Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9161: 796 consecutive treasures

Soon, Wuliang Taoist Priest ran to the pile of treasures and rummaged through the pile of treasures to find something.

It's like a snuff bottle. The shape does look a bit weird, and Lin Feng and others don't know its specific function, but based on Lin Feng's familiarity with Wuliang Taoist Priest, Wuliang Taoist Priest has extremely vicious eyes, and he is interested in something.

Xi, it is definitely a good thing, I can’t help but admire it.

But the rest of the people obviously don't have much desire to know what the immeasurable Taoist thing is. Now everyone wants to look for it to see if they can find something that satisfies them. Lin Feng also started searching in the main hall. Lin Feng even asked Beibei to come out with him to search to see if there was anything he liked. The demon king also got a message from Lin Feng and came out. This is

A secret treasure of the Taoist Academy. As the top power in the past, the Taoist Academy has treasures in its secret treasures that are absolutely unimaginable.

Just pick a few pieces and it will definitely be no less than a huge opportunity.

Some people quickly found what they wanted, while others were still searching. Lin Feng did not find anything that made his heart beat in the second level of the palace.

So Lin Feng entered the third level of the palace, where all kinds of rare treasures were also piled up.

Piles of treasures are piled on the ground, and endless years have passed without being covered with dust.

In addition, compared with the first level of the palace, there are many more bookshelves here. On the bookshelves, there are various things, books, scrolls, jade tubes, and porcelain vases.

It is estimated to be various types of inheritance and elixirs.

Lin Feng was interested in those books, and he didn't know what powerful inheritance the Taoist Academy had back then.

Lin Feng walked towards the bookshelves.

He opened several porcelain bottles and checked the elixirs contained in the porcelain bottles. Unfortunately, these elixirs were all decayed and smelled of decay.

There is no way to eat.

This situation was also expected by Lin Feng, so Lin Feng would not be too surprised.

Lin Feng then looked at the scrolls, jade tubes, books and the like, and he picked up some and started looking at them.

The content here is simply comprehensive.

There are all kinds of Qihuang techniques, Qimen Dunjia techniques, etc.

In addition, some jade tubes also contain extremely precious ancient elixir prescriptions.

If these contents were circulated, it would definitely cause an uproar.

However, Lin Feng was not too interested in these contents.

The number of things placed on the bookshelf is really not small. Lin Feng also saw some relatively powerful Taoist techniques and supernatural powers. However, unfortunately, although these Taoist techniques and magical powers were very powerful, it was difficult for Lin Feng to be tempted, mainly because of Lin Feng's current

The requirements are simply too high.

There were too few things that could satisfy his requirements.

But Lin Feng found a good scroll, which recorded a secret technique of the dragon clan called the Mighty Heavenly Dragon Thunder Technique.

This is an extremely powerful dragon secret technique.

Lin Feng thought that he could give this secret skill to Xiaolong to learn.

Nowadays, although Xiaolong's power is not as powerful as Beibei and Xiaohei, his improvement has been quite astonishing.

Xiaolong's bloodline is ancient and powerful, and it also contains many dragon secrets.

However, there are many dragon clan secret arts that Xiaolong has not yet comprehended. This powerful Heavenly Dragon Thunder Technique is a particularly good supplement for Xiaolong.

After Lin Feng put away the jade tube that recorded the powerful thunder method of the powerful heavenly dragon, he walked towards the treasures piled up in the palace. Lin Feng wanted to see if he could find what he needed. After searching carefully in the third level of the palace, Lin Feng found a purple crystal-like thing. The inside of this purple crystal-like thing looked like

It seemed to contain an extremely strange energy, which surprised Lin Feng.

He shook the crystal-like thing carefully.

There is a liquid flowing inside the crystal-like thing. This liquid is like tears, drop by drop, distinct. "This is the Crystal of Purple Tears, a treasure that improves the quality of magic weapons!" At this time, the evil master's voice sounded, and Lin Feng looked to the left. He was too focused just now, so when will the evil master Come here,

Lin Feng didn't notice.

However, the evil master's words made Lin Feng a little excited, because Lin Feng was collecting materials to forge the tenth natal magic weapon.

Naturally, various things are needed to perfectly forge the tenth natal magic weapon. The Purple Tears Crystal is definitely a good thing for Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said, "Is it the tear-like liquid inside that plays the role?" The evil master said, "Yes! This tear-like liquid can work, but the timing of use must be grasped. It is best to wait until the moment when the magic weapon is about to be successfully forged, open the purple tear crystal, and then pour out the liquid.

The body is integrated into the magic weapon. At this time, the purple tear crystal will play the greatest role! ".

"Okay, I remember." Lin Feng said, and then put away the Purple Tears Crystal.

Lin Feng continued to search for other treasures.

After searching carefully, but not finding what he wanted in the third level palace, Lin Feng walked towards the fourth level palace.

This fourth level of palace is also the last level of the secret palace. After entering, Lin Feng found that the things in the fourth level of palace were much less than those in the previous several levels of palaces.

Lin Feng began to search in the fourth level of the palace. His spiritual mind enveloped the various treasures piled together, sensing the materials of those treasures and so on.

Hoping to find something that satisfies him.

"Huh!". Soon, Lin Feng showed a look of surprise, because Lin Feng discovered something, which was a cyan rhizome-like thing. The life force contained in it was quite powerful, and it had a somewhat similar aura to the Jianmu Tree (World Tree).

Similar, but Lin Feng was certain that that thing was not the root of the Tree of Construction.

At this time, the saplings of the Jianmu Tree also emitted waves of fluctuations.

Apparently, it was the stem-like thing Lin Feng discovered that caused the Jianmu Tree to move.

Lin Feng quickly took the thing out of the treasure pile. The stem-like thing was not too big, about the size of a fist. Lin Feng thought that the stem-like thing should be very hard, but when Lin Feng came into contact with it, he was surprised to find that it was extremely hard.

of softness.

As for the saplings of the Jianmu Tree, the aura vibrating out became more and more powerful.

This surprised Lin Feng. This thing of unknown origin seemed to be able to make the saplings of the Tree of Construction evolve again. Otherwise, the saplings of the Jianmu Tree would not emit such violent fluctuations.

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