Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 802: refined egoist

"Are you okay?" Lin Feng looked at Mr. Hua Fan and asked. This guy looked really miserable.

Mr. Hua Fan grinned and said, "What can I do!".

But after he finished speaking, the guy quickly took out a porcelain bottle and poured several healing pills into his mouth. Then he sat on the ground as if no one else was around and started healing. I was afraid that his injury was not serious, so he even found a better place. There is no time left.

Wuliang Taoist Priest curled his lips and said, "Wuliang, he is such a stupid person. Does this guy regard us as his free bodyguards? It costs a lot of money to find a bodyguard now!"

Poison Ancestor said, "How about, after he recovers later, you can ask him for some reward. I think this guy is quite rich!".

Wuliang Taoist touched his chin and said with a smile, "This seems to be a pretty good idea. I think I can try it!".

The rest of the people were not surprised. These two guys were both shameless types. They would not let the Desolate Demon, the Black Prison Master, the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast and others do such a thing, even if they beat them to death. What you are willing to do is mainly because you can't afford to lose that person.

Time passes quickly.

Three hours passed in the blink of an eye, and Young Master Hua Fan also woke up.

Seeing Master Hua Fan wake up, Wuliang Taoist Priest and Poison Ancestor hurried over. Poison Ancestor said, "Do you know how much time you have wasted on us? For us who earn millions every minute, you have delayed us for so long. The loss of time is too great, we must be compensated with some good things! Otherwise, this will not be justified!"

Wuliang Taoist priest swept the whisk and said, "Wuliang Tianzun! Master Poison Patriarch, please don't speak so bluntly. Just click on it, it's fine!".

Poison Ancestor said, "Sorry, sorry, I was rude!".

"Get out!". Mr. Hua Fan glared at Poison Ancestor and Wuliang Taoist Priest fiercely. He was very angry now. How could he give Poison Ancestor's treasure to Wuliang Taoist Priest.

And Young Master Hua Fan's glare was also extraordinary.

Contains powerful spiritual power.

The two guys, Wuliang Taoist Priest and Poison Ancestor, were so frightened that they trembled.

Both of them swallowed their saliva and did not dare to ask for any more favors from Young Master Hua Fan.

But I was not sure how to scold Mr. Hua Fan.

Lin Feng looked at Mr. Hua Fan and said, "Those people look like they won't give up until they kill you. Did you steal their treasure?".

Mr. Hua Fan is quite arrogant.

I don’t like to hide some things.

He said, "There is a peerless soldier soul sealed here, which can be refined into my treasure. The leading woman also needs the peerless soldier soul I obtained to sacrifice to refine her own magic weapon, so she made a sneak attack on me. If not If I had some means, I would have died in the hands of these people!"

Huang Mo said, "The most powerful among those people is that woman, but even that woman's strength is still far behind yours, but their combined sword attack technique can suppress you so strongly, showing The combat power that came out far exceeded their strength. This was just five people performing the combined attack technique of swordsmanship. If dozens, hundreds, or even hundreds of swordsman masters performed this combined attack technique of swordsmanship at the same time, they would have to unleash a lot of energy. What a terrifying attack force? Who can withstand it?"

Huang Mo's words seemed to hit the point. Lin Feng said with a gloomy expression, "No one has ever seen that kind of sword attack technique. It is probably created by some terrifying existence in recent years. Of course, it may also be The combined attack technique of swordsmanship created by a group of terrifying experts united together is indeed unimaginably terrifying."

Speaking of this, Lin Feng couldn't help but sigh: "Hey, there are too many strange and terrifying people in the world. It's a pity that this terrifying combined attack technique of swordsmanship was not created by us. If it is created by monks from the opposing side and is promoted, we don’t know how many masters here will be strangled by such a terrifying combined attack technique of swordsmanship!"

Poison Ancestor said, "It's a pity that we can't crack this kind of combined sword attack technique. Maybe we can ask the elders from Kunlun Universe to crack this kind of combined sword attack technique, and then spread the cracking method. The other party has deliberately created it. The effectiveness of this combined sword attack technique is greatly reduced, and countless people on our side may survive!"

Lin Feng nodded, this is indeed a solution.

For example, if you ask Ye Xuan and others for help, with their abilities, they may be able to crack this extremely lethal and almost invincible sword attack technique.

Lin Feng looked at Young Master Hua Fan and said, "Young Master Hua Fan, you have been fighting with the opponent for such a long time, so you should have memorized the changes and key points of the opponent's combined sword attacks. How about you brand a copy for me? ".

Master Hua Fan said calmly, "Although those people are attacking me and even want to kill me, they are monks on your opposite side, and the forces behind me are also monks on your opposite side. Therefore, this kind of swordsmanship The creator of the Combined Attack Technique may also have an antique-level expert from my side involved, do you think I might agree to it?"

Lin Feng raised his brows slightly and said, "Then the first thing I ask you to do is to imprint what I said on you!".

Mr. Hua Fan said, "Although I have made an oath, the things I do for you are first of all things that do not violate my faith. And this matter obviously violates the faith, so I can't help you!".

"Fuck! This grandson is pretending to be an uncle now. Master, I think we just have to kill him!" Poison Ancestor shouted.

Lin Feng waved his hand and signaled Poison Ancestor to stop talking. In fact, what Young Master Hua Fan said still made some sense. Even if he made some oaths with certain people, he would not help the other party to deceive his own people. .

Compare your heart to your heart! Lin Feng felt that he could not force Mr. Hua Fan to do certain things.

But at this time, Mr. Hua Fan said, "But anything can be discussed. If you can come up with something to impress me, I can not only imprint on you the things you need. If you need it, When I return to the Kunlun Universe soon, I can even help you deliver things to the people behind you. It is much safer for me to **** such things than your subordinates, and you don’t have to worry about your subordinates. Danger on the road is not!".

Lin Feng said, "You are really an exquisite profitist!".

Mr. Hua Fan smiled slightly and said, "If you don't do it for yourself, heaven and earth will destroy you!"

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