Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9170: 805 Desire Demon

Lin Feng put away Dragon Rabbit, mainly because there was no need to continue to let Dragon Rabbit take risks. Who knows what will happen next? Furthermore, the location has basically been determined, and the area is as small as a courtyard.

It would be unreasonable if Lin Feng and the others couldn't find it again.

"Sir, look at this well, is it something special?" Poison Ancestor shouted next to the well in the courtyard, looking towards the mouth of the well while shouting.

Hearing this, Lin Feng quickly walked towards the well.

The rest of the people also walked towards the well.

If you just look at it from above, you can't seem to see anything special, so Lin Feng said to Huang Mo, "Huang Mo, go down and explore!".

The reason why Huang Mo was sent down was because among everyone, Huang Mo's strength was the most outstanding.

If there is danger, the wild demon is enough to deal with all kinds of dangers.

But if it were someone else, it might not be the case, and they might be damaged in it, so you have to be more careful and cautious about this.

After receiving Lin Feng's order, Huang Mo responded with a "yes" and then flew directly into the ancient well, while Lin Feng and others were waiting outside.


But not long after, violent fluctuations came from below, and then terrifying energy was released from the entrance of the cave.

A war must have broken out below this ancient well.

"It must be this place! It seems that my method of finding secrets is quite good now!". Poison Ancestor did not forget to boast proudly.

Lin Feng said, "Let's go down and see what's going on!".

"Yes!", everyone responded.

Lin Feng took the lead to fly into the ancient well, and the others followed closely, and flew into the ancient well one after another. When they fell into the water, Lin Feng suddenly felt that the underwater space was distorted in some way.

If the guess is correct, the space in this place has been transformed, and there will definitely be a space of its own below.

There's no way it's just a small space.

Lin Feng and the others quickly dived down, and after about a hundred meters, they reached the bottom.

As expected, a rather huge space was formed at the bottom.

At this moment, a big battle broke out not far away. The wild demon was entangled by monsters. Those monsters looked like humans, but they were on all fours, had tails, and their faces were those of human women. Each of them was very beautiful, and they kept making confusing sounds. of

The weird sound makes both men and women blush and their hearts beat. But those monsters are really powerful. Their bodies are like snakes. The powerful attacks of the wild demons hit them, but they were not able to cause any harm to them. It was just like a punch from an ordinary person.

It hit the big boa constrictor. The boa constrictor's body was slippery and the force could be removed in an instant.

This ability is quite amazing.

Of course, the Desolate Demon itself is powerful, and those monsters have never been able to harm the Desolate Demon. "It's a desire demon. I didn't expect to see a desire demon in this place. This kind of thing can amplify people's desires infinitely! The group of desire demons was very large back then. The more the number of desire demons, the more desires these demons showed. The power will become more terrifying, and it will become more difficult to deal with it. In the past, the demons of desire multiplied very quickly, and their numbers were extremely large, even threatening the Gate of Eternal Life and the Supreme Court of God. Therefore, they were separated by the Gate of Eternal Life and the Supreme Court. Shen Ting joins forces to give

It was destroyed. I didn’t expect that there would be a desire demon appearing in this place! Fortunately, the number is not too large, otherwise it would be an extremely troublesome matter." Seeing the monsters besieging the Desolate Demon, Mr. Transformation Mortal couldn't help but speak.

In fact, it seems a little inappropriate to describe them as monsters, because they really look too human, a bit like a cat demon turned into a human, but still retaining the appearance of a tail.

Moreover, these **** demons do not have clothes to cover their bodies. They should do this on purpose, so it is easier to provoke other people's desires, which is of course the most lethal to men. No wonder the Transformation Master said that when the demons of desire reached their peak, the Gate of Eternal Life and the Wushang Divine Court had to join forces. This was mainly because the world of cultivators was male-dominated, and more than 95% of the powerful monks were They are men, and the temptation for men is absolutely beyond imagination. Their clan may also have some means of controlling male monks. When the group of desire demons multiplies large enough, they will indeed become


"Go, go, go!". One of the **** demons screamed when he saw Lin Feng and others arriving. That **** demon should be the leader of this group of **** demons. He was the most charming and seductive, and his eyes were like those of Catwoman. He said Unrivaled charm and seduction

, she led more than a dozen **** demons to quickly sweep towards the depths. The speed was surprisingly fast, and they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Demon, are you okay?" Lin Feng came over, looked at Huang Mo and asked.

Huang Mo said, "I'm fine!". Then Lin Feng asked what happened before, and Huang Mo told what he had experienced. After he came down, he heard the lingering and pathos sound. The sound was so magical that it seemed to make people fall.

In the endless world of mortals, I have no other pursuits in life. I just want to hug the beauties around me and enjoy the beauty around me.

Even powerful demons like Desolation are trapped in this illusion and cannot extricate themselves. Fortunately, in order to cultivate, the wild demon had already cut off the seven emotions and six desires, and woke up in time at the dangerous moment. But at this time, those **** demons had already come to him and were planning to kill him. The wild demon was frightened. He broke out in a cold sweat. It turned out that he had been ambushed by these **** demons before, which caused him to almost fall into the mortal world and be unable to extricate himself. If so, he might be missing his head now. The desolate demons who woke up in time and those **** demons The demons were fighting together, and Huang Mo could sense that the strength of those demons was far behind him. Huang Mo thought he could easily defeat those demons, but after a great battle, he was unable to defeat those demons. cause any

The damage made Huang Mo quite depressed.

"Those **** demons are not as simple as we thought. They should be able to mobilize the power of this place, that's why they are so difficult to deal with!". The Black Prison Master said.

Lin Feng said, "It seems that the desire demon's lair is in the depths. Let's go to the depths to see what's going on!". Everyone nodded, and then they walked towards the depths, about five or six hundred meters away. Lin Feng and the others saw that there was no road ahead, and a dark underwater cave appeared in front of everyone. In the sight, the black cave is not too big, only about one meter in diameter. It is as black as ink, and it is unknown where it leads. It looks so strange, dark, and terrifying, and when you think of the desires that escaped, The devil may have entered the depths of this black cave. This cave seemed more and more evil, making Lin Feng's heart become more solemn.

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