Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9143: 778 has been bad since childhood

Lin Feng tried to get close to the Taoist who was nailed to the rock wall.

But Lin Feng was very careful.

Because Lin Feng was worried that there would be some danger here.

What surprised Lin Feng was that even when he arrived at the Taoist's side, there was no danger.

"It seems dead but not dead, it seems alive but not alive. It's such a strange state, a bit like the living dead!". Lin Feng couldn't help but frown slightly. This state is actually a very troublesome state, because you don’t know what he has been through at all. If you want to save him, you don’t know where to start. However, in any case, you will not die completely.


Lin Feng put his hand on the Taoist's shoulder, and then he mobilized the life force of the Jianmu Tree.

Lin Feng wanted to see if the life force of the Jianmu Tree could have some effect on the Taoist. If it had no effect, he would think of other ways.

And when Lin Feng came into contact with this Taoist.

Lin Feng suddenly felt as if he was being pulled into a mysterious world.

next moment. The scene in front of him changed, and Lin Feng disappeared from the dark space. Lin Feng found that he appeared next to a river. The river was extremely fast, and a wooden basin was flowing down the river. The waves rising in the river,

He almost knocked over the tub several times, and the sound of a baby crying could be heard from inside the tub.

"This is…".

After seeing this situation, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly froze. He already had some guesses in his mind, but he was not sure whether some of the things he guessed were correct.

At this moment, a strong wind blew up. The sudden strong wind caused the waves in the river to roll more and more violently. The wooden basin containing the baby was bumping more and more fiercely. A big wave hit, and the wooden basin was about to be knocked over.

The baby is about to be swept into the river.

At this dangerous moment, a middle-aged Taoist priest appeared with a whisk in his hand and waved it lightly.

The whisk picked up the baby who was almost swallowed by the river.

The Taoist held the baby in his arms.

Surprisingly, the baby who was still crying started to giggle after being held in the Taoist's arms.

The middle-aged Taoist stroked his beard and said with a smile, "It seems that this baby is destined to be a Taoist!".


The light flickered and the scene changed again.

This time Lin Feng appeared in a mountain forest. A Taoist boy of about seven or eight years old, carrying a bamboo basket on his back, entered the mountain road from the deep mountains and old forests, and walked towards the mountain. Although he was not old, his eyes were shining with wisdom and he was very knowledgeable. Kind of boy

Feeling mature.

At this time, someone came down the mountain and called the Taoist boy. They were two teenagers of sixteen or seventeen years old. The two of them dragged a wooden board with a middle-aged man lying on the wooden board.

The middle-aged man seemed to have been attacked by some ferocious beast. Many parts of his body were damaged and he looked miserable and angry. A young man quickly asked, "Little fairy boy, we are villagers at the foot of the mountain. Our village was attacked by a black bear, and my father was seriously injured. I heard that there are immortals living on the mountain. Please ask the fairy boy to give you some advice and save our lives."

Father! ". The Taoist boy said, "It turns out to be the donor at the foot of the mountain. Go in that direction, go all the way to the end, then turn left, and walk a few hundred meters to reach the hermitage of the immortals. However, the mountain road is rugged and not very accessible. Let's go, you want

Be careful! ".

After hearing this, the two young men immediately expressed their gratitude to the Taoist boy.

The Taoist boy was polite and asked the young man to take their father to find an immortal for help.

The two teenagers did not dare to hesitate. They pulled the wooden board and headed in the direction the Taoist boy said. However, the Taoist boy simply refused to leave and sat on a stone.

At such a young age, a very strange expression appeared on his face.

He was smiling though.

However, his smile was not innocent at all, not like the smile of a several-year-old child.

Soon after.

The sound of tiger roars came from the mountain forest, and the place where the tiger roars came was exactly where the young man took their father.

The Taoist boy stood up, patted the dirt and weeds on his body, and murmured in a low voice, "What a terrible fate. How dare you go up the mountain to look for immortals? It's really ridiculous!".

After muttering.

The Taoist boy walked toward the mountain with brisk steps. Lin Feng was stunned when he saw this. If he guessed correctly, the Taoist boy should be the baby in the tub he saw before. He thought that the Taoist boy would help the two teenagers save their father. ,

But this reversal was too sudden.

He is so young, but he can be so bad?

Lin Feng couldn't help but think of one thing. At that time, Confucianism had two theories, one was the theory of good nature and the other was the theory of evil nature.

The theory of goodness of nature advocates that human beings are inherently good by nature.

The theory of evil nature asserts that human beings are inherently evil.

It is said that this Taoist boy was adopted by the middle-aged Taoist priest since he was a baby. It stands to reason that when he grew up, he stayed in the Taoist temple and meditated every day to gain enlightenment.

The things he came into contact with were all positive and good things. He probably didn't come into contact with too much darkness in his life.


He is still so bad. It seems that the theory of evil nature is not unreasonable.

The scene changes again.

This time, Lin Feng appeared in a Taoist temple.

And this Taoist temple is exactly the Taoist temple that Lin Feng and the others saw in Wushuang City.

This is the core Taoist temple, which governs many Taoist temples.

Today, the coronation ceremony of the new master of the Taoist Academy was held.

The baby back then was now a middle-aged Taoist. He was also among the crowd, looking at his fellow disciple who was being crowned as the new master of the Taoist academy.

His eyes were spitting fire.

That is! The flame of jealousy!

besides! Awesome murderous intent!

However, he hid it very well, and everyone's attention was attracted by the coronation ceremony, so no one noticed his changes yet.

And just as the coronation ceremony reached a critical moment.

Suddenly, among the crowd, a Taoist priest fell down without any warning.

The Taoist priests here are not simple. They are all strong. There is no such thing as sudden death for ordinary people.

Obviously, that Taoist priest must have been plotted against.

After the Taoist priest fell, many Taoist priests around him began to fall one after another.

"what happened?". Those Taoist priests at the elder level who were more powerful could not help but be frightened and angry.

The Taoist priest who was being crowned and was about to become the new master of the Taoist temple could not help but be surprised, his face was gloomy.

He did not expect that such a situation would occur, and what was terrifying was that neither the Taoist priests at the elder level nor the new Taoist Master.

They also discovered that there was something wrong with their bodies, and they all collapsed on the ground. "Hahahaha, it seems that the colorless and odorless Tianshan cartilage incense that I have worked hard to refine for many years is indeed extremely powerful!" The monk who has been evil since he was a child and has now become a middle-aged Taoist laughed with great pride. rise

Come on, now, he is the only one among the crowd who has not fallen. And he had plotted against everyone, looking like a villain who had succeeded.

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