Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9174: The powerful shock of the 809 undead army

You must know that Lin Feng's defensive magic weapons are extremely powerful. The defensive light mask constructed by so many defensive magic weapons is rarely destroyed instantly.

But now it appears.

It can be seen how terrifying the intensity of the attack that Lin Feng and the others endured just now was.

Even if there is an ancient existence like the Desolate Demon or Mr. Transformation.

Now they are all trembling with fear.

If the other party didn't have nine cosmic crystals to rely on on the altar, he wouldn't be afraid of these demons of desire.

But there are no ifs in this world. What happens is what happens. Even if you try your best to deny it, it is impossible to prevent it from happening.

But this time.

Lin Feng burst out laughing. The young girl was slightly stunned, because everyone around Lin Feng turned pale with fear. Who is not afraid of death? Normal people will be afraid of death. Naturally, the same is true for the people on Lin Feng's side, but at this time Lin Feng made a big noise.

Laughter, he must be mentally ill, but Lin Feng does not look like a mentally ill person. He is still able to laugh like this at such a dangerous time. Is this an ordinary person? In terms of his character, it is already extremely shocking. .

It's not like the mentality that young people should have. The young girl's desire demon soon discovered that when Lin Feng laughed loudly, it quickly attracted the attention of several monks around him. Everyone's attention was focused on Lin Feng, and the tension and despair were also reduced a lot.

, This kind of rapid change in spiritual level is extremely not simple. At critical moments, this kind of rapid mental change can often save lives. "Boy! Do you think you can escape death by pretending to be a ghost here? If you think so, you are totally wrong!" The girl's desire demon said coldly that she would launch a new attack on Lin Feng and others again.

But Lin Feng shouted loudly at this time, "Look, what is this?".

Lin Feng waved his hand, and the void twisted. In the twisted void, an army appeared.

It is the undead army that has recovered. The Undead Army can be regarded as Lin Feng's ultimate tactic. Generally, Lin Feng will not use the Undead Army easily unless it is absolutely necessary. There are many reasons. The main reason is that Lin Feng still counts on the Undead Army. It plays an important role at certain critical moments. In particular, Lin Feng feels that terrorist entities such as Gengzi Demon Lord will not let him go so easily and will definitely find opportunities to deal with him. At that time, the Undead Army can play a huge role. , if the undead army is allowed to come out in advance, it may be deduced by a terrifying existence of the level of Gengzi Demon Lord. If such a situation occurs, they will definitely be prepared.


The role played by the "surprise soldier" of the Undead Army has been greatly weakened.

But now, the situation is critical.

Lin Feng had to summon the undead army to deal with these **** demons.

Of course, Lin Feng has not actually summoned the undead army yet, but has only revealed the situation inside the Book of the Dead.

Lin Feng only did this for a reason.

The first reason has been mentioned before. When the undead army actually participates in the war, it may be deduced by some powerful beings, which is not good for Lin Feng.

The second reason is that Wuliang Taoist Priests and the others are still in the hands of the Demon of Desire. Lin Feng is still quite wary of this, so he must try his best to avoid completely breaking up with them.

The third reason is that Lin Feng still wants to get the Crystal of the Universe, but this altar is very weird. Perhaps the key to getting the Crystal of the Universe lies in the Desire Demon Clan. Moreover, Lin Feng felt that if the girl's **** demon was a smart person, she would not continue to attack them when she saw the phantom that appeared. If she really wanted to fight to the death, she would have to see how much power both sides had.

What are the trump cards?

If you don't even take this into consideration, you are just trying to make people laugh. "I really didn't expect that you would carry such a powerful legion with you! I underestimated you!". The girl's lustful eyes looked at Lin Feng with deep eyes, as if she wanted to see through Lin Feng completely. Before that, she did not even regard Lin Feng and others as a threat. After all, the trump card she controlled was extremely terrifying, even if Lin Feng The strength of others is extremely strong, but just these few people can't make waves, but now it's different

Well, the situation has undergone a huge reversal. Moreover, the young girl's desire demon can feel that the monk army on Lin Feng's side is definitely not an ordinary monk army. It is the kind of monk army that is incredibly powerful, although the number may not be as high as other monk armies.

, but in terms of strength, it was definitely many times stronger than those monk armies. This made her feel extremely surprised and a little incomprehensible. She really didn't know how Lin Feng cultivated such a monk army. Lin Feng looked at the young girl's **** demon and said, "If we really break up, I think no matter how superb your methods are, it will be impossible to compete with so many monks here. Finally, absolutely

Yes, it is a lose-lose outcome. This is not the result you want to see, right? ".

The young girl's desire demon said, "Let's go! I won't make it difficult for you!".

Lin Feng said, "Of course I have to leave, but before leaving, you must first release my three companions!".

The girl's desire demon frowned slightly.

But soon she nodded in agreement and said, "Okay, I will return those sacrifices to you!".

She waved.

Not long after, the desire demon crawled out of the abyss and dragged out the three of them, Wuliang Taoist Priest, Poison Ancestor, and the Heaven-Shaking Holy Beast.

"Xiao Linzi! Help!". Wuliang Taoist priests screamed.

"Sir, help me!" Poison Ancestor screamed.

Only the Holy Beast that shook the sky did not cry out for help. He had an arrogant temperament, and he felt a little embarrassed by being captured this time.

"Let them go!". Said the girl's **** demon.

The three were released and quickly returned to Lin Feng and the others.

They all looked frightened.

"Why don't you leave yet?" The young girl looked at Lin Feng coldly.

Lin Feng said, "This time I came here for the Crystal of the Universe. It will be difficult for me to leave here without getting the Crystal of the Universe!".

"Then you want to start a war with my clan?". The girl's lustful eyes were filled with murderous intent. Lin Feng said, "Don't be so impatient. I never said I would go to war with you. Everything is negotiable. There are nine Universe Crystals here. That's good. I only want one of them." Of

Jing, and I will exchange it for you with something good enough, so you won’t suffer a loss! ". "Humph, this is absolutely impossible! Now either retreat or fight with our clan and see who wins in the end! ", the girl's lustful voice was cold, her attitude was firm, and she was filled with murderous intent. There seemed to be no room for maneuver.

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