Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9142: 777 Taoist nailed to the rock wall

This situation is really too strange, because in Lin Feng's view, even if this evil way is extremely powerful, it cannot be so terrifying. Let's not talk about others, let's talk about the wild demon, which is a universe boss level existence. ah.

How could he not be able to control his body and fly towards the evil path? Lin Feng felt that even powerful people like Qiankun Ghost Mother did not have the ability to do this.

But the evil way did it.

Lin Feng soon thought of a certain possibility. It was absolutely impossible for the evil way to do this just because of the evil way's strength.

There should be another extremely important reason.

That is, this Taoist temple itself is extremely special and extraordinary, and may even have accumulated majestic and unimaginable power.

And this evil way. It is to be able to establish some kind of close connection with the Taoist Academy. This close connection can ensure that the evil way can mobilize that majestic power. If this is the case, the combat power displayed by the evil way may actually far exceed his own.

Physical strength.

This situation is also relatively common in the world of practitioners.

However, it is one thing to know what is going on, and another thing to solve it.

Even if a certain possibility is guessed, there is a high probability that this possibility may actually happen.

However, if you want to think of a solution in such a short period of time, even Lin Feng can do this very well.


Lin Feng was also swallowed into the black hole.

What caught the eye was darkness. In addition to darkness, there was also an extremely strange power permeating the air. This strange power seemed to be able to melt the body of a powerful monk.

This seems to be the stomach of evil, but it doesn't seem to be the case.

It may be a separate space.

The monks trapped inside will be refined by evil ways in this place.

"anyone there?".

Lin Feng shouted.

No one around responded to Lin Feng.

It was pitch black and nothing could be seen, which made Lin Feng feel quite uncomfortable. Lin Feng flew in the darkness to see if he could find anyone else. Unfortunately, Lin Feng did not find anyone.

The rest of the people don't know where they are trapped.

Although this evil path used special means to devour everyone, one thing we have to admit is that this evil path itself is also very powerful.

Under the erosion of that strange power, Lin Feng felt increasingly uncomfortable.

He felt that if this situation continued, sooner or later it would be over.

Lin Feng sat cross-legged and tried to explore this dark space with his spiritual thoughts. Maybe he could gain something.

When Lin Feng's spiritual sense sensed this dark space, the terrifying power of the dark space even wanted to corrupt Lin Feng's spiritual sense. Most people would definitely have no choice in this situation.

The spiritual thoughts must be taken back to prevent the divine thoughts from being harmed more seriously. But Lin Feng was not afraid of this situation. Lin Feng covered his spiritual thoughts with heavenly fire. After the heavenly fire enveloped his divine thoughts, it formed a certain protective effect on his divine thoughts. Although it could not completely prevent the strange power from affecting the divine thoughts.

The erosion of thoughts.

But it can still block most of the power. In this way, the time for Lin Feng's spiritual thoughts to be active outside can be greatly extended.

When the divine will is about to be unable to withstand it, just call it back quickly. Even if he suffers a certain amount of damage, Lin Feng is confident that the injured divine will can be restored to its original state.

While Lin Feng's spiritual thoughts were exploring the outside world, Lin Feng himself was also multi-tasking, using the sky fire to resist the intrusion of that weird power into his body.

On one side, the composition of this special space is analyzed.

Because Lin Feng felt that how this special space was constructed was a very important matter, as it related to whether he could get out later.

What surprised Lin Feng was that his spiritual thoughts were severely blocked in one place. That place seemed to not want Lin Feng's spiritual thoughts to enter and explore.

This attracted Lin Feng's attention. Through the observation of his spiritual mind, Lin Feng learned that that place contained extremely cold and dark power, which was somewhat different from other places.

"Is there something evil about that place?"

Lin Feng couldn't help but ponder.

He decided to go to the place himself to see what was going on.

Lin Feng stood up and quickly flew towards the place that his spiritual mind had explored.

Lin Feng was very fast, and it didn't take long before he reached the area.

The extra cold power in the dark power in that area is very special. It looks a bit like the power of Nine Yin, but it seems to be much better than the power of Nine Yin.

Lin Feng really can't tell what kind of power it is. After all, the power of Nine Yin is a kind of dark attribute power that is extremely rare to see, let alone this kind of dark attribute power that exceeds the power of Nine Yin. .

It's even more weird, extraordinary, and powerful. Lin Feng has never seen this kind of power, but now he has seen it, but Lin Feng has never been afraid of this dark attribute power, because Lin Feng controls a lot of sky fire, which is a dark attribute power.

The nemesis of all creatures and even all kinds of things.

The sky fire enveloped Lin Feng, and then Lin Feng walked towards the depths.

That kind of dark attribute power wanted to penetrate the sky fire outside Lin Feng, invade Lin Feng's body, and cause damage to Lin Feng's body, but it couldn't do it at all.

Of course.

There is a time issue involved here. If there is enough time, the defense formed by Lin Feng's sky fire structure may also have problems, but obviously, for these dark attribute forces, if they want to erode Lin Feng's sky fire defense, time is not enough.


Lin Feng walked all the way towards the depths. The deeper you go, the darker the power becomes, and the more cold and terrifying it becomes. Lin Feng's brows can't help but frown tightly. What is going on in this place, and how can it be so weird? of


Not long after, Lin Feng saw a black mountain range appearing in the depths. Since it was a self-contained space, it was not surprising that a mountain range could be formed here. Lin Feng entered the depths of the mountains.


Lin Feng saw a scene that surprised him. Deep in the mountains, there was a Taoist priest whose body was as thin as firewood. He was nailed to the rock wall with eighteen nails.

Lin Feng couldn't even sense the Taoist priest's aura anymore.

The Taoist priest seems to have died here. However, I don’t know if it was because of Lin Feng’s coming that some changes were caused. The body of the Taoist priest who was already breathless and nailed to the rock wall actually sent out an extremely weak wave.

move. "That Taoist, what's going on?" Sensing all this, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly froze, revealing a look of doubt and solemnity. He felt that the Taoist who was nailed to the rock wall was probably not simple.

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