Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9172: 807 Girl Lust

You know, Huang Mo is a true cosmic boss-level existence. He is one of the most powerful existences here. He is even more powerful than the unrecovered Master Transformation. But now, Huang Mo's body But he couldn't hold on anymore and was about to self-destruct. It was hard to imagine what kind of power could make Huang Mo's body undergo such a big change in such a short period of time. It was really terrifying, let alone the transformation of the mortal master. Replace it with any one

When people see this situation, they will be frightened. The Desolate Demon is so powerful. If he really self-destructs, the energy generated will be destructive and spread out quickly, and the damage caused is simply unimaginable. Therefore, Master Huafan's immediate thought was to turn around and escape quickly. Here, otherwise, they would be overwhelmed by the destructive energy produced by the self-destruction of the wild demon. The rest of the people had the same idea as Master Huafan. It cannot be said that everyone has no loyalty, mainly because the situation in front of them is too dangerous.

It's dangerous, and there's nothing we can do to save the wild demon, so we can't involve ourselves in it.

But Lin Feng's first reaction was to rush towards the wild demon quickly, which was also Lin Feng's usual style of doing things.

Lin Feng would never give up on any of his partners easily.

This also applies to the wild demon.

Although Lin Feng didn't know what exactly happened to the Desolate Demon that led to such a bad situation, Lin Feng could guess that it might have something to do with the nine cosmic crystals on the altar. The power contained in one Cosmic Crystal is unimaginable, not to mention the power contained in nine Cosmic Crystals together, and there may be other hidden and unknown methods on this altar, plus

The role played by the nine cosmic crystals, the power pouring into the body of the wild demon will burst the body of the wild demon, basically there should not be any big problems.

Soon, Lin Feng rushed over, but Huang Mo shouted loudly, "Young master, please don't come here. This place is very strange. Get out of here quickly!".

Although Huang Mo was forcibly subdued by Lin Feng, Huang Mo was later impressed by Lin Feng's character.

He is considered loyal to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said, "Don't say too much! Try to suppress the power in your body!". Seeing Lin Feng's resolute attitude, Huang Mo stopped talking and mobilized as much strength as possible to suppress the extremely violent power in his body. However, he was very hard now and almost couldn't hold on any longer. But at this time, Lin Feng

The palm of his hand has come into contact with Huang Mo's body.

Huang Mo immediately felt that the extremely violent power in his body began to pour into Lin Feng's body continuously, and the pressure he was under suddenly weakened significantly. This is because at the moment of contact with the wild demon, an extremely special connection was formed between the demon city in Lin Feng's body, the thirty-four great worlds he controlled, and Lin Feng himself, and then Lin Feng poured those into his body.

All the internal power has been transferred into those big worlds, and Demon City is also helping to transfer energy. Lin Feng's big worlds have evolved more and more powerfully, and the power they can withstand is naturally getting stronger and stronger.

The majestic energy was unable to cause harm to Lin Feng and Huang Mo. Lin Feng threw Huang Mo out of the altar, and Huang Mo's body quickly returned to its normal state.

But Lin Feng did not go down, he continued to walk towards the altar. Because Lin Feng could resolve this extremely violent power, Lin Feng wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to collect the nine cosmic crystals in one go. However, at this time, a wave of energy suddenly erupted from the altar.

An extremely violent force.

This force blasted towards Lin Feng's body.

After feeling this violent force, Lin Feng was shocked and quickly took action, placing his hands in front of him to resist the terrifying force.


The next moment, with the dull sound of collision, Lin Feng was blown away by the extremely tyrannical force. Fortunately, Lin Feng's physical body was strong enough and he was not seriously injured.

"Look, there are many **** demons climbing up!". At this time, Young Master Hua Fan started to drink loudly. Everyone looked around and saw that a large number of desire demons climbed up from the surrounding abyss, many of them jumped onto the square, and some were suspended in the plates. has been classified

He was surrounded by dense masses of desire demons.

Lin Feng and the others had previously guessed that there could not be only a dozen or so succubi here, but they did not expect that the number of succubi here would be so large. There are almost thousands of succubi appearing now.

Moreover, there are still a large number of desire demons climbing up from the abyss.

"There are too many desire demons, I'm afraid it will be troublesome!". Master Hua Fan's face looked very ugly, because the methods of these **** demons were really weird.

With so many desire demons, the methods they use together will be even more terrifying. How to resolve the desire demons is an unknown thing, which is a headache.

Lin Feng and others quickly gathered together and looked at the **** demons around them with solemn expressions.

"You shouldn't come here, because this place will kill you!" A very smart voice came from behind the group of **** demons.

Then Lin Feng and the others saw the desire demons in front of them separated.

A **** demon with a face of sixteen or seventeen years old was looking at Lin Feng and others with a smile on his face.

This desire demon is different from other desire demons.

Other demons of desire are not even covered with hair.

But the **** demon in front of me was almost like a normal human being. He also wore clothes and walked on two feet.

If there is nothing different from humans, it is that it has an extra tail.

A cat-like tail.

She is more like a witch transformed from a cat demon than her other succubus counterparts.

But what makes Lin Feng a little strange is that there are so many **** demons in front of him, but there is not even a male **** demon.

Lin Feng couldn't help but have a thought in his mind, are all **** demons female?

Of course, Lin Feng didn't think much about this matter. The top priority now was how to deal with the pressure and crisis from the demon group.

And that girl who looks sixteen or seventeen years old may be the key to a breakthrough. Lin Feng looked at the young girl's **** demon and said, "We come here with no ill intentions! We also don't want to disturb your practice. Maybe, we don't need to face each other life and death. Everything can be discussed, right? What do you think?

". "You want to negotiate with me? Do you think you have this qualification? ". The young girl asked with a smile. Although she was smiling, Lin Feng felt that there was a coldness and murderous intent in her eyes that was so cold that it made one's heart palpitate.


This girl is probably not a real girl of her age, and this girl is definitely a difficult character. Lin Feng even feels that it is almost impossible to negotiate with the other party. Moreover, the captured Poison Ancestor, the Infinite Taoist Priest, and the Heaven-shaking Holy Beast are likely to be in the hands of the Desire Demon. If these Desire Demons threaten their lives, the situation will become even worse for Lin Feng and the others. , which made Lin Feng feel extremely heavy.

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