Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 9183: Is 818 the skeleton of Mrs. Gu Rui?

Lin Feng and others were only shocked because a skeleton appeared in the third secret room, but the skeleton was not well preserved and was scattered on the ground.

"Is it Mrs. Gu Rui?" said Wuliang Taoist Priest.

This is Madam Gu Rui's retreat. When seeing corpses or skeletons, it is easy for everyone to associate Madam Gu Rui, and there is a high probability that she is indeed Madam Gu Rui.

Lin Feng and the others quickly walked towards the skeleton. Wuliang Taoist priest quickly took off the storage ring on one of his palms, and then his spiritual thoughts invaded it, wanting to see if there was anything good in it, but Wuliang Taoist priest then shouted depressedly, "Wuliang him

You're such a rude person, your storage ring is broken! ".

This situation did not go beyond Lin Feng's expectation. Time can destroy too many things. This is one of the reasons why many strong people are not willing to carry many treasures on their bodies. I don’t know that one day the storage ring may be eroded by the power of time. Bring good things with you.

It's really not safe to carry with you, so it's better to store it in a secret practice place.

Furthermore, sometimes the powerful energy escaping from the battle may destroy the storage ring, so you have to be more careful about this.

Of course, there are also some special storage rings in the cultivator world.

Not only does the storage period span an extremely long time, but those storage rings also contain extremely powerful spatial structures. Even if they withstand strong impacts from external forces during a war, they will often not be damaged.

It's just that such high-level storage rings are very rare and require special materials and powerful means to forge them.

"It shouldn't be Mrs. Gu Rui's skeleton!" Lin Feng said.

"Why do you see it?" Everyone couldn't help being slightly stunned, and then looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said, "Look at this skeleton, many places are darker in color. Does it look like it practiced some terrible poisonous skills?"

"It really is…". Everyone nodded. For monks who practice Poison Technique, such as people like Poison Ancestor, although Poison Technique is quite overbearing, it will also cause certain changes in the body. The bones, blood, muscles, and skin of such people may contain highly toxic substances.

When highly poisonous is contained, the color will also change. To take the simplest example, the blood of some people who practice poison skills may be green or inky, but the blood of normal people is red. Lin Feng said, "Those who practice Poison Technique have a great impact on themselves. We won't go into details about the internal impact on the body, including the appearance. It will also have a big impact, making the whole person look ugly! Even A person who was originally extremely beautiful, after practicing powerful poison skills, her figure and appearance will be greatly affected. I heard these things from Poison Ancestor. Even though Poison Ancestor, this guy has become quite handsome now. Yes, that's because he is very different from normal cultivators. When I first met him, he was not in human form, but the origin of poison. The human form that he later transformed into was very different from normal poison cultivators, so Poison Ancestor Insights on the Way of Poison

There will be no problem! ". "If you are a male monk, in order to become stronger, there is nothing wrong with practicing poisonous skills. Anyway, men do not live by their appearance. No matter how good the appearance is, it means nothing if the strength is weak. But as long as the strength is improved, the appearance will be weak. Some people get what they want, but women are different. I want to ask, which woman in the world doesn't love beauty? It is really difficult to ask these women to give up their beautiful faces. It is probably more difficult than killing them. It is even more difficult for them to accept it, especially for those who are extremely powerful. The skeleton of this skeleton is relatively small and slender. It looks like a woman's skeleton, but there are also some men who are born with small skeletons.

Some, I think there is a greater chance that the owner of the skeleton is a man with a smaller frame! ".

After saying this, Lin Feng looked at Withered Willow, who had been silent, and asked, "Do you think my analysis is correct?". Kuliu said, "Mrs. Gu Rui is a person who loves beauty, and she is also extremely beautiful, making people fall in love with her at first sight. Therefore, regardless of whether this skeleton is a woman's skeleton, what is certain is that this skeleton, It is indeed possible that it is not the skeleton of Madam Gu Rui! But as far as I know, when Madam Gu Rui was practicing in seclusion, no one entered her retreat with her, but the skeleton of a monk appeared in this place.

It's really weird, and people can't figure out what's going on! Maybe something happened that I don't know about in the process." Huang Mo said, "This is very possible. After all, there are too many powerful people in the world, not to mention that this is Wushuang City. Some people's methods It is unimaginable in the first place. As long as the other party's means are strong enough,

, quietly found Madam Gu Rui’s retreat, and then quietly entered Madam Gu Rui’s retreat, and launching a sneak attack on Madam Gu Rui was also very likely to happen.” “But he still died in the end. In the hands of Mrs. Gurui, perhaps Mrs. Gurui’s robbery had a lot to do with being plotted by this person back then. Mrs. Gurui’s body was not seen in the first three secret rooms.

In the fourth secret room, but let’s collect the things in the third secret room first! ", Lin Feng said.

Everyone nodded. There were also many good things piled up in this third secret room, mainly some extremely precious treasures of heaven and earth. For example, Lin Feng saw a fiery red crystal. This crystal is called the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire Holy Crystal. The power contained in it is of great help in cultivating fire attribute magical powers. It is said that it can help monks quickly understand the fire attribute.

The magical power can quickly push the magical power from a small level to a perfect level, which can save monks a lot of practice time. For monks with fire attributes, it is simply a coveted treasure.

Of course, there are many natural and earthly treasures of this level. Any treasure that spreads can create a huge sensation. There are also some treasures that can play a big role in promoting Lin Feng's cultivation techniques and magical powers. Lin Feng also discovered an extremely special spiritual liquid that can help cultivate vegetation. It is of great help. This kind of spiritual liquid can even have an effect on the tree of construction. The only pity is that it has been too long, causing the effect of this spiritual liquid to have declined a lot, but even so,

The value of this spiritual liquid is also unimaginable.

The harvest in the third secret room made everyone extremely satisfied.

After collecting the treasures in the third secret room, everyone came to the outside of the fourth secret room, and Dry Willow opened the third secret room.

Everyone looked towards the fourth secret room, wanting to see if Mrs. Gu Rui was sitting in it. "That is…". Seeing the situation in the fourth secret room, everyone's eyes suddenly froze.

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