Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9173: 808 ancient clock

"Take action! Catch someone alive!".

The girl's desire demon waved her hand and gave orders directly to the desire demons around her.

Immediately afterwards, the densely packed desire demons launched an attack on Lin Feng and others.

Their attacks are extremely special. In addition to the sound that makes people blush and their hearts beat, there is also an extremely special energy.

That extremely special energy is a bit like the power of water. It can gently and gently resolve attacks from the outside world. At the same time, it can also launch tyrannical attacks on its enemies. It is very magical. Of course, there is also the most critical point, which is also the most terrifying point, that is, these demons seem to be able to have some kind of extremely special communication with the altar. Once they have this kind of communication with the altar, they can continuously The power of the altar is mobilized. The altar is not simple. It also hides some unknown mysterious power. Even if we don’t mention this mysterious power, just the power of the nine cosmic crystals is enough to Creepy


Therefore, it is extremely difficult to deal with such existences. Even if Lin Feng and others are powerful, they are suppressed by these **** demons.

However, it would be very difficult for these **** demons to take down Lin Feng and the others in a short time, unless Lin Feng and the others' spirits were seriously affected.

Because once the spiritual world is seriously affected, problems will occur in all aspects of the body. It is unknown how much attack power can be released at that time.

At this time, the girl's desire demon seemed to find that Lin Feng and the others were more difficult to deal with than they imagined. Then the girl's desire demon made a series of strange sounds at the group of desire demons.

Lin Feng didn't sound like it was a spell. It was probably the language of the desire demon. He asked Mr. Hua Fan next to him if he could understand what the girl was saying, but Mr. Hua Fan told Lin Feng that although he knew some things about the desire demon, he did not know about her.

The language of our clan, it seems that Mr. Hua Fan also thinks that the sound made by the girl's **** demon is the language of their clan, and she is communicating with her **** demon.

next moment.

The group of desire demons made a more lingering and pathos sound. This sound was more powerful than the previous sound, and instantly pulled Lin Feng and the others into a kingdom of girls.

There are all kinds of beauties around.

Ran was dazzled.

The demon of desire can arouse everyone's desires, and desires can dominate people's thoughts, even their bodies, or make a person completely lost.

I have to say that the girl's **** demon understands men.

I don't care what desires you have, just target the man's biggest desire.

Normally, a man’s greatest desires are basically related to women.

Even someone like Huang Mo who claims to have cut off the relationship. In fact, it is just talk. At most, it can only be suppressed, rather than completely cut off. Buddhism says that the four elements are empty, but think about it, how is it possible to achieve the void of the four elements? Even the Buddha had moved the heart of the mortal world and was It is basically impossible to completely cut off such thoughts for those who are seduced by beauty, not to mention other people. You can't even swing your sword from the palace, because many eunuchs in the palace are actually having affairs with the maids. body

Although his body is not good and he is even a little abnormal, his mind is extremely honest and uncontrollable.

"My heart is empty!".

Facing the fat and thin beauties who came quickly, Lin Feng couldn't help but drink loudly. He hoped that this kind of drinking would make his spirit return to normal.

Lin Feng's shout contained domineering power. Dominance is indeed very special. Many times, some monks who are extremely powerful and even have extremely powerful soul power may fall into certain illusions and be unable to extricate themselves. However, Lin Feng can often react and even break through those illusions, which is better than him. No one can achieve Lin Feng's level. Although there may be many reasons, domineering is definitely one of the most important reasons. Domineering can help Lin Feng resist and resolve attacks from

Many strange methods from the outside world.

Including the influence on the soul, it will also be weakened a lot by domineering.

Normally, without the protection of domineering, Lin Feng might be really confused and unable to extricate himself, let alone use some means to fight back.

However, because he has domineering power to protect his body, Lin Feng has made many impossibilities possible.

After Lin Feng shouted loudly, everyone suddenly woke up. But Lin Feng also knew that even if he wakes up briefly, the threat of these desire demons is still there, and the threat of the desire demons is very terrifying, so he has to be careful to guard against it, otherwise, for Lin Feng and the others, the end will be over.

The results will be very bad.

Lin Feng said in a deep voice, "Capture the thief first, capture the king, then we'll kill him together and suppress the girl's sexual desire!". "Okay", Huang Mo and others shouted loudly. They answered in such a loud voice on purpose, because their voices also contained the power to invigorate their spirits. With so many people working together, it would be great for their spiritual recovery.

To be of considerable help. Lin Feng and others joined forces to quickly kill the girl's desire demon. They withstood the desire demon's mental interference in a short time. Although the attack of the desire demon was powerful, as long as the spirit was normal, the desire demon could be defeated.

The attack was not particularly difficult for Lin Feng and the others, so the process was relatively smooth.

But when he was still about a hundred meters away from the girl, Lin Feng saw a disdainful expression on the girl's beautiful face.

The looks towards Lin Feng and others were also full of sarcasm.

This made Lin Feng's expression change slightly. He always felt that something bad was going to happen.

Then, Lin Feng saw a big bell appearing in front of the girl. The big bell was different from ordinary bell-type magic weapons. Lin Feng has seen too many kinds of bell-type magic weapons, but no matter what kind of bell-type magic weapons they are, the top part has a cover and a hook. This is mainly because many bell-type magic weapons are the earliest ones. The clock is an instrument used in Taoist monasteries or temples to remind everyone of time. You need a hook to hang the ancient clock on a wooden stick and place it in a place such as a pavilion. Later, after it spread, more and more people used their magic weapons as their own. beat

This type of magic weapon has basically not changed much in appearance. However, the bell-like magic weapon sacrificed by the girl's **** demon did not have a cover on it. All the **** demons, led by the girl's **** demon, let out a strange roar, and the nine cosmic crystals on the altar were all It formed a resonance with it, and a majestic sea of ​​power continuously poured out, all gathered into the ancient bell, and merged with the sonic attack of the demon of desire, forming a terrifying sonic attack. That sonic attack was abnormal. terrible,

Like a cannonball being discharged, wherever the sound wave passed, the void shattered. Lin Feng and others were horrified. They wanted to dodge, but it was too late. When the sonic attack came, Lin Feng quickly activated the defensive light shield made of defensive magic weapons to the extreme to protect everyone, but even so , they were still blasted out, and the defensive light shield constructed by the defensive magic weapon also collapsed. Everyone was vomited blood by the unimaginable force, and their faces were as pale as paper. Everyone The eyes looking at the ancient clock were also full of deep shock and horror.

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