Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9128: 763 Eating soft rice tastes so good

Lin Feng sneered in his heart. Someone was definitely making trouble secretly and wanted to unite the three major forces to destroy him. After all, his identity was no longer a secret. The monks from the hostile camp definitely wanted to take this opportunity to kill him.

Yes, in addition, some people who value their treasures and even want to restrain their monk army are determined to take this opportunity to destroy themselves. Lin Feng took the lead in ordering the monk army to retreat just for a reason. Even if it hadn't happened, they might have found other reasons or time to deal with Lin Feng. Lin Feng knew this clearly, but Lin Feng also knew

, there is another extremely important reason why these people did not take action, that is, they do not know the attitude of Qiankun Ghost Mother. And I don’t know what is going on with the Qiankun Ghost Mother. If the Qiankun Ghost Mother is still in seclusion because she is too seriously injured, or if the Qiankun Ghost Mother does not speak out about this matter, then there is a high probability that these people may really join forces to destroy Lin.

Feng, but if the Qiankun Ghost Mother makes a sound, these people might take a step back and wait until they enter the ancient city to find an opportunity to deal with Lin Feng.

Lin Feng understood the reason, but did not back down at all. At this time, he could no longer back down. Only by being tougher could he take the initiative. Lin Feng sneered and said, "The losses of the monk army are so serious. Anyone who doesn't have a human head and a pig brain would know to retreat. What? Now you want to accuse me of an unfounded crime against me? I would like to see what forces want to

If you want to deal with me, stand up for me now! ".

Everyone was surprised. They didn't expect that Lin Feng would dare to speak arrogantly at this time and insult the top leaders of the major forces who wanted to target him. Some people also sneered in their hearts. "I'll make you crazy now, and we'll see how you die later." At this time, a monk sneered and said, "Your Excellency, you are too self-righteous. We and other monk armies in the three major regions are full of masters. Do you look down on us? Do you want to deal with all of us alone?"

". Lin Feng really had the impression that this monk was an outsider, related to the forces of Wang Chen of the Twelve Earthly Branches, but he was obviously not a subordinate of Wang Chen of the Twelve Earthly Branches. The Black Prison Master was in Lin Feng's ears Pan said, "

This person is a subordinate of King Xiaoyao. King Xiaoyao is a strong man on the same level as my ancestor and one of the members of Zhulaodian! The force this person belongs to now is also a force formed under King Xiaoyao! ".

This was the first time Lin Feng had heard this name, Xiaoyao King, but since he was a member of the Zhu Laodian Palace, he was indeed a terrifying figure. It’s no wonder that this guy always talks about himself, and he even wants to put himself on the fire. Lin Feng said with a smile, "Interesting, really interesting! It seems that you are determined to deal with me. ?if

You directly sent troops to suppress my Nine Provinces Monk Army and me, Lin Feng. I may still admire you, but you people are too cowardly and don't dare to take action directly. This makes me look down on you! ".

"Lin Feng, you are too arrogant!".

"Lin Feng, it's not good to be young and energetic!".

"If you don't know how to restrain yourself as a person, you will suffer a big loss!"

A group of people talked at once, threatening and even cynicizing Lin Feng. Lin Feng sneered and said, "I just don't know what's wrong with me? Do it now if you have the ability. How dare a bunch of cowards come to my place to run wild? I really don't know how to live or die. Come on, beat them all to death and throw them out."


Everyone was shocked after hearing Lin Feng's words.

Lin Feng was so courageous, completely audacious.

Even the high-level groups in the three major regions dare to deal with it, because they are not afraid of breaking their faces.

"Yes, sir!".

The surrounding wild demons and others all responded.

People like Desolate Demon, Backbone Dragon King and others are all extremely powerful. In addition to them, there are monks, commanders, deputy army commanders, and army commander-level powerhouses around them.

There is naturally no problem in dealing with these people who raise an army to accuse them.

The people who came to ask questions were even more furious. Some people shouted angrily, "Lin Feng! You are so presumptuous that you dare to deal with us. Do you really want to break up with the major forces?"

Someone else shouted coldly, "Lin Feng! I advise you to apologize to us and have a better attitude, otherwise, armies from the three major regions will arrive soon!".

Lin Feng sneered at the threats from these people.

He said to Huang Mo and others, "What are you waiting for? Why not take action quickly!".


Huang Mo and others responded.

They didn't waste any time and directly attacked the monks from the three major regional high-level groups. None of these people were weak, but we still had to see who they could compete with.

There is still a big gap between these people when facing a being like Huang Mo. After all, Huang Mo is a universe boss-level existence.

In particular, after this retreat, the strength of the wild demon has improved again, and it is even more powerful than before.

The Back Dragon King and others around Huang Mo are all strong men, and there are many of them.

It was naturally not a problem to clean up the high-level groups in the three major areas, and many people screamed.

Some people saw something was wrong and simply gave in.

The main reason is that they are worried that if Lin Feng kills someone, they will be in trouble. Then Lin Feng heard someone shouting, "The two armies are fighting without killing the envoys. We are not hostile camps, we are allies. How can you treat your allies like this? If word spreads, I will be afraid of your reputation."

That’s not a good thing, right? ". "Allies? When did we make the covenant? how would I not know? All I know is that a group of people came here to question me, and even wanted to frame me! If you don’t take the lives of the monk army as your fate, I, Lin Feng, will take their lives as well.

It's your fate, so put away your stupid and dirty ideas. What's more, I didn't say I wanted to kill you. I just don't like you and want to teach you a lesson? ". Lin Feng responded with a sneer.

Huang Mo and others did not stop. Huang Mo and others dealt a terrible blow to these people. They were beaten half to death one by one, and then were thrown back like a group of dead dogs. This incident caused a great sensation, and the monks in the three major regions did not expect Lin Feng. Know this

He was so tough, so some forces in the three major regions thought of organizing an army of monks to deal with Lin Feng. In fact, the main reason is because there is no movement from the Qiankun Ghost Mother. Many people think that Lin Feng and the Qiankun Ghost Mother may have a relationship of interest. The Qiankun Ghost Mother is not willing to wade into this muddy water, so they simply ignore Lin Feng. This gives the major Regarding the confidence of the forces in dealing with Lin Feng, of course, there are also many forces who are watching the fun and have no intention of participating. Some forces are even biased towards Lin Feng, thinking that if there is a fight, they will take action.

Those who rush to Lin Feng's aid, such as Goddess Ji Yao, are like this.

But just when the three regional coalition forces were about to deal with Lin Feng, a voice resounded, "Anyone who dares to deal with Lin Feng is an enemy of my Universe Ghost Mother."

Those fluttering words immediately silenced the three major regional coalition forces.

Because the army of monks under Qiankun Ghost Mother itself is ridiculously large, one force can equal more than a dozen major forces.

Moreover, the appeal of the Qiankun Ghost Mother is unparalleled. If a war breaks out, with just one word from the Qiankun Ghost Mother, many forces will respond to the Qiankun Ghost Mother.

In addition, Lin Feng's power is also quite powerful.

At that time, the three major regional coalition forces became passive.

Anyone who wants to take this opportunity to deal with Lin Feng is not a fool, and naturally has to think deeply about these things.

"Yeah, pretty boy."

"What's the point of being proud of eating soft food?"

The failure of the plan caused many people in the three major regional coalition forces to have a mental breakdown, and they started yelling at Lin Feng.

But these people only dare to talk in private.

I have the support of the Universe and the Ghost Mother.

Give them ten courages, and they wouldn't dare to deal with Lin Feng again. Lin Feng was not surprised that the Qiankun Ghost Mother spoke out. It could be said that it was completely within Lin Feng's expectation. After all, his relationship with the Qiankun Ghost Mother was nothing to say, and the outside world did not know about his relationship with the Qiankun Ghost Mother.

How close mother is.

Lin Feng also knew that those people would definitely slander him, but Lin Feng didn't care at all. It was okay to eat soft food. Many people wanted to eat but couldn't. Now Lin Feng just wants to shout, "Eating soft rice tastes so good!"

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