Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9166: 801 Woman’s Identity

After Young Master Hua Fan made the oath, Lin Feng looked at the female monk who led him. Although he didn't know who this woman was, Lin Feng was determined to stop them from continuing to surround and kill Young Master Hua Fan.

Lin Feng said, "Should you leave here quickly, or should we let us take action and drive you out?". "you…". The woman's voice couldn't help but hesitate slightly, and her face looked as ugly as possible. She said with a cold face, "There are so many rumors about you from the outside world, but no matter how many rumors there are, I personally always think that you should

I am considered a smart person, but now it seems that my previous idea was completely wrong! ".

Lin Feng shrugged and said, "I don't care what the outside world thinks of me, and naturally I don't care what you think of me!". The woman said with a cold face, "Haha, if you say that, then I have nothing to say, but you'd better think clearly, is it worth it to offend us and the forces behind us for a dying man like Mr. Transformation? ?"


Young Master Hua Fan said in a cold voice, "Shut up if you dare to step on the horse."

Apparently Master Hua Fan was worried that Lin Feng would be persuaded by this woman to stop caring about his affairs, which would be very miserable for him.

The woman sneered and ignored Mr. Hua Fan. Instead, she looked at Lin Feng and said, "What did you say?".

Lin Feng said calmly, "Don't you already know my decision? Are you still asking? You must be mentally ill!"

"You're fine, you're fine, you're fine!". The woman said "you are very good" three times in a row, with a look of gritted teeth. Lin Feng guessed that Master Hua Fan probably got what she needed. Otherwise, the woman would not have been so angry if she failed to kill Master Hua Fan.


She waved her hand, indicating that the others did not need to continue to surround and kill Mr. Hua Fan. This woman was a very sober person and knew that with their strength, they would not be able to deal with Lin Feng and others.

Before leaving, she looked at Lin Feng and said viciously, "The person you have offended is unimaginable. Just wait for me! You will look good!". After saying that, he was about to leave, but Lin Feng sneered and said, "Don't think that I will be afraid if you threaten me with a few words. I have never experienced anything before, and I will still be afraid of your threats. And I guess I can guess it." You are older

General identity! ". Hearing Lin Feng's words, the woman did not leave immediately, but stopped. She turned to look at Lin Feng without saying a word, as if waiting for Lin Feng's next words, or in other words, she did not believe that Lin Feng could guess it at all.

her identity. Lin Feng said lightly, "If you are from our side, you could have said it directly before, but you didn't say it, which means that at least you are not from our side. If you are not from our side, only Two possibilities

Sex, firstly, you are a monk from the hostile forces on our side, and secondly, you are a neutral monk! ".

"If you were a monk from our hostile side, would I care about your threats?". "If you are a monk on the neutral side... I'm sorry! I don't think you can be a monk on the neutral side, because although the neutral side at this stage also has some top forces, they can't compete with the Gate of Eternal Life.

They can be counted, and these monks from neutral forces will not be so unscrupulous to offend the Gate of Eternal Life." "So, I think it is more likely that you are a monk from a hostile force, so you don't have to care about the Gate of Eternal Life. Who is it, I guess, either the monks from the Supreme Court, or the Zhu Laodian

The monks on the side, or there is a dispute within the Gate of Eternal Life. The monks inside the Gate of Eternal Life hide their auras and kill the resurrected young master. Although it is a fight in a nest, it is still possible! ".

"Haha, you guessed wrong. We do not belong to any of these three forces. The power of some ancient forces is beyond your imagination!" The woman said with a sneer, seemingly not agreeing with Lin Feng's inference.

Lin Feng looked at Mr. Hua Fan and asked, "What do you think?".

Mr. Hua Fan said, "The opponent's aura is well hidden. I have never seen the combined sword technique they practice. I can't tell their identity!".

The woman said proudly, "So, some people always think they are right, and in the end they find out that they are being slapped in the face, and it makes a snapping sound. It really hurts!". Lin Feng had a slight smile on his face, "You are anxious, eager to prove that I guessed wrong, and then sarcastically mocked me. Maybe you think this can have some impact on me, but in fact, it will not have any impact on me." A little influence, and your anxious attitude makes me more and more sure that my guess is correct. I don’t care which monk of the three forces you are. For me, it is indifferent. Hurry up. get out,

Otherwise, I might change my mind. I think with the power we have here, if we want to kill you, even if it takes a little effort, we should still be able to do it! ".

"Let's wait and see!". The woman said coldly, then flew away into the distance.

The other four people did not dare to stay, followed closely, and quickly left the place.

"Why don't you kill them?" Mr. Hua Fan said with a gloomy face. He naturally hated those people and hoped that Lin Feng would take action.

Lin Feng said calmly, "You are such a smart person, you should know why I didn't take action!".

Master Hua Fan certainly knew that the main reason why Lin Feng did not take action was because there were definitely strong people secretly paying attention to this side. If they really fought, there might be a situation where the snipe and the clam would fight and the fishermen would benefit.

If so, that would be a really bad and terrible outcome.

But he felt a little unwilling and a little annoyed.

Lin Feng said, "Calm down your emotions. If you want to kill the other party, there are many opportunities!"

The other side.

Five monks stopped on a deserted street. One monk said fiercely, "Lin Feng is really hateful. He has ruined such a big thing as ours. I really want to cut him into pieces!". The second monk said, "I think Lin Feng is not as extraordinary as the rumors say. He is followed by so many people wherever he goes. He behaves like a coward. Although he has some strength, he is probably not.

Flowers in the greenhouse are nothing to be afraid of! ".

The other two male cultivators also nodded, feeling that it made sense, as if belittling Lin Feng would make them feel good. The woman said, "Don't underestimate this Lin Feng. He can analyze our identity from the subtleties, which shows how careful this person is. Such a person is definitely not as simple as imagined, but he offended If he kills me, his good luck is over. Killing him is too cheap for him. I want to capture him back to the Supreme Court of God and let him be the most humble slave in the Supreme Court of God. I want to Fold hard

Grind him, make him kneel on the ground and beg me to spare his life, otherwise, it will be difficult to relieve the hatred in my heart! ". The other four people quickly fell silent. They knew the temper of this "eldest lady", and they also knew that this "eldest lady" was a person in the Supreme Court who was of ridiculous height and a little perverted. Now she She was in a very unhappy mood, and the four of them were afraid that they would say the wrong thing and anger her, which would not benefit them.

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