Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9127: 762 Raising troops to investigate

Soon after, the Backbone Dragon King returned.

"How about it?". Lin Feng asked. The Back Dragon King said, "The major forces have reached an agreement and plan to attack the city. They will mainly attack the four city gates. At noon tomorrow, we will attack the gates together. We are responsible for the west gate position, and there are others who are responsible for the west gate position. Five or six forces, as well as some strong casual cultivators and casual cultivator groups! In addition, Emperor Jiu Ni is also responsible for the west gate with us. The force on our side should be the most powerful, but Ji Yaonv

The gods are not assigned to our side. Goddess Ji Yao and others are responsible for attacking the east gate! ".

After hearing this, Lin Feng roughly drew a city shape on the ground with branches. This city represented Wushuang City.

Then, he drew the locations of the four city gates.

Although the four gates of Wushuang City are in four different directions, in fact after opening the gates, they enter the outer city. The outer city is also the so-called first-level city. No one knows exactly what is going on inside. However, it is obvious that the deeper into the city, the more advanced it becomes, and all kinds of good things are also in the deeper parts. level

Among them, including the Crystal of the Universe that Lin Feng was looking for from the Spirit of the Sacred Tree of Samsara, and the Holy Image of the Temple that Lin Feng was asked to destroy by Immortal Jinghong, they were all deep in the city.

Of course, the top priority now is to open the city gate first and enter the first level of the city before we can find a way to enter the deeper city.

Lin Feng then asked, "Which areas is the Qiankun Ghost Mother responsible for?". The Back Dragon King said, "The Ghost Mother Qiankun is in charge of the south gate, but I heard from some monks that the Ghost Mother Qiankun has never shown up, and I suspect she is still in seclusion. Some people even asked the Ghost Mother Qiankun who was going to the meeting. build

The commander of the First Army Corps, but he didn’t get the answer he wanted. The commander’s answer was very vague! ".

Lin Feng touched his chin. Lin Feng really didn't know much about what was going on with the Qiankun Ghost Mother.

At the time of separation, the situation of Qiankun Ghost Mother was not very good.

However, Qiankun Ghost Mother's methods were too unpredictable, and Lin Feng couldn't see through that woman.

Lin Feng said, "Just follow the plan. Open the city gate first, and then wait until you enter the ancient city to see what is going on in this unparalleled city!".

Lin Feng ordered the monk army to repair it.

It won't be too late to assemble again tomorrow morning.

The next day, early in the morning.

The monk army under Lin Feng quickly gathered together, and the monk armies from all the major forces began to gather, and the casual cultivators also began to join the group. As for some of the top powerhouses among the casual cultivators, most of them have not shown up now, especially the Gengzi Demon Lord and other people who have offended the Qiankun Ghost Mother to death. However, Lin Feng knows that these people must also in some place

They are dormant, waiting to attack the city.

Lin Feng didn't know whether they would take action during the siege. Lin Feng felt that there was a high probability that they would take action. After all, siege was not a trivial matter. These top powerhouses can play a huge role in attacking the city. If they don't take action, the difficulty will be greatly increased. Moreover, they only need to avoid the Qiankun Ghost Mother. Furthermore,

He said that at such a critical time, Qiankun Ghost Mother would most likely not take action against them.

But there is no guarantee that there are some people who just want to take advantage and gain benefits, but do not want to contribute.

There are too many such people. There are simply countless, some strong people even have such a character, but it is unknown whether people like Gengzi Demon Lord and others will think the same way this time. It depends on how they choose, but if they don't Take action

, I will definitely be scolded by countless people for being unethical and acting like a grandson.

There will definitely be nothing good to say about it anyway.

After the monk army was assembled, the monk army responsible for each area quickly headed towards the place they were responsible for.

The total number of Lin Feng's cultivator army is 15 to 6 million, plus the large number of casual cultivators, the total number is 20 million less.

Anyway, those who can come have basically come here to Wushuang City. Regardless of their strength, they all want a piece of the pie here.

Noon has arrived.

The monk army scattered in the four major areas began to attack the city.

The dense army of monks quickly approached the city gate. When everyone was still more than ten miles away from the city gate, they were attacked by the army of monks guarding the city. Those puppet monk armies are very special. They seem to have been perfectly integrated with the formation restrictions of Wushuang City. When they launched an attack, their attacks became the catalyst to activate the formation restrictions of Wushuang City.


The formation restriction of Wushuang City immediately released a devastating attack towards the monk army attacking the city.

The restricted attacks in Wushuang City are all relatively high-level attacks, such as lower-level hail, rain arrows, thunder, lightning, etc. There are no such attacks at all.

They are all attacks formed by the power of fate, the power of reincarnation, and even the power of fate.

Not to mention the monk army here.

Even Lin Feng, who was extremely experienced in group combat, was stunned by the attack from Wushuang City.

Therefore, the monk army was also stunned by the attack released by Wushuang City.

The monk army attacking the city in the four major areas immediately suffered serious damage.

"Retreat! Retreat!". Lin Feng, who was stunned, came to his senses and ordered the monk army to retreat quickly. Since the monk army controlled by Lin Feng was the most powerful on the west side of the city gate, although the alliance leader was not elected, the army on the west side of the city gate was still the most powerful.

The 20 million monk army basically regarded Lin Feng as their leader.

So after hearing Lin Feng's order to retreat, everyone hurriedly retreated, which was really embarrassing. After withdrawing from the battlefield, Lin Feng asked people to count the number of dead, and the number of dead was quickly counted. In the previous wave of attacks, five or six million people were lost. This shows how terrifying Wushuang City's attack was, and

What's even weirder is that the corpses of the dead monks quickly melted into blood and were then absorbed by the earth.

"It's not really absorbed by the earth, it's absorbed by Wushuang City. Is this Wushuang City really his evil sect!". Even a strong man like Huang Mo couldn't help but sigh.

But not long after.

The other four areas formed a group of monks and came to the Ximen area where Lin Feng was responsible. The monk group composed of dozens of monks, basically all major forces, as well as masters among casual cultivators, had gloomy expressions. After seeing Lin Feng, they asked Lin Feng why he gave the order to retreat just after he started attacking the city.

This was an act that disturbed the morale of the army, which caused great pressure on the monk armies in the remaining three regions and caused heavy losses.

These people came to investigate and ask Lin Feng how to solve this matter. Moreover, there was cold murderous intent in some people's voices. It seemed that if Lin Feng could not solve this matter, the monk armies in their three major regions would not give up.

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