Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9171: 806 Weird Altar

"It looks so dark in here, it feels so eerie!" Poison Ancestor frowned and said.

In such a place, one can't help but have a feeling of palpitations.

But without going into too much detail, there are definitely dangers inside.

How could it be possible that there were only a dozen or so **** demons in this place? There were definitely many more **** demons, but they had never appeared before.

Furthermore, there is another point, that is, there may be some terrifying existence hidden in this place.

Based on these circumstances, Lin Feng activated several defensive magic weapons before entering. Lin Feng's idea is also simple. Use the defensive light shield constructed with defensive magic weapons to protect everyone. After entering it, if you really encounter any threats, Lin Feng believes that the threats inside will never be instantaneous.

time to destroy the defensive light shield constructed by their defensive magic weapon.

The defensive magic weapon can give Lin Feng and the others enough time to make a series of reactions and specific countermeasures.

"Let's go in and see what's going on!".

Lin Feng said. Everyone said hello one after another, and then everyone entered the cave. As mentioned before, the diameter of this cave is only about two meters, which is not too big. It is impossible for everyone to enter it side by side, like Desolate Demon. magic

The existence of the gods, three or four meters tall, had to shrink its body before entering.

Therefore, Lin Feng and others walked side by side.

At the front is the most powerful Desolate Demon, leading the battle. In addition, there is the Black Prison Master and the Desolate Demon, and behind them are the Transformational Master and the Back Dragon King.

The remaining people, including Lin Feng, were walking in the middle area.

All the way deep. The deeper you go, the colder and weirder the atmosphere becomes. But so far, there has not been any danger. But even so, Lin Feng and others do not dare to be careless at all, because some extremely dangerous things may happen anytime and anywhere in this place.

It is a terrible crisis, and if you are not careful, it may be catastrophic.

"Did you hear it? It seems like someone is singing!"

At this time, Wuliang Taoist suddenly spoke. Everyone was stunned for a moment. Is someone singing? But we didn't hear it. Not even the most powerful Desolate Demon, Master Transformation, and Lin Feng, the extremely powerful soul, heard anyone singing. Wuliang Taoist Priest

It's really weird that I heard it. "Don't scare me, okay?" Du Zu glared at Wuliang Taoist, mainly because everyone said they didn't hear it, Wuliang Taoist was the only one who heard it. This is a bit too strange, Du Zu felt that Wuliang Taoist himself

He is not a serious person, maybe he is really trying to scare them on purpose.

But this time Wuliang Taoist said seriously, "Why did I lie to you? I really heard it!".

"Be careful, there may be unknown dangers!". Lin Feng said in a deep voice.

Everyone was getting nervous. This place itself was quite weird, and something extremely weird happened, so they had to stay alert.

But at this time, Wuliang Taoist suddenly laughed.

"why are you laughing?". Lin Feng asked.

Everyone looked confused. After all, at this moment of imminent danger, Wuliang Taoist priest laughed like this, which was really incomprehensible.

Wuliang Taoist priest smiled and said, "I just made a joke. Look at you, you are nervous!".

"Damn it, you **** Taoist priest, you really deserve a beating for stepping on a horse!". Poison Ancestor cursed.

The rest of the people were also rendered speechless by Wuliang Taoist Priest.

Isn't there a saying that scares people to death? Especially in some special circumstances, some jokes should not be made casually.

Many people want to kick Wuliang Taoist priest a few times to relieve their hatred.

But at this moment, something terrible happened. I saw palms appearing one after another in the passage. Those palms appeared too suddenly, and those palms were extremely weird. They actually penetrated the protection of Lin Feng and the others through the defensive light shield, and then moved towards Lin Feng and others.

Grab the ankle.

Everyone was a little relaxed just now because they were **** a lot by Wuliang Taoist priests.

Therefore, when those big hands appeared, they directly killed Lin Feng and others by being caught off guard.

The ankles of the Poison Ancestor, the Infinite Taoist Priest, the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast, and the Nine-Female Emperor were all caught. The others responded in time and avoided the big hands that grabbed their ankles.

The rest of the people also began to struggle, but except for the most powerful Nine-Female Emperor, who broke free from the grasp of the big hand, the other three were not able to break free from the grasp of the big hand, and were dragged into the ground by the big hand and disappeared.

"Open it for me!". Lin Feng quickly took action and used the Five Elements Magical Power, trying to tear apart the passage and rescue the Poison Ancestor and the others. However, what surprised Lin Feng was that the passage under their feet was extremely strong. Even with his Five Elements Magical Power, at this time

At this moment, it actually lost its effect, which made Lin Feng's expression become a little solemn.

As for those big hands, they also disappeared.

"Let's go to the depths and see what's going on!". Lin Feng's face was extremely gloomy.

Everyone nodded solemnly.

Judging from the horrific situation that had just occurred, this place was definitely far more monstrous than they imagined, which made them feel a shadow in their hearts.

However, Poison Ancestor and the others have been captured.

Even if there is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire inside, you still have to go for it. Lin Feng and the others accelerated their speed and headed deeper. Not long after, Lin Feng and the others saw that the passage in front of them became wider. After they walked out of the passage, a huge square appeared in front of them.


Surrounding the square is a bottomless black abyss.

The black abyss exuded a cold and terrifying aura, and it was unknown what terrible things were dormant in the black abyss.

Deep in the square, there is an altar.

There are nine stone pillars on the altar. Those stone pillars are not very high. Each stone pillar is about one and a half meters. There is a purple crystal suspended a dozen centimeters above the stone pillars.

"Crystal of the Universe!".

After seeing the purple crystal, Lin Feng's eyes couldn't help but light up slightly.

However, Lin Feng also knew that those cosmic crystals were definitely not easy to obtain.

"Sir, I will go to the altar first to see what is going on. If possible, I will collect the nine cosmic crystals for you!"

Huang Mo looked at Lin Feng and said.

"Okay, but be careful!". Lin Feng reminded.

"I will!" Huang Mo nodded, and then quickly flew towards the altar. Soon, Huang Mo was close to the altar, but when he stepped on the first stone step of the altar, a strange and strange thing happened. Another terrible thing happened.

Huang Mo's body seemed to be controlled by some unknown force. He couldn't control his body anymore. Moreover, Huang Mo's body began to swell.

"ah!". The wild demon let out a painful roar, and within a few breaths, his body felt like it was being blown up. "No, the wild demon's body is going to self-destruct!". Mr. Hua Fan shouted in horror.

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