder whether it is just a few monks who defend the city who are puppets.

So some strong men went to check it out.

More shocking news soon came.

It's not that some of the city-defending monks are puppets, but all of the city-defending monks are puppets.

This news is really too shocking.

What seemed impossible was actually done.

"This Wushuang City is full of evil spirits!". Lin Feng couldn't help but frown slightly.

But no matter how evil they are, Lin Feng knows that the major forces and the casual cultivators will definitely not give up the opportunity to enter the city, and will probably consider storming Wushuang City later.

It was exactly as Lin Feng expected.

On the second day, some powerful forces began to summon the top leaders of the major forces, or the top experts among the casual cultivators, as well as the representatives of the casual cultivator groups, to attend a meeting to discuss the matter of storming Wushuang City. Lin Feng sent the Back Dragon King to represent him in the conference. Lin Feng felt that there was basically no suspense in this meeting. The major forces, the strong casual cultivators and the casual cultivator groups would definitely reach an agreement and then attack the city together.

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