Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9163: Order No. 798: Daomen of the world

From the shocked expression of the evil master, we knew that the evil master did not know that this token would appear in the Taoist Academy's secret treasure. And from his shocked expression and tone, we can also know that this so-called order from heaven is absolutely unimaginable. Otherwise, the evil master would not be so shocked and moved, which makes it even more shocking. Lin Feng et al.

People are becoming more and more curious, what is it that can actually shock the well-informed evil master? It is really exciting.

Lin Feng asked, "Senior! What is this so-called order from heaven?".

The rest of the people also looked at the evil master. Master Xie Dao said, "I don't need to say more about the extraordinary nature of Taoism. In my time, Taoism was divided into multiple branches, and each branch was unimaginably powerful. However, no matter which branch of Taoism it is, if we trace its roots

In terms of origin, they are all Taoist inheritance originating from the ancestors of the Seven Great Dao! ".

Poison Ancestor said, "Are these the seven Taoists enshrined here?".

The evil master nodded and said, "Yes! It is these seven seniors."

The Black Prison Master said, "Then who are the ancestors of the Seven Great Dao inherited from?"

The evil master said, "I don't know about this. Maybe the Taoism of my time was created by them, and there may not have been Taoism before them!".

Everyone nodded, this possibility was also possible. The evil master continued, "Since the Seventh Patriarch of Taoism spread, the Taoist sect has developed extremely rapidly and its strength is unbelievable. However, wherever there are people, there will be disputes, and the same is true for the Taoist sect, even the descendants of the Seventh Taoist Ancestor.

Lai also gradually had disputes because of different opinions on certain things, and the relationship deteriorated sharply. As a result, disputes between the various sects continued! "Later, I don't know what terrible things happened. Taoism ushered in an extremely terrible catastrophe. Even the Taoist scriptures of my time did not record that catastrophe very clearly. I only know that it was field

The catastrophe was disastrous for the Taoist sect. The Seven Great Daoist Ancestors, who had originally had rifts, united again and led the Taoist sect to rise up in resistance, and then the catastrophe was resolved! ". "But the Seventh Avenue Ancestors all had serious health problems because of that catastrophe. The Seventh Avenue Ancestors knew that they might die soon, and they were also worried that a new catastrophe would come and they would lose their protection by then. The Taoist sects were fighting each other and were likely to be destroyed, so they cast three tokens. These three tokens were the Order of Heaven, the Order of Earth, and the Order of Man. These three tokens were composed of the various Dao in the world at the time. The Dao Sect Management Hall established by the sect is enshrined. Each Dao Sect force has elders stationed in the Dao Sect Management Hall to guard the three major tokens. When the Dao Sect encounters a crisis, the elders of the Dao Sect Management Hall can offer sacrifices. Out of the three great orders of heaven, earth and man

Card, command all the Taoists in the world to unite and resist foreign enemies together! ".

Wuliang Taoist priest said, "But just relying on the three tokens passed down by the ancestors of the Seven Great Paths is not that powerful, right? What if some Taoists forget their ancestors and are unwilling to obey the orders?" The evil master said, "The Seventh Dao Ancestor actually also expected this incident, but the Seventh Dao Ancestor did not tell the secrets of the three major tokens at first. It was not until later, when Taoism faced another catastrophe, that the three major tokens

The cards were sacrificed, and some Taoist sects disobeyed the orders, or simply defected to the enemy. At this time, the monks of those Taoist sects all died miserably! ". "This incident caused a huge sensation. After the catastrophe, a piece of news suddenly came out, saying that when the Seventh Dao Ancestor was casting the three major tokens, in order to constrain the Dao sects below to abide by the rules, he even set up a very The terrible curse is that once the three major tokens are played out, if any of the Dao sects disobey their orders, they will be cursed and die. This rumor caused an uproar, because it means that once the three major tokens are played out, all Daomen will be cursed and die. The door is

You cannot disobey the orders of the Taoist Sect Management Hall, which can also explain why those Taoist monks who did not obey the orders died so miserably." "It was at this time that problems arose in the Taoist Sect Management Hall, and the Taoist Sect Management Hall suffered When it came to the attack, the three major tokens were lost, and these three major tokens were really important to the Taoist sects in the world, because being able to master the three major tokens meant controlling the Taoist sects in the world. Later, there were also people who Three major tokens have been collected, and those who control the three major tokens are all terrifying existences that illuminate the era! But the three major tokens seemed to have a kind of terrible magic power. After bringing endless rights to those people, the three major tokens also brought endless disasters. The final fate of those people was not very good. Later, the three major tokens became

Disappeared. Although there is a lot of news about the three major tokens, after the last strong man who collected the three major tokens died, the three major tokens have been missing! "." Huang Mo said, "Things are due to the three tokens, and death is due to the three tokens. Those strong men who collected the three tokens finally ended up with a tragic fate. To put it bluntly, it was because the three tokens gave way to too many People are jealous, and the power of those who are jealous and dare to take action is absolutely unimaginable. They also want to become the masters of the three major tokens, using various methods, such as poisoning, sneak attacks, assassinations, etc. No matter how hard you try, you will find it one day

The token holder's weakness, then kill the opponent! ". Everyone nodded. This world is so cruel and terrifying. Beings as powerful as the pioneers have been killed, not to mention those monks who have mastered the three major tokens. No matter how powerful they are, they cannot be better than the pioneers. Although they can command the Taoist sects in the world, they can only command the Taoist sects in the world at some critical times. It is impossible to take all the masters of the Taoist sects in the world with you when you go out, and even if

If you really go out with a large number of masters, it is not difficult for others to plot against you. If you find masters of formations and move you to a place where no one is around, the probability of killing you is still very high.

Therefore, in the world of cultivators, there is no such thing as invincibility or invincibility.

Lin Feng said, "Senior, since this token belongs to the Taoist Academy, it should be returned to its original owner!". The evil master said, "Although I don't know much about you, since you found this token, it means that this token is destined to you and should be kept by you. But if you want to go there in the future, Looking for the other two tokens, and you really found them. I hope that you will not easily take out three tokens to command the world unless you have to. Because of the lessons learned from the past, we have to take them seriously, no matter how tempting the power is. ,also

Nothing is more important than life! ". Lin Feng knew that the evil master was worried about something, but these worries were actually unnecessary, because Lin Feng was already a thorn in the flesh of countless people, and it was still the end of reincarnation. Lin Feng, and the people behind him The strong must try to strengthen their side as much as possible. Only in this way can they win the battle at the end of reincarnation. Only victory can make countless living planets

Only by surviving can we save countless races and countless lives.

Only your relatives, friends, classmates, etc. can survive.

The Dao Sect in the world is definitely an extremely important force. Therefore, before Lin Feng said that he wanted to return the token to the evil master, it was just to be polite. Although the evil master did not know much about Lin Feng, he was such a well-informed person, so he naturally knew what Lin Feng wanted.

Heaven’s Order, so he did a favor and gave Heaven’s Order to Lin Feng. As for the words to warn Lin Feng later, he was probably really worried that Lin Feng’s life would be in danger because of the three tokens, so he said those heartfelt words. This made Lin Feng feel a little moved. The true relationship between people.

Sincerity and caring can always warm people's hearts.

In order to reassure the evil master, Lin Feng told a white lie. He said, "Senior, don't worry, even if I really find the three tokens in the future, I will not easily use them to command the world's Taoists!".

"good!". The evil master nodded. Everyone returned to the palace again to look for the treasure, and Lin Feng began to try to refine the Heavenly Order that was destined for him. He wanted to see if there was anything hidden in this Heavenly Order. Other secrets.

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