Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9150: 785 Completely Kill the Evil Way

The evil expression on his face was full of ferocity. He looked at his master's face, which had become so thin due to being imprisoned for too long that only skin and bones remained, and said with a ferocious smile, "Old man, now, you have completely died in my hands. Do you really regret saving me?" I

? Haha, it’s too late to regret now! ".

Now Xie Dao is extremely proud. After all, his master is about to die in his hands. Next, he can turn around and kill Lin Feng.

Kill the master first.

Kill Lin Feng again.

How refreshing he felt. Once those people in the dark space were completely digested, he would basically be able to get rid of the shackles here and see the light of day again.

At that time, he! It will surely stir up endless storms again and dominate the world.

When Lin Feng saw the situation in front of him, he couldn't help but feel frightened and angry.

The evil master's situation is already extremely bad, and now he has suffered such serious injuries, so what's the point? I'm afraid he's going to die.

But at this moment, a mysterious power surged out of the evil master's body.

This kind of power seems to be the innate Qiyuan power of Taoism.

It is rumored that this is one of the core original powers of Taoism. Some monks, even if their cultivation is against the heavens, are unable to understand Taoism's great idea of ​​caring about the world and all living beings. It is said that they will not be able to cultivate this original power. Therefore, in Taoism, ordinary and "Qi"

The source powers that are related together are definitely the supreme source power.

Just like this guy Xie Dao, his cultivation level is really unparalleled, quite unbelievable.


He has not cultivated the Taoist original power related to Qi, and even the lowest original power of Qi has not been successfully cultivated.


The elders of the Taoist Academy did not choose him as the new head of the Taoist Academy, not because his master was obstructing him, nor because the elders of the Taoist Academy had any prejudice against him.

The main reason is because he has not cultivated the original power of Qi.

This shows that there is actually something wrong with his character.

However, the people in the Taoist Academy would never have imagined that there was not just something wrong with his mind. In fact, his personality had been distorted for a long time. He was described as a pervert, a scumbag, and a devil.

These words are all insulting.

It's just that he usually hides too deeply in the Taoist temple, but when he does evil outside, his hands and feet are very clean.

Therefore, everyone lacks sufficient understanding of him. The original power of Qi exerted by the evil master is very special. It directly entangles Xie Dao's body. The reason why it can do this is mainly because the original power of Qi can form against the original power cultivated by evil ways.

The effect of suppression.

After the suppression was formed, within a short period of time, the ability to imprison evil was achieved.

Seeing this situation, Lin Feng's expression suddenly shook.


After the evil master was severely injured, he already knew that he could not survive, so he resorted to desperate measures to temporarily imprison the evil body.

The reason is to buy Lin Feng time.

Lin Feng was a man with extremely rich combat experience. He seized this opportunity in an instant. He held the Black Dragon Sword and quickly killed him.

"Ah ah ah, let me go, let me go, old thing, let me go quickly!".

The evil spirit roared angrily.

Struggled like crazy.

The power that shook out of his body was extremely violent. Although he did not shake his master away for the time being, it also caused extremely serious damage to his master.

His master was shocked to the point of bleeding from all his orifices.

The breath became more and more sluggish.

The situation is quite bad.


The evil ways still failed to shake his master away.

At this time, Lin Feng had already come to kill him, and Lin Feng's voice also contained overwhelming murderous intent and anger.

"You **** die!"

Lin Feng was seen waving the sword in his hand and suddenly swept forward.


Blood splattered. Xie Dao's head was beheaded by Lin Feng again. This was the second time Lin Feng had beheaded Xie Dao's head. Lin Feng knew very well how weird Xie Dao's methods were. The last time he beheaded his head, he

He was not dead, his head and body escaped directly.

With the experience from the last time, Lin Feng became much more cautious this time. When Xie Dao's head rose into the sky, Lin Feng did not give Xie Dao any chance. He held the sword in both hands and struck at Xie Dao's head again.

"No no no!".

Xie Dao's head screamed in horror.

He is really scared now.

But Lin Feng had no intention of stopping.

That sword struck down with force.

There was a popping sound, just like cutting a watermelon.

Lin Feng's powerful and heavy sword directly split Xie Dao's head in half.

A ball of gray energy quickly flew into the distance, trying to escape.

Lin Feng knew.

That was the origin of Xie Dao's soul. The origin of Xie Dao's soul was quite terrifying. The vibrations caused Lin Feng to feel shocked.

He is indeed a top powerhouse. Without the help of the evil master, even ten Lin Feng together may not be able to kill the evil master.


Now Lin Feng has the opportunity to kill the evildoer.

Lin Feng waved his hand, and sky fire flew out and swept across the world.

The heavenly fire that Lin Feng sacrificed directly enveloped the evil soul that wanted to escape.

It can be said that Lin Feng, who has learned the lesson from the last failure, is taking steps step by step this time.

Every aspect has been thought of.

Guaranteed evil path, unable to escape.

Sky fire is the most damaging to the soul.

What's more, Lin Feng had more than a dozen kinds of sky fire superimposed and fused together, and the damage caused was even more terrifying. It was as powerful as evil and could not be resisted.

He screamed repeatedly.

He even began to beg his master for mercy.

"Master! I was wrong! Please spare me! Seeing that my practice is not easy, please spare me this time! I will definitely change my ways in the future!"

This guy is smart and knows that if his master forgives him.

Then beg Lin Feng for mercy.

He probably could survive, but the evil master did not say this.

He was probably completely heartbroken, and also full of distrust of evil.

Lin Feng said coldly, "Evil way! Stop screaming. Your death is coming, and no one can save you. If there is an afterlife, remember to be a good person in the next life, and don't be a bad person again!".

As the words fell, the power of the sky fire increased greatly. The soul of the evil path was burned and screamed repeatedly. This evil path probably knew that there was only one way to die, so he cursed loudly, "Boy, you can kill me, but you won't end up well, Wushuang City."

The horror is beyond your imagination. When you step into Wushuang City, your tragic ending is already doomed. You will die ten times or a hundred times as miserable as me. I will wait for you to come down in hell! ".

Lin Feng's eyes suddenly turned cold. He continued to increase the power of the sky fire. Under the burning of the sky fire, the souls of evil spirits were completely refined to death in a short time.

Only the heart-beating soul source is left, suspended in the void. It seems to be waiting for the destined person to collect it and refine it.

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