Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9162: 797 days order

"Is this thing also made of special seeds?" Looking at the rhizome-like thing in his hand, Lin Feng couldn't help but mutter to himself, but no matter what the origin of this thing is, this thing is definitely a good thing.

There is nothing to say, and I don’t know exactly how much it can help the saplings of the Tree of Construction. Lin Feng sent this thing into his dantian and let the Jianmu Tree sapling swallow and refine it by itself. Lin Feng still looked forward to the Jianmu Tree sapling continuing to evolve, because Lin Feng's current physical body is so powerful.

It has a lot to do with the Jianmu Tree. In addition, the Jianmu Tree also has a powerful recovery aid for his body. Of course, there is another extremely important point, that is, the life force generated by the Jianmu Tree, but it is extremely complicated. Lin Feng will use that life force many times, so if the Jianmu Tree can really enter again

If it is transformed, it will definitely be of greater help to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng continued to look for the next treasure.

Lin Feng checked the treasures in the fourth level of the palace, but Lin Feng still could not find other valuable treasures, which made Lin Feng a little regretful.

Lin Feng was too lazy to collect other things, so Lin Feng wandered around in several palaces aimlessly.

The rest of the people were still choosing their favorite treasures, and had no intention of talking to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng came to the outermost palace alone, which was the first level of the palace.

This is the way to worship the seven Taoist ancestors.

Lin Feng did not know enough about the identities of these seven Taoist ancestors, but judging from the expressions on the evil master's face when he bowed to the seven Taoist ancestors, the identities of the seven Taoist ancestors were absolutely unimaginable and extremely shocking.

"The gestures of these seven Taoist ancestors seem to be a little special?". Lin Feng, who was looking at the statues of the seven Taoist ancestors, couldn't help but discover something that made him feel a little surprised.

The seven Taoist ancestors have seven different gestures, which is quite strange.

Because normally, when forging statues, since these statues will be worshiped by future generations, most of them will be more solemn.

The same is naturally true for gestures, which are mostly solemn and steady, and have a strong sense of unity.

However, among the seven statues of Taoist ancestors in front of them, their hands were either holding flowers, folding their hands, or performing some other actions.

This is indeed a bit strange.

Lin Feng observed carefully and discovered something that surprised him, that is, no matter what gestures the seven Taoist statues made, their fingers seemed to be pointing in the same direction.

Of course, the directions they refer to are different. It stands to reason that since the directions pointed to are different, it should not be a key point that makes people suspicious or alert others, but Lin Feng is a person who pays great attention to changes in gestures. Especially Lin Feng feels that Taoist figures are even better at

The art of gesture changes and various magical techniques are all accomplished through gesture changes, which are the so-called pinches. Therefore, the gesture changes of these Taoist statues built by the Taoist ancestors are a key point that cannot be ignored.

At present, everything is just Lin Feng's speculation. It is difficult to say clearly whether there is really any special connection. However, you have to give it a try to see if some special changes can really happen. Lin Feng thought for a while. He first used his spiritual mind to explore the statues of the seven Taoist ancestors to see if he could find anything special. , in fact, when he came in, Lin Feng had already quietly explored it, but at that time, Lin Feng didn't think too much, so he didn't think too carefully. He didn't know if there would be any clues left in this exploration.

, then the work is more attentive and detailed.

During this exploration, Lin Feng did not discover the secrets hidden on these statues.

So Lin Feng put Lenovo on the statue's finger again.

Lin Feng thought to himself, "Maybe we can emit a beam of light in the direction pointed by the index finger of the seven statues, and maybe some unexpected changes will occur!".

Just do it. Lin Feng took the lead in shooting a spot of light, which landed on the index finger of the first statue. Then the spot of light turned into a beam of light. The beam of light quickly extended out and illuminated a beam of the temple.


Lin Feng followed suit.

The index fingers of the remaining seven Taoist ancestors also emitted a beam of light. The seven beams of light irradiated in different places. There seemed to be no intersection at first, but when the seventh beam of light was irradiated, some kind of special resonance seemed to be formed between the previous six beams of light and the seventh beam of light.


After this resonance was formed, a beam of light was reflected from each of the seven beams of light.

You know, in the past, those light beams either shone on the walls, or on the pillars, or on the beams of the temple.

But these places are not mirrors, so naturally they will not reflect the light beam.

But now the light beams are reflected. The most shocking thing is that these seven beams are shining at different positions, and the reflected light beams are shining on one position at the same time.

The location of the irradiation is a location at the top of the high roof.

"Could it be...that there's something amazing hidden in that location?". Thinking of this, Lin Feng quickly flew towards that place.

There was a lot of movement outside, which naturally attracted the attention of the people inside. People who were still selecting various treasures rushed out to see what was going on.

When everyone came out, they saw the strange scene outside, and Lin Feng had already flown to the location where the seven beams of light were shining, and lightly poked at the roof.


Several roof tiles shattered and fell, and an object also fell towards the ground along with those roof tiles.

Everyone sees it.

The thing that fell turned out to be a bronze token.

Lin Feng had already landed on the ground first before the bronze token fell to the ground, and grabbed the bronze token. There was nothing special about the bronze token, but the texture seemed a little special. Lin Feng tried to sense it and found that the bronze token was not a magic weapon. This surprised Lin Feng. This thing was used by the Taoist Academy.

It's a bit unreasonable that the strong man is hidden in the treasure house, but he is so ordinary. "What are the words on this?" Lin Feng looked at the words on the bronze token and couldn't help frowning. He didn't understand the content of the words. He looked at the evil master who had already walked over and handed the bronze token to him. Fallen into evil ways

Master, said, "Senior, please look at what the words above mean!". The evil master took the token and when he saw the three words on the bronze token, he started to tremble all over and his eyes almost popped out. He said in disbelief, "The order from heaven is actually the order from heaven. Oh my god, the order from heaven has actually appeared!”.

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