Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9149: 784 The evil counterattack

"Damn it, he is really a centipede insect that is dead and not stiff!" Lin Feng couldn't help but curse in a low voice. This evil way is really a very difficult guy to deal with. Moreover, this guy is in such a bad state and is so difficult to deal with. It’s hard to imagine the evil path at its peak, with full combat power.

How terrifying.

Lin Feng's physical body is usually weaker.

Under this strong impact, Lin Feng's body was probably completely torn apart.

But even now, Lin Feng still felt that it was too much and he had to find a way to solve the problem at hand quickly, otherwise, it would be troublesome.

Lin Feng still has a unique skill that he has not yet used.

That is! The magic of mending the sky!

Let’s borrow another chance from heaven!

This unique skill can also work wonders when resolving various dangers.

Lin Feng quickly used the Sky Mending Technique.


There was a flash of light.

Lin Feng disappeared.

The beam formed by Xie Dao also lost its target Lin Feng, which made Xie Dao extremely angry. He originally wanted to kill Lin Feng in one go, but he failed to succeed. He was really angry.

The evil spirit roared again and again, but no matter what, it was just an incompetent rage now.

The evil path finally takes on the form of the true deity.

After Lin Feng got rid of his evil ways, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Death, death, I want you to die!".

Xie Dao looked at Lin Feng fiercely.

Now! Lin Feng has completely become a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh.

Don’t kill Lin Feng.

Vow not to give up.

Xie Dao chanted the spell lightly, and an eye suddenly appeared in the void. That eye was extremely evil. With a blink, it seemed that it could make the sky collapse and the earth fall apart, and the sun and moon sink.


A beam of light blasted towards Lin Feng. After feeling the terrifying power of the beam, Lin Feng was horrified.

That beam of light had such powerful attack properties that it made his hands and feet feel cold.

Lin Feng quickly dodged the attack of the beam, narrowly avoiding the attack of the beam.

But this is just the beginning.

The eyes that appeared in the void continued to emit terrifying beams of light one after another.

Those beams began to strangle Lin Feng.

Because the attacks of those light beams were very intensive, Lin Feng became extremely embarrassed when dodging the beam attacks, after dodging dozens of beams in a row.

Lin Feng was still knocked away by a beam of light. That beam of light was really terrifying. It was so powerful that Lin Feng's body almost exploded. Fortunately, Lin Feng's extraordinary skills prevented him from encountering this disaster. But something more dangerous also happened at this time, because when Lin Feng was flown out, that eye radiated a more powerful and intensive attack on Lin Feng, trying to

Take this opportunity to kill Lin Feng.

Taking advantage of your illness to kill you is a trick that the evil way plays very smoothly.

Lin Feng's expression changed drastically. But at this extremely dangerous moment, suddenly, something went wrong with the eye that was launching a terrifying attack on Lin Feng. Dense lines appeared on that eye. If that eye were compared to a porcelain

The words of the device.

So, those lines are like the cracks that appear on porcelain.

After dense cracks appear, the porcelain will break into pieces.

Obviously, the main reason for this situation was not because of Lin Feng, but because the evil master who had been secretly accumulating strength took action.

The evil master did not know what powerful means he had used, which directly affected the eyeball formed by the evil.

In fact, it was mainly because the evil way gathered that eyeball and mobilized the power accumulated by the Taoist Academy.

This is also something that can't be helped.

Because Xie Dao's body suffered a lot of damage, his combat power has dropped drastically. If he didn't borrow the power of the Taoist Academy, his combat power would be far from reaching its peak.

Even if the attack can make Lin Feng extremely embarrassed, it is relatively difficult to kill Lin Feng.

Therefore, he must mobilize the power of the Taoist Academy.

Moreover, the power of the Taoist Academy mobilized this time is not ordinary. He mobilized the most core and original power of the Taoist Academy.

This kind of power cannot be mobilized inside the dark space.

This power can only be mobilized when you are outside.

But no matter what, the role played by this power is indeed extremely amazing, but Fan Lin Feng's method was just a little worse, and he had just died under this continuous attack.

But having said that, there are advantages and disadvantages for the evil way to mobilize the power of the Taoist Academy.

Because the evil master is also an extraordinary person. Although he did not serve as the master of the Taoist academy at that time, in fact, his status was extremely high.

Even if you don't fully grasp the method of mobilizing the Taoist power.

I must have mastered some of them.

And this leaves hidden dangers.

As expected.

Now, the evil master seized the opportunity and caused serious damage to that eyeball.

"No!" Xie Dao roared angrily.

next moment.


It was accompanied by the sound of a violent explosion.

The eyeball formed by the condensed evil path exploded directly.

As the eyeball exploded, the attack released by the eyeball also disappeared.

Therefore, Lin Feng did not continue to be attacked by eyeballs.

"Old man! If you are looking for death, don't blame me." Xie Dao looked at his master with a serious look. Xie Dao also seemed to know that his master had the method to mobilize the power of the Taoist Academy. Without killing his master, it would be difficult to find the energy to kill Lin Feng, because his master Always close

He stepped in to help Lin Feng at the critical moment. So after the words fell, Xie Dao quickly rushed towards his master, and when he rushed towards his master, something strange happened immediately. Nine evil dragons emerged from the underground of the Taoist temple. Head evil dragon

Letting out a low dragon roar, he quickly rushed towards Xie Dao and entered Xie Dao's body. Nine-headed evil dragon! Xie Dao's damaged body was quickly filled, and Xie Dao's destroyed arm even re-condensed. However, that arm seemed to be an arm made of condensed energy. It should be a temporary means. Such a temporary means

The arm that exists temporarily should disappear after a while.

Xie Dao, who had completed the incomplete work, quickly killed his master. Xie Dao said with a ferocious smile, "Old man! You are really bad to me. You only help others deal with me! Today, I will kill you!" . Xie Dao punched towards his master, and that punch instantly shattered the void. His master had just escaped from the trap, and he had been trapped for so long. His combat power was far from its peak. Facing it, Attacks from evil ways are also

Not daring to be careless, he quickly gathered a Dao diagram and placed it in front of him, trying to resist the attack of the evil Dao.

But Xie Dao's punch was so terrifying that it instantly shattered the Dao map, and then that extremely terrifying punch hit his master's chest.

The terrifying power instantly penetrated his master's chest. The evil fist penetrated from his master's back, and drops of blood fell to the ground.

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